Hardcore party boyz Deez Nuts release a new visualisation for ‘DTDFL4EVA’ taken from their latest album ‘You Got Me Fucked Up’. Directed by Daniel Press, the video showcases the band preforming live while intersplicing segments from the recording process and other specially crafted moments.

In speaking of their latest release, front man JJ Peters commented previously that, ‘"You Got Me Fucked Up" is the album DEEZ NUTS needed to write … It's the breath of fresh air that we and our fans have been sorely missing. The thing that stands out the most about our songwriting, our performance and vibe on this whole album: We finally got our party sound back, but not in the sense of beat to death 'party' lyrics. These songs just scream fun."

Be sure to check out the video below and be sure to pick up a copy of ’You Got Me Fucked Up’ if you haven’t already.