

The Revenant King - 2015

The Conqueror's Oath - 2018


The Revenant King - 2015

-The Revenant King-

Out across the foothills they rode
Banners as black as their souls
As a winter sky loomed above
Pale as the wind-driven snow
I have seen this day in my dreams
The hour of my doom drawing nigh

Black blades of treachery draw forth my aging blood
And I fall, dying on the cold stones of my throne

Retake the usurper's throne
The blades of our fallen burst forth with the revenant's breath
Destined to fight, even in death
These are the bones that they thought they had shattered
But we'll never rest

Immortal blood courses through my veins
I won't be denied; your battle's lost in vain
I have returned to reclaim my rightful throne
From realms beyond the waking world
We'll rend your flesh from bone

There the young man sits on my throne
Surrounded by ill-gotten gains
Ebon hair and eyes black like coal
Murder and thievery his way
I see the horror gripping his mind
As we descend on his ranks

A thousand men they thought they had killed ride out from the woods
And our steel thirsts for betrayers' flesh and blood

Retake the usurper's throne
The blades of our fallen burst forth with the revenant's breath
Destined to fight, even in death
These are the bones that they thought they had shattered
But we'll never rest

Immortal blood courses through my veins
I won't be denied; your battle's lost in vain
I have returned to reclaim my rightful throne
From realms beyond the waking world
We'll rend your flesh from bone

We traveled realms beyond the crystal moon
And shadowed keeps
Where mighty serpents stalked ensorcelled seas
And ice-crowned peaks
So here we are to bring your end my friend
And none shall week
Betrayal's debt paid in your foul blood
The price is steep

We are revenant
We have returned
So bow your heads
We are your doom

The hoarfrost breaks as steel-shod hooves
Make known their presence to the night
And fires rise against the starwheel, casting smoke into the sky
My bloodline was and always will be rightful heirs to this old throne
Your blood will slake the soil's thirst for sacrifice and blooded stone

Immortal blood courses through my veins
I won't be denied; your battle's lost in vain
I have returned to reclaim my rightful throne
From realms beyond the waking world
We'll rend your flesh from bone

-Dungeon Master-

Far beyond the mountains and tresses of the sea
Dark horizons black will rumble with the voice of prophecy
We are standing steadfast against a gathering dark
As our battle-iron flashes countless foul beasts will fall

Take a chance, roll the dice
Is this hell or paradise?
In this land of high adventure carve your fate
Forgotten realms, magick spells
Hallowed halls beneath the fells
He's the master of the evil in deep

He's the dungeon master

Master of evil, lord of the dark
In catacombs and blackened tomes is where is foul will is wrought
But on the field of battle, see our legions ride
Thunderous hooves like raging storms will sound across the azure sky

Take a chance, roll the dice
Is this hell or paradise?
In this land of high adventure carve your fate
Forgotten realms, magick spells
Hallowed halls beneath the fells
He's the master of the evil in deep

He's the dungeon master

We've traveled long, we've traveled far
With shining steel and morningstar
We call upon the gods of old
In ancient texts it was foretold

We are the legions who will ride into the dawn
The war will take its toll but we will carry on
So raise your banners to the sky and let us hear your battlecries
Now let the horns resound and call for victory
The hordes advance but we are fierce and we are free
So loose your arrows to the sky and raise your magick steel on high

We are the pathfinders, we are the travelers
We are the voices of steel in the night
We are the warriors, we are the sorcerers
And our magicks will light up the sky

Take a chance, roll the dice
Is this hell or paradise?
In this land of high adventure carve your fate
Forgotten realms, magick spells
Hallowed halls beneath the fells
He's the master of the evil in deep

He's the dungeon master

-Mammoth Rider-

Deep in the tundra under hyperborean skies
The vile necromancer reaps from genocide
One warrior lives, his mind is burning as they fall
He will not rest until he has avenged them all

