

Great Is Our Sin - 2016

The Outer Ones - 2018


Great Is Our Sin - 2016

-Arbiters Of The Apocalypse-

Pestilence, herald of sickness
Exordium of our doom
Consuming both the old and the young
Precious innocents stillborn in the womb

The first of the plagues befallen man
This woeful curse brought forth by our own hands

Broken are the seals, commence the end times
Open the gates of destruