Unveiled to commemorate the release of their second album ‘Mordrake’, Xenobiotic complete the three-part narrative project and offer the music video for ‘Part 3: Grieving the Loss of Self’.

Presenting a dense soundscape of melody and brutal riffage, Xenobiotic explain that, ‘ ‘Mordrake' is the story of a broken person: an individual destroyed by a series of harrowing circumstances, brought on by the dichotomy of twisted pathologies in both internal and external worlds. The trilogy of music videos we released is a retelling of this story in three acts: The Question, The Search and The Answer.

We would like to present you with the final act; "Grieving the Loss of Self." This song is an insight into a state of being completely lost, of waking up alone to find nothing but a corrupted spirit consumed by dissonance. This is doubtlessly the heaviest, darkest and most relentless music ever written by this band, driven by rage, paranoia and the recurrent betrayal of a broken mind'.

Check out the video below and be sure to pick up ‘Mordrake’ out now via Unique Leader Records.