Hail! From the wastes of they North he rides
Hail! Crushing the earth with every stride

Tale of blood and might
Mammoth rider through the night
Ancient warrior
The spear of destiny
Eyes full of hate
Gored upon the tusks of fate
Fight against the gods
The mammoth rider comes

Armed with a spear whose blade was forged from meteors
Tempered in the blood of a thousand conquerors
Heart filled with hatred for the murder of his tribe
Against the sorcerer the mammoth warrior rides

Hail! From the wastes of they North he rides
Hail! Pounds at the earth like a battle-drum

Tale of blood and might
Mammoth rider through the night
Ancient warrior
The spear of destiny
Eyes full of hate
Gored upon the tusks of fate
Fight against the gods
The mammoth rider comes

[Thus spake the necromancer:]
"Your feeble flesh bends to my will!
I've seen your future in my crystal ball
Your beast of war won't save your skin
In shrouded magicks I've forseen your fall
Your end is nigh!"

He rides out from the mountains with vengeance in his eyes
Across the rivers and valleys to where the ocean meets the skies
Against th sorcerer's army he raises his spear and shield
And calls upon his people's gods to bring him victory on the battlefield

And he rides to meet his fate

Evil magicks rend the sky
Bow to the wizard
Ancient, twisted necromancy
Spells of death

Tale of blood and might
Mammoth rider through the night
Ancient warrior
The spear of destiny
Eyes full of hate
Gored upon the tusks of fate
Fight against the gods
The mammoth rider comes

-Blood Sacrifice-

The late October moon rises through the fog
Alabaster witness to the rite
Hooded figures bowed deep within the trees
Thirteen gathered for the sacrifice

Deep in the forest thirteen hooded figures stand
The hour of the ritual is now at hand
They've gathered for the sacrifice
A gnarled hand extends above the altar stone
An incantation rises from its hoary throat
A spell invoked to claim the night

Incantation, evil magick rise

Blood sacrifice, an ancient rite
Blood sacrifice upon the altar stone
Blood sacrifice, an ancient rite
Blood sacrifice unto the pentagram

The pale moon bathes the virgin's skin in pallid light
Entranced by verses tolled from forms deep in the night
Her final breath is drawn in blood
As crimson creeps across the cracked and ancient stone
Five-pointed star ignites and belches forth black smoke
Demonic forces summoned forth

Incantation, evil magick rise

Blood sacrifice, an ancient rite
Blood sacrifice upon the altar stone
Blood sacrifice, an ancient rite
Blood sacrifice unto the pentagram

With human offal offering, we gaze into the great abyss
We summon thee, oh antichrist
This virgin's blood so red and pure will bind your will unto our own
Bow before the horned god

Rise on wings as black as night
Summoned by the sacrifice
Chaos reigns and death is come
Twisted horns eclipse the sun

The late October sky streaked with blood and fire
Yawning gateway to the underworld
From the altar the young girl rises with cold black haunted eyes
Chosen queen of a brimstone kingdom come
The reborn empress of hell

Incantation, evil magick rise

Blood sacrifice, an ancient rite
Blood sacrifice upon the altar stone
Blood sacrifice, an ancient rite
Blood sacrifice unto the pentagram

-Iron Brotherhood-

Leather black in the night
Hammers, chains, and spikes
No fear or weakness
This is the path we chose
Always true to the code
Stand beside each other

Raise your fist beside your brothers
Stand eternally proud
We are the true and the brave
Forever one with the sound
We are the Iron Brotherhood

Falsehood crushed by our will
We cannot be killed
Strength and honor immortal
Anthems rise to the sky
Brothers-in-arms unite
Our voices unified

Raise your fist beside your brothers
Stand eternally proud
We are the true and the brave
Forever one with the sound
We are the Iron Brotherhood

We walk these streets with heads held high
Eternally we march with armored hearts full of pride
We're standing strong against the world
Fight until we die

