Jarrod Alonge is back at it again and this time his deathcore parody band Vermicide Violence is getting its Pinocchio style wish granted and is being transformed from a fictitious deathcore band from LA into a real band with a real album entitled ‘The Praxis of Prophylaxis’.

Keen to do their bit to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, Vermicide Violence’s first single ‘Coronaviscerated’ is a public health information track dedicated to purveying the truth and slapping the misinformation surrounding the disease right out of your mind with a track filled with more scientific facts than your average published paper.

‘The Praxis of Prophylaxis’ is set to drop on the 17th of April via Chodezilla Records, a totally real non-satirical record label created by Alonge himself.

Be sure to check out the track below and WASH YOUR HANDS.