Colorado thrash metallers Havok unleash the first track ‘Phantom Force’ from their forthcoming album ‘V’.

Complete with riffs so razor-sharp that they slice your eardrums with all the force of a rhino at full charge, the aptly named ‘V’ will mark the bands fifth album and with the band working in more technical rhythms, represents some of the most modern sounds that we have heard from the band thus far.

In speaking of the new track guitarist Reece Scruggs comments, ‘Somewhere in the middle of writing ‘V’ we all came together and made the decision that we needed a full-blown face peeler track. I remember David saying, ‘Reign In Blood tempo’, so I came up with something almost immediately and sent it over to the guys. And aside from some subtle stylistic details, it stayed pretty true to that original concept. ‘Phantom Force’ as a first single will assure our fans and skeptics that we haven’t lost a step in making vicious, straight forward, non-gimmicked heavy metal’.

In speaking of the new album frontman David Sanchez explains that ‘A lot of experimentation went into the writing and recording of V. The album offers the same intensity that we’re known for, but with a few twists that may surprise people. The music is dense with lots of different intertwining parts and we’re beyond excited to release our best-sounding record to date’.

Be sure to stay tuned for more updates and be sure to check out the video below.