Raise your fist beside your brothers
Stand eternally proud
We are the true and the brave
Forever one with the sound
We are the Iron Brotherhood

-Necropolis (Manilla Road cover)-

Through the jungle by the river Styx
I've journeyed long and far this day
Lurking shadows in the parapets
Will never make me turn away
Darkened city veiled in crimson mist
Entombed in time without decay
Never thought it would be like this
It feels like I'm living inside a dream
But my mind tells me I'm

Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis

Now I know what it's like to be
Inside the city of the dead
All I think of is breaking free
From all the spells chained to my head
Sword and axe are my destiny
I watch the stars turning blood red
There is light yes I've got to believe
For this feels like living inside a dream
I know now that I am

Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis

I have seen your cities burning
I have felt your daughters yearning
For the peace before the tides of war
I have witnessed funeral pyres
Burning bright with man's desire
I will fight the demon horde forever more

The world is full of mysteries
That men have never seen before
Magik lives in all dynasties
The light of love shines ever more
In the crypts of Atlantean Kings
I found what I was looking for
Magik Trident of Volusia's Sea
I know it's like living inside a dream
But don't you ever get

Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis
Lost in Necropolis, lost in Necropolis


This woodland village is the only home I've ever known
Through burning tears I watch it all consumed by flames
From the south they came with iron and fire
I take my father's blade and shield into my vengeful hands
I won't lay down my sword until they've all been slain
From the north I will come with cold, hateful judgment

This tale of vengeance will be told
As written in the blood of my foes
This tale of vengeance will unfold
Before the night is done they will fall

The blood upon my hands avenges all that I have lost
But sill the battle-rage is coursing through my veins
From the south they came with iron and fire
I stand victorious above the final treacherous dog
The world becomes an empty shell now as he dies
From the north I will come with cold, hateful judgment

This tale of vengeance will be told
As written in the blood of my foes
This tale of vengeance will unfold
Before the night is done they will fall

I've been wandering for so long
Only starlight guides my way
The steel at my side has become so heavy
But still I carry on

I've been wandering for so long
Only starlight guides my way
The steel at my side has become so heavy
But still I carry on

Leaves have fallen, winter comes
The gods have left me on my own
And when the flames have turned to ashes
Still I will carry on, I will carry on

This tale of vengeance will be told
As written in the blood of my foes
This tale of vengeance will unfold
Before the night is done they will fall

Vengeance is mine

-Creature of Desire-

For a long time I have roamed
These barren, heartless streets alone
Where the burning stars seemed far away

But in the dark of night I've seen
The moon arising in my dreams
She is here and we'll set the world ablaze

Fire and steel
Smoke and burning wheels
She's my goddess of the nigh

Leather and spikes
I wanna treat her right
This warrior queen here at my side

Two wheels are burning down the road and she's on fire
And we are riding like the wind
I'm free at last and she's a creature of desire
Oh we will never kneel again

We are the rulers of the street
No submission, no retreat
We are starfire in the blazing sky

On a metal beast we ride
As we tear on through the night
We have tasted freedom and we won't die

Fire and steel
Smoke and burning wheels
She's my goddess of the nigh

Leather and spikes
I wanna treat her right
This warrior queen here at my side

Two wheels are burning down the road and she's on fire
And we are riding like the wind
I'm free at last and she's a creature of desire
Oh we will never kneel again

Two wheels are burning down the road and she's on fire
And we are riding like the wind
I'm free at last and she's a creature of desire
Oh we will never kneel again

-From the Arcane Mists of Prophecy-

Seven suns light the sky
Our time has come, at last we ride

In days when arcane magicks ripped apart the ancient sky
And mighty tyrants ruled with sorcery and steel
Where vast barbaric hordes rode out on cursed battlefields
And spilled each others' blood with chaos in their hearts

Seven suns shall rise in an endless desert sky

Across these ancient paths we ride
We feel a sorrow deep inside
Reclaim the fire in our minds
And raise our fists against the sky

