

Wovenwar - 2014

Honor Is Dead - 2016


Wovenwar - 2014


We aren't born,
we aren't born with hatred,
judgement or prejudices
They are woven,
they're woven in the influences we let upon us
We aren't born

-All Rise-

Oh you feel the hunters gaze
A shadow even in the dark of night
Scheming your early grave

He's going to leave you dead or dying
Draining all the blood he craves
You never thought you'd be meat for the market
What'd you expect when you sold your name

You have the chance to rise again
To cast the light that hides within
You have the chance to be a man
To rise again
You have the chance to be a man
So cast the light that hides within

Oh when courage takes its hold
You face down all the would be masters
And break the ties that bind your goals

This is going to be the moment
Your blood wakes and fills your veins
Stand tall with your strength defy them
Become your own fate

You have the chance to rise again
To cast the light that hides within
You have the chance to be a man
To rise again
You have the chance to be a man
So cast the light that hides within

Who stands the storm and faces
The horrors that darkness breeds
Who will take the life they're given
And cast light for all to see

Who stands the storm if not the brave?
What's built from cowards that we praise?
Who stands the storm if not the brave?

You have the chance to rise again
To cast the light that hides within
You have the chance to be a man
To rise again
You have the chance to be a man
So cast the light that hides within

-Death To Rights-

I watch the wonder
creeping over all the walls we've made
A tragic sly cascade
And I watch it flood away from any candle's flame
With wick entwined of late

Can't keep a fire in rain

And the worst of it all is that you know me
And you know that I will fall for it every time
When we collide it's death to rights

Sooner or later we will find new winds
to carry home the hearts we've turned to stone
And I pray they're strong enough to
weather gems from cindered coal that you have left to smoke

Burned out before the stoke

And the worst of it all is that you know me
And you know that I will fall for it every time
When we collide it's death to rights

How many will we leave wondering?

It's starts we never finish
And ends we never start
How many lives will break upon our callous hearts?
Will break upon our callous hearts

And the worst of it all is that you know me
And you know that I will fall for it every time
When we collide
Fall for it every time
When we collide it's death to right


I'm watching them all fly by
Reaching the greatest heights in my dreams find
I'm needing first a leap to climb

I await the day the stars won't seem so far away
and greet a sun the darkened clouds have kept at bay
But until then, until then

My wings they unfold in a storming gale
The tempest calls for my flight to fail
When gravity beckons with its hold
In spite of all the horizon sends wind to take me home

I'll build my throne from broken bones
Defeats I've known and deeds I left untold
My story I s the storm

I await the day the stars won't seem so far
away and greet a sun the darkened clouds have kept at bay
But until then, until then

My wings they unfold in a storming gale
The tempest calls for my flight to fail
When gravity beckons with its hold
In spite of all the horizon sends wind to take me home

I've seen them shine, seen the rise and fall
Yet kept my course and fared through it all,
yet through it all, it all

I've seen them shine, seen them rise and fall
Yet kept my course and fared through it all

My wings they unfold in a storming gale
The tempest calls for my flight to fail
When gravity beckons with its hold
In spite of all the horizon sends wind to take me home,
the horizon sends wind to take me home

-The Mason-

No thought is given to the consequences
Just the need to see what might become
It's like we need to sabotage all of the love in our lives
To prove control is so far from undone

And I, I have caved in, again
But I, I'm building from the wreckage

We bend, we break, we're forced to heal
The toll it takes in time revealed

A truth is shown to usher in deliverance
For the weight of the past I can't tow
But like the river where the soul is shaped and withers my home
To a place I barely know

We bend, we break, we're forced to heal
The toll it takes in time revealed
The trial awakes and then creates or tears us down
We bend, we break, we learn to heal
Failings I claim for mason hands to shape
So strike away the grip of past mistakes

And I, I have caved in, again
But I, I have caved in again but

We bend, we break, we're forced to heal
The toll it takes in time revealed
The trial awakes and then creates or tears us down
We bend, we break, we learn to heal
Failings I claim for mason hands to shape
So strike away the grip of past mistakes

-Moving Up-

Words that carry me through
the length of silences between every day and night
They echo and they slight
Just melodies for any and everyone

So who hears your secret song
that warrants its saving?

