Although by now this is hardly counts as news to many of you, on the fourth of January Brazilian Djentalmen Vitalism surprised the community with the release of their music video for ‘Ramaten’. Spearheaded by Brazilian guitarist Ed Garcia, the project known as Vitalism emerged almost from nowhere to claim their place among the greats of the genre with their 2015 EP entitled ‘Causa’. Although not quite a full band, the four-song strong EP quickly garnered the attention of the internet with Garcia’s playthrough of ‘Bipolarity’. Standing at around three million views on YouTube, it wasn’t long before the UK picked up on the Brazilians talents and extended a formal invitation to play at the UK Tech Fest.

From that invitation, Vitalism matured from the hopes and dreams of just one man into a fully formed band of like-minded individuals. Joined by Lucas Moscardini on guitar, Marcelo Braga on bass and Marvin Tabosa behind the kit, Vitalism took flight for the first time and proceeded to embark on their first European Tour. On the back of a successful European tour, passing through countries such as Germany, Belgium and of course the UK, Vitalism began its arduous ten-month journey to the release of their second EP under the title ‘Sy’.

Derived from the native Brazilian language of Tupi-Guarani, ‘Sy’ or ‘The Origin’ sees the band double down on technicality and pull off some neck warping string gymnastics to advance their sound to something uniquely theirs. Complete with rhythmic patterns that are sure to make your brain fall over itself trying to make sense of what it has just heard, Vitalism also successfully work to incorporate the sounds of Brazil into their instrumentally challenging soundscapes. Most prominent in the song ‘Favela’, the band are cooking with some distinctly Latin flavors until at one point the riffs dissipate and give way to a full-on samba groove before transitioning back into an emotive guitar heavy passage to bring the song to a close.

Directed by Alexandre Lima and Fábio Roque and produced by Alima Produtora Audiovisual, Vitalism take to the desert for their latest video in which we see the band perform ‘Ramaten’ against a backdrop of rolling sand dudes and prove that for a band with no vocalist, they sure do have a lot to say musically.

Be sure to catch the video below and check out their latest EP ‘Sy’.