The hourglass proclaims the death of ages come to pass
Forgotten sagas fade to grey mythology
Now steel and honor and usurped by cold complacency
And battles born within the vile womb of avarice

Seven suns shall rise in an endless desert sky

So from the depths of ancient ages, beneath the sun-scorched sand
An evil with no name awaits to claim the land again
And so we wait with bated breath for the rising of the seventh sun
To break the chains of our entombment
The dawn of battle comes

Beyond these walls of sand and time, bells of destiny shall chime
Out of the arcane mists of prophecy the guardians will rise
From an age of sword and shield and distant war-torn battlefield
We have returned to serve this dying realm with sorcery and steel

Across these ancient paths we ride
We feel a sorrow deep inside
Reclaim the fire in our minds
And raise our fists against the sky

All that once was, all you believed was owed to you
Has been shattered and destroyed and now at last you understand
Your redemption has come at a cost and we won't weep for what you've lost
So as our words fade into the star-filled sky
You must repent, you must reclaim

The Conqueror's Oath - 2018

-Steel and Silver-

Haunted by the shadows of the past
A owling void in my mind
Through the halls of Kaer Morhen it echoes
A remnant of memories left behind
All I have are the swords on my back
I wander but my purpose is clear
White Wolf, Vatt'ghern, Butcher they call me
I am the beast that the beasts will fear

The flames of my eyes set ablaze
Like the silence that burns in my heart
I will not stray from the code of my order
Ride the Path

By steel, by silver
I slay like a wolf in the night
By steel, by silver
I slay, runes of power be my light
By steel, by silver
I slay like a wolf in the night
By steel, by silver
I slay, for the wolf is I

Solitude, my companion on the Path
Though I am shunned I am free
For the failings of civilization
Have proven more savage than any beast
As the fires of Novigrad roar
And the stakes of hypocrisy burn
I have felt the hammer of prejudice
Cast by humanity down from its throne

The flames of my eyes set ablaze
Like the silence that burns in my heart
I will not stray from the code of my order
Ride the Path

By steel, by silver
I slay like a wolf in the night
By steel, by silver
I slay, runes of power be my light
By steel, by silver
I slay like a wolf in the night
By steel, by silver
I slay, for the wolf is I

Fear this night
Silver is light, be my guide

Ride out across the Temerian plains
Ride into bloodshed, forever be changed
Dark visions haunt me from cold cosmic realms
Winter eternally reigns
Clad in black iron with hoods rimed in frost
Weilding black magicks form dark spheres beyond
Legions of spectres take fleght in the sky
Winter eternally reigns

By steel, by silver
I slay like a wolf in the night
By steel, by silver
I slay, runes of power be my light
By steel, by silver
I slay like a wolf in the night
By steel, by silver
I slay, for the wolf is I

-Warrior Queen-

She feels the frost and the fire
She feels the roar of desire
Feed her blazing will to live

She'll never fall, never falter
She spills her blood on the altar
Sacrifice for victory
War and destiny

Above a winter battlefield
Thunder sings her name
Warrior queen, forged in steel
Tempered in the flames of war
Fierce and free, fearless conqueror
Goddess of the metal storm

She is the throat of the lion
She is the teeth of defiance
Bared against the skeins of fate

She is the wings of the raven
Against the winds of enslavement
On the field she stands alone
She's come to claim the throne

Across a winter battlefield
She rides with swords and chains

Warrior queen, forged in steel
Tempered in the flames of war
Fierce and free, fearless conqueror
Goddess of the metal storm
Warrior queen

Cold silence rolls across
The field like a parting kiss
And sorrow fills her aching heart
She marches through the fog
All hope and glory lost
But she came all this way
And she raises a fist to the sky

Hail the coming of the conqueror
Hail the forging of the warrior
She stands alone

