Taken from their forthcoming ninth studio album entitled ‘What the Dead Men Say’ due for release on the 24th of April, metal veterans Trivium are back with ‘Catastrophist’.

Featuring nods to past Trivium works, ‘Catastrophist’ comes complete with a gripping music video that sees the band follow an unnamed heroine as she struggles to escape a rigged woodland area from the comfort of a leather sofa.

In speaking of the upcoming album, Heafy commented that. ‘’What the Dead Men Say’ is everything that is Trivium. On this album, one can hear the proper ingredients of past, present, and future Trivium. The Trivium sound is having everything the band does — on one album.’

While Beaulieu stated, ‘We wanted to build on the foundation that we established with the last album. The record has all the elements that are Trivium — along with all of us wanting to keep pushing ourselves creatively. This led to a highly-inspired and fast-paced writing and recording process that really captures the energy of the band’.

Available for pre-order now, be sure to check out the video below and give us a cheeky like on Facebook and a dirty follow-on Twitter.