Your version of our time
The way I kept you down
And how moving on is moving up
So burdened and resigned
Your light was fading out
Easier in than out of...

Here we go again
The call rings out and finds me answering
An air I loathe to hear with meanings left unclear
Just melodies for any and everyone

So who hears your secret
song that warrants its saving?

Your version of our time
The way I kept you down
And how moving on is moving up
So burdened and resigned
Your light was fading out
Easier in than out of, easier in than out of...

So reckless with my weakness
Now guarded with your secrets

So reckless with my weakness,
I'm not falling again
Now guarded with your secrets,
I'm not falling again

Your version of our time
The way I kept you down
And how moving on is moving up
So burdened and resigned
Your light was fading out
Easier in than out of...

Your version of our time
The way I kept you down
And how moving on is moving up
So burdened and resigned
Your light was fading out
Easier in than out of, easier in than out of...

So who hears your secret song that warrant its saving?

-Sight Of Shore-

Wish I could be the pen
that writes the end you'll know
Or be the ink that will dry over the lines you stole
Wish I could sew the rope they'll wrap around your throat
Or be the push that will pull you off your throne

Wish I didn't care
Wish I knew if there's a place I can go inside me
To drown the vengeance I'm owed
Or will it burn?
Or will I burn away?

Wish I could be the knife that cuts the ties you hold
Wish I could be the flame consuming all you love
Wish I could tie the weight before the plank is strolled
And I could watch as you sink in sight of shore

(Wish I knew) if there's a place I can go inside me
To drown the vengeance I'm owed
Or will it burn?
Or will I burn away?

Wish I didn't care
Wish I knew if... when the smoke has cleared
Wish I didn't care
Wish I knew if...

...If there's a place I can go inside me
To drown the vengeance I'm owed
Or will it burn?
Or will I burn away?

-Father / Son-

We aren't sons of our fathers sins
We don't inherit iniquities
We aren't heirs to thrones of greed
We don't wear the gold they've thieved and schemed

You don't choose your name
Just what you leave in your wake
We are born, all of us, innocent
We don't wear the wounds of a dying man

No ties no allegiance to majesties
No veil to blind your reasoning
No script rehearsed in all you speak
Own your words in the voice you sing

You don't choose your name
Just what you leave in your wake
We are born, all of us, innocent
We don't wear the wounds of a dying man


No cause to fight for buried kings
Let be what legions they've conceived
No oaths to swear or give repeat
All words are yours to ink and sing

You don't choose your name
Just what you leave in your wake


I'm not the one you've read about
I'm not your sanctuary seat
I'm not the one they've told you about
I've never claimed to be of your belief

Yet the claims keep coming
The elaborate stories
When you dig up dirt it's your hands to be cleaned

And you are filthy from the grave you dig

I am a calloused hand from gripping the rock
I am short a feathered wing for the flock
But I'm not weathered from
your weightless voices bearing witness

I am not a hallow sound or a glorifying light of deeds
And I am not a conscience found reciting lines down on my knees

And there's no mistaking all of you who fake it
When you dig up dirt it's your hands to be cleaned

And you are filthy from the grave you dig

I am a calloused hand from gripping the rock
I am short a feathered wing for the flock
But I'm not weathered from your
weightless voices bearing witness

I am a calloused hand from gripping the rock
I am short a feathered wing for the flock
But I'm not weathered from your weightless
voices bearing witness,
your weightless voices bearing witness

Can we not

I am not a barricade
I'm just a different way to think
So make no mistake
I'm not your profane

I am a calloused hand from gripping the rock
I am short a feathered wing for the flock
But I'm not weathered from
your weightless voices bearing witness

I am a calloused hand from gripping the rock
I am short a feathered wing for the flock
But I'm not weathered from your weightless
voices bearing witness,
your weightless voices bearing witness


