Pittsburgh wrecking crew Code Orange have unveiled their third single ‘Sulfur Surrounding’ taken from their upcoming full-length ‘Underneath’ due to be released on the 13th of March.

In speaking of the theme to ‘Underneath’ the bands vocalist/Drummer Jami Morgan and guitarist/vocalist Reba Meyers had the following to say. ‘I kinda see this as the third of three records, which would be our “I Am King” record, which was a lot about rebirth and finding inner confidence and projecting that. Our “Forever” record was really rooted in revenge and honestly a lot of bitterness and taking that out and taking your swing. And this one’s a lot about self-reflection and trying to understand that monster that you’ve built up inside to protect yourself, in order to become, hopefully, what you need to’.

As for the bands approach, Morgan commented that ‘People are always asking how can you do something new with metal or heavy music. And our answer was let’s keep the raw, hard, passionate elements of hard, heavy music and not water that down. But find a way to layer it in the way that records in other genres are layered, whether its hip hop or electronic music or scores or…

A lot of metal and heavy music, it’s like a piece of paper and it could be an awesome drawing that you think is great, but it’s flat. And it sounds that way. It comes at you all from the same place. We wanted this to come at you the way that other kinds genres come at you—which is from everywhere, but keep what we love about metal, which is the ass on it and the hardness’.

Be sure to check out the track below.