Warrior queen, forged in steel
Tempered in the flames of war
Fierce and free, fearless conqueror
Goddess of the metal storm
Warrior queen

-Outlive Them All-

I am the seeker of knowledge beyond space and time
Hounded by merciless hunters eternal in life
Over the oceans and far from my home
Landscapes of war and silence I roam
I feel a fire that burns in my soul
Stoked by the winds of the end

Fear my highland steel
There can be only one
Bow your head and kneel
I'll outlast the moon and the sun
Fear my highland steel
There can be only one
Bow your head and kneel
Outlive them all, there can be only one

Combat my purpose in life, by the sword I will die
Standing alone I am claiming the ultimater prize
Battlefields echo the clash of our blades
On through the ages, fury and rage
This city skyline bears witness tonight
The time of convergence is nigh

Fear my highland steel
There can be only one
Bow your head and kneel
I'll outlast the moon and the sun
Fear my highland steel
There can be only one
Bow your head and kneel
Outlive them all, there can be only one

Storming the castles of eternity
The blessing and the curse of immortality
I feel the quickening, it is the key
My soul is the gate, and it is opening

The cosmic fire burning silver and cold
Grants me visions from beyond
I am omega, I'm indomitabel
My mind at one with space and time

Fear my highland steel
There can be only one
Bow your head and kneel
I'll outlast the moon and the sun
Fear my highland steel
There can be only one
Bow your head and kneel
Outlive them all, there can be only one


Out fom the slave pits
By combat's savage rite
You'll claim your destiny
On iron wings you'll fly

Heralded by
The thunder of hooves
Galloping hard through the rain
Fight for your life as battle arrives
You won't give in to the pain

Never to worship
Never to kneel
It's time now to sunderthe chains
Never to bow for you won't pledge fealty
Never to live as a slave

Hear our voices
Warleader lead us to war
feel the fire
The power to fight ever more
Hear our voices
Warleader lead us to war
Feel the fire
The power to fight evermore

You're hammerforged
You are the anvil
You are the blade
You'll ride and you'll fight to the end
Nothing can stand in your way but yourself
Conquer your doubt and ascend

Never to worship
Never to kneel
It's time now to sunderthe chains
Never to bow for you won't pledge fealty
You will not live as a slave

Hear our voices
Warleader lead us to war
feel the fire
The power to fight ever more
Hear our voices
Warleader lead us to war
Feel the fire
The power to fight evermore

Heat the steel
Feed the flames
Forge your fate
Break the chains

Hear our voices
Warleader lead us to war
feel the fire
The power to fight ever more
Hear our voices
Warleader lead us to war
Feel the fire
The power to fight evermore
Your hammerforged

-Traitor's Gate-

Cold is the crown of death
Fear in its chilling brath
Howls like wraiths upon the wind

Watch with weeping eyes
Flames on a bleeding sky
I have seen true betrayal

Sorrow fills my soul
Reforged by the cold flames of hate
Past the point off no return

Vengeance guide my hand
Brothersno more, in single combat we stand
So draw your final breath
Bitter is the end

Fly throug the traitors' gate
I am the reaver that rides on the cold winds of hate
So fear my return

Stars, be my blazing guide
Lighting my way like torches that murders the night
Fear my return

Betrayer, deceiver
My words are a sword of cleandsing flame
Betrayer, deceiver
I vomit a course upon your name

Open the Traitors' Gate
So fear my return, I am the hammer of fate

Blood like a ruby curse
Stabwounds ensconced in my spine like a diadem's jewels
Dread crown upon my brow

Die now like the dog you are
Slain by my hand but the doing was no-one's but yours
I am the face aof all that you've done

Betrayer, deceiver
My words are a sword of cleandsing flame
Betrayer, deceiver
I vomit a course upon your name

Open the Traitor's Gate
So fear my return, I am the hammer of fate

By spite and thunder
Torn asunder
No tomorrow
Now that I've seen what you are I can only bring
Spite and thunder
Feral hunter
Death shall stalk you
No mercy lefft in my heart and I'll never back down

Silent I stand, grim as the winter night's jaws
Thus I descend, ironclad in my resolve
So make your peace
With every god that abandoned you on your last night
Reap now what you've sown
I am the scythe, I am the revenant blade
Weep now, welcome death

Betrayer, deceiver
My words are a sword of cleandsing flame
Betrayer, deceiver
I vomit a course upon your name

Open the Traitor's Gate
So fear my return, I am the hammer of fate

Die, traitor, die
Look me in the eye
Die, coward, die
As I take your life

-Salt City-

Shadows are banished form the
Darkened thrones they took above our valley city
Slain by a shimmering midnight dawn of neon lights
Revel in the warmth of summer nights
Don't think of sorrows that we left behind
We it the sidewalk and we hold our heads up high

Salt City livin', this is the place that we call home
Salt City livin', we ride beneath the mountain thrones
Salt City livin', this towen is ours to take tonight
Salt City livin', we won't rest until the morning's light

Now driving high across the 80
I can see beyond the setting sun
The city lights below a sea of burning stars
So grab a Wasatch, knock it back
And don't forget to grab a few for us
The night is young and so are we and that's enough

Salt City livin', this is the place that we call home
Salt City livin', we ride beneath the mountain thrones
Salt City livin', this towen is ours to take tonight
Salt City livin', we won't rest until the morning's light

Salt City livin', this is the place that we call home
Salt City livin', we ride beneath the mountain thrones
Salt City livin', this towen is ours to take tonight
Salt City livin', we won't rest until the morning's light

-Blades in the Night-

I did not choose this life but here I stand
With temperd steel I will repay their betrayals this night
Into the reaches of the shadowland
With demon-fire burning deep in my heart I will fight

Fom darkness I rise, a wraith in the black
In cover of night, prepare for attack

Blades in the night
The darkness I ride, in the shadows I fight
Blades in the night
The darkness I ride, in the shadows I fight

I'm never seen unless I wish to be
So fear the twilightfall for I am the fist of the moon
I have no time to dwell on sorrows now
This is my path, by fury cursed
And by vengeance consumed

From darkness I rise, a wraith in the black
In cover of night, prepare for attack

Blades in the night
The darkness I ride, in the shadows I fight
Blades in the night
The darkness I ride, in the shadows I fight

I am the razor wind that whispers through the trees
With this ancestral blad, I'll conquer any foe
My vengeance will be swift and silent, my judgement deft

From darkness I rise, a wraith in the black
In cover of night, prepare for attack

Blades in the night
The darkness I ride, in the shadows I fight
Blades in the night
The darkness I irde, in the shadows I fight

-The Conqueror's Oath-

Do you ever feel
That your life was meant to be so much more
As if your soul is lost and far from home
Dashed like a wayward ship
An the rocks of a distant shore

Be still our hearts
And come the flood
Sing through our souls
Like thunder and blood

Stand and swear the conqueror's oath
May your name and deeds live on
Stand and swear the conqueror's oath
Let the ancient fire burn

Are you content
With the life that you lead
Or does a yearning for glory and conquest
Haunt you in fitful sleep

Nothing will change
If you don't take up your arms
And ride unfettered into the unknown
With pride in your heart

Be still our hearts
And come the flood
Sing through our souls
Like thunder and blood

Thrones on the mountains calling your name
Thundering hammers forging you fate
Cut your own path to victory's gates
Never let go of the flame
Purpose nd passion, metal and might
Out of the darkness, into the light
Never again will despair take your life
Ride with fire, conquering the night

Aging warrior, looking back at the life that you've led
Can you say with confidence that you would do it again?
For one day you'll be gone, and all that lives on
Is the honour of thy name and the deeds that you've done

Be still our hearts
And come the flood
Sing through our souls
Like thunder and blood

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

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