We spent a decade building
a band of brothers to the bone, and it showed
From the reef's kiss calling to the resistance rise we wrote
We walked through fire blind
The march echoes for all time

But now the seasons changing
The turning tide
I've raised my sail to coming storm or calm alike

We honed a humble phalanx to
raze the arrogance in foes, and it showed
We found a fraud in a Bishop,
and built a nation of flawed sons
We walked through fire blind
The march echoes for all time

But now the seasons changing
The turning tide
I've raised my sail to coming storm or calm alike
And though my vessels lone-manned
with brazen broken hull
The waves will never take an
armored archer core, an armored archer core

A means to believe
A reverie I couldn't reach
Never made a difference to me

Go on, our brother
You've only just begun
Live long with honor
From our fire you are born

But now the seasons changing
The turning tide
I've raised my sail to coming storm or calm alike
And though my vessels
lone-manned with brazen broken hull
The waves will never take an armored archer core

But now the seasons changing
The turning tide
I've raised my sail to coming storm or calm alike,
storm or calm alike, storm or calm alike

-Ruined Ends-

simple thing
A silver gilded link we long to make
To forge our chains and hope they hold the weight
Of a sworn vow to never let down
To never separate

Or so we say

No heart in our words
No faith to be nurtured
Makes fools of us all
Defaces our nature
Creating a cancer consuming what was loved alive,
loved alive, loved alive

A simple taste
"It doesn't mean a thing to me" they say
Just another drink or two to numb the pain
Of a torn vow, to never let down
To never separate

No heart in our words
No faith to be nurtured
Makes fools of us all
Defaces our nature
Creating a cancer consuming what was loved alive,
loved alive, loved alive

Surrendered in ruined ends

Or so we say

No heart in our words
No faith to be nurtured
Makes fools of us all
Defaces our...

No heart in our words
No faith to be nurtured
Makes fools of us all
Defaces our nature
Creating a cancer consuming what was loved alive,
loved alive, loved alive,
loved alive, loved alive


All your merits worth
showing are in the weight of a palm
From the hand you've been holding
and what's left to pass on

Just as you are there's little offered at all
So fasten tight to your gripping

Pinned to a sleeve
Posing for all to see
With no mark to call your own
Nothing is yours, yours to leave
Beyond who you please

What copels you is gleaming from the glare of a crown
When you cling to lights beaming
It always keeps what you have to shine down

Just as you are there's little offered at all
So fasten tight to your gripping

Pinned to a sleeve
Posing for all to see
With no mark to call your own
Nothing is yours, yours to leave
Beyond who you please

The faithless will always forget,
a heartbeat for wants in their head
Forlorn wit needs never met
The blame's on us who'd woven the thread

Pinned to a sleeve
Posing for all to see
With no mark to call your own
Nothing is yours, yours to leave
But if you pin to belief
Own an identity and a mark to call your own
Something that's yours could be seized
Beyond who you please

-Matter Of Time-

Pull back the curtain
The one behind it has a different face
The inner workings, the gears are turning
at a different pace

Time will change us all

The more that you question
The more the answers aren't
what you want to hear

We fight to conceal the truth,
but it's all a matter of time, of time
The years wasted, persuaded to
smile when it feels so wrong inside, inside

Honesty or deception?
You can only hide it for so long
But we choose to be silent; stick to the story

We fight to conceal the truth,
but it's all a matter of time, of time
The years wasted, persuaded to
smile when it feels so wrong inside, inside

How can we let ourselves continue this routine?
The artificial beat of a heart that's long since ceased

We fight to conceal the truth,
but it's all a matter of time, of time
The years wasted, persuaded to smile
when it feels so wrong inside,
inside, inside

We fight to conceal the truth,
but it's all a matter of time


There's a height I couldn't reach
Though I bought the wings to carry me
There's a feeling never found
Though I bought the words to bring it out
But then maybe I was better naive
Maybe I was better when I couldn't see
I felt the water over me
A cold and lonely welcoming
Not a sign they said I'd find,
nor the warmth of the sire's hand in mine
But then maybe I was better naive
Maybe I was better when I couldn't see

I have seen a friend-turned-martyr bleed
And for what?
For what a stranger taught to us?
With no authority to speak?

It's always the loudest who
voice only their ignorance
With no authority to speak?

The rock should be an anchor for the weak
Not this
This unfulfilling
This subtle guilting
A prophet of sympathy...

With no authority to speak

It's always the loudest who
voice only their ignorance
With no authority to speak?
And no sense in reasoning

Maybe I was better naive
Maybe I was better when I couldn't see



Honor Is Dead - 2016


I call it a phase,
I call it a phase
But bottoms of bottles are killing the pain
I call it a phase,
I call it a phase
When no one’s looking,
I take in all I can
I kiss the bottle until I can’t stand
And wake up grieving,
and by noon I won’t care
I’ll count the minutes til’ I’ll start again
What have I become?
Have I come undone?

What fills the hollow?
Distills the venom I need
So hard to swallow
The fact I need to be free
One turns to twenty, and now I’m interesting
I’m in control,
I’m not one for restraint
My compass spinning,
hell bent on making mistakes
You cannot hurt when you cannot feel a thing
The past has taught me I won’t remember a thing
I’ll trade a night
cap for some apathy
And wake up grieving,
and by noon I won’t care
I count the minutes til’ I start again.


What will it take?
Give a man more than due, he’ll laud you all his day
But give him less than he mused,
oh god, you’re idol waste
What will finally earn your grace?

Are you not entertained?
When your expectations ride
on the backs of promised lies
Showing your worth is almost a
curse that leaves you high and dry
What of ends long pursued,

scaled, and weighed for praise?
Heart regressed to follow suit,
the art has lost its way
What will finally suit the taste?
Are you not entertained?

Tell me what’s the point of this?
I’m lost in censorship
Tell me what’s the point of this?
I am lost
What will it take? Are you not entertained?

-Honor Is Dead-

Life and death are shaking
hands with no regard for my futile plans
I’ve licked the wounds and tasted red,
nothing can mend me now that honor’s dead
With life and death in every breath,

I hope I chose the words that sell us best
I’ve made my bed in the viper’s den,
nothing can save me now that honor’s dead
I can’t rely on this anymore
I watched them weave the noose around me,

I watched them raise the gallows high
Never saw the fools that hung before me
Never saw a warning sign
My face is turning blue
From up here it’s the best view
My neck is breaking from my own weight,
and I’m supposed to say thank you

-Lines In The Sand-

Some men are born to reap the harvest
Some men are born to sow the seed
The lines between them are all drawn in
The lie between them is belief

If only we had eyes to see
The lines blurring

Fall in line if you're willing
Defend these shores to the bitter end
Everyone's got a reason
To name the victims and the villains
But who drew lines into the sand?

Does anyone know why we're fighting?
Does anyone know the other side?
The lines between us are all drawn by
The lies that we choose to believe

If only we had eyes to see
The lines blurring

Fall in line if you're willing
Defend these shores to the bitter end
Everyone's got a reason
To name the victims and the villains
But who drew lines into the sand?

Does anyone know the other side?

To build a wall
Between us all
It's our downfall
It's our downfall

Fall in line if you're willing
Defend these shores to the bitter end
Everyone's got a reason
To name the victims and the villains

Fall in line if you're willing
Defend these shores to the bitter end
Everyone's got a reason
To name the victims and the villains
But who drew lines into the sand?
But who drew lines into the sand?

-World On Fire-

The world has lost its mind
These are the liars leading legions of the blind
And no one seems to see the cliff in sight
Are we too far gone to save our lives?

Our house on sand is sinking
How are we surprised?
Senseless is now a virtue to live by
Fools we are
Drawing from a well run dry
Fools we are
Defending truths we know are lies

Is there more than just performance in their show?
Either back in the hand you hold or learn to fold
Are we too far gone to change our minds?
Self destruction in the name of progress
Oh, I see the end, I see it
Where do we go from here?

Because faith is running thin
Just look around the world is on fire


My sails are torn and I’m lost at sea
The stars refuse to guide me
The ocean’s churning and I’m burning to see
What horrors await me
Hold my breath

Waiting, watching for a break in the storm
For a course worth a chance
All I am is whipping in the wind
For too long I’ve let it take me where it will
I see the waves building out of my view

I see the depths past the blackness
There’s no surprises left to throw at me
What’s another storm to sail?
What’s the difference?

When the sea has taken all from me
What’s the difference?
I’m indifferent

-Stones Thrown-

All the headlines read of tragedies
Force fed to fuel the hate
All the headlines read of tragedies
Stones thrown to separate
Wake up, wake up
A stone thrown to separate
Wake up
All talk is cheap
When from the screen
But we believe it all

If the mainstream’s reach is what you preach
Whose pockets are you filling?
If the mainstream’s reach is what you preach
Whose pockets are you filling?
Further and further they divide us and conquer
Wake up and stand up, we’re in this together


Our time is borrowed and forced
We atrophy in your ascension for more
The writing on the wall is fading
Cascading down and blacking out our light
We atrophy in your ascension for more
The words are weighed to chapters closing
The pages kept the ones who lost their stride
I see you’ve written out the

lines upon the course you’d have us ride
But what if we refuse to sign?
I won’t follow you down
You fan the flames to torch the future
While I watch you burn it to the ground
You fan the flames to torch the future
I think I found the answer to the question
Maybe moving on is our salvation
It’s pulling teeth to start again
Lines still remain

Suspend your sentence
An open-ended story you would bind
This ink we bleed is drawn from knowing
You’d lose the plot in trying to survive
Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Is this your self-fulfilling prophecy?


You’ve got a way of
finding peace in being incomplete
A silhouette you exhibit,
so you’ll never have to claim defeat
Somehow, someway,

someone found a reason to betray
Maybe I can be your shelter,
maybe I can be safety
But this silhouette you exhibit
will never let you be complete
Somehow, someway,

someone chose to throw this love…
Away from this
You can find me waiting
When you’re ready
Away from this

Lay your torment down
I am with you now
Somehow, someway we’ll find a way to love again
Lay your torment down
It’s OK, I’m with you now, I’m with you now


Blood letter
On a parchment so clean
But day by day the stainless
Fades from white to glory
Blood letter
Penned with pleading hands
A dialect of neglectedness
I’ll never understand
She’s writing red calligraphy
On the razors edge between
Hope and loss and out of ink
Blood letter

Doesn’t wear it on her sleeve
But knows the brush and depth to cut
To make the canvas bleed
Blood letter
Emblazoned on her skin
A gallery of tempt and pain
For which there is no end
She’s writing red calligraphy
On the razors edge between
Hope and loss and out of ink
A badge of honor

Or a wound that’s festering
I want to understand
Why won’t she let me in?
A cry for help is now bleeding out
I should have known
That it wasn’t a show
She’s writing red calligraphy
On the razors edge between
Hope and loss and out of ink
A badge of honor

Or a wound that’s festering
I want to understand
Why won’t she let me in?
A cry for help is now bleeding out


Explosions shake the city
I thought it was part of the show
A craven is screaming prayers
In a tongue that I don’t know
Paris lights are winking out
I can hear the city scream
While the faithful are rejoicing
In the sound of tragedy

Find me one reason worth this hate
One reason worth this endless violence
Find me more one reason worth this hate
Because I have 130 reasons to change
This stage should be a temple
Where anyone can sing
Yet we are one divided
Waging war over beliefs
Paris lights are winking out
I can hear the city scream

While the faithful are rejoicing
In the sound of tragedy
Find me one reason worth this hate
One reason worth this endless violence
Find me more one reason worth this hate
Because I have 130 reasons to change
Parents’ cries are ringing out

While their sons and daughters bleed
And the faithful are rejoicing
In the sound of tragedy

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

Anything Missing? Anything You Want To Add?

Email: metalmashupcontact@gmail.com

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