Tech death project Flub drop the second single from their upcoming self-titled debut album. With their most straight forward and aggressive offering to date, this release sees the band work with a neoclassNameical flavour as the guitars dance around each other while bouncing off the constant attack provided by the screams of Michael Alvarez.

Consisting of active members of The Rivers of Nihil, and former members of Alterbeast, Vale of Pnath and The User Lives, Flub’s self-titled album is due for release on the 7th of June via The Artisan Era.

In speaking of their upcoming album, the band previously stated that, ‘4 years and many obstacles later, we are stoked to finally be able to showcase our upcoming self-titled album under The Artisan Era brand. This album brings Flub’s strongest foot forward in all aspects. We worked to make the energy intense with complexity, yet soothing and rhythmic when appropriate. Playing with different sounds and styles to create a new realm beyond our previous releases.

The album front to back takes you for a journey and a range of emotions, embracing chaos without sacrificing melody and thought out song writing. Lyrically, each song on the album reaches back to our previously released material in some sort of way while continuing to provide new details to the overall storyline.

The story tells of a hero who has failed their mission and is left to wander the realm without a reason to carry on, the hero eventually finds themselves on the brink of death and are recalling memories of sorrow and regret in their last moments. As the hero is fading away, they are discovered by a dark entity, the entity itself offers the hero a second chance to live, he would escape death but in return, the entity will possess the hero’s body to carry out its own mission, to bring upon the end of mother nature.’

Check out the video for ‘Rise From Your Grave’ below and be sure to catch the full length upon its release on the 7th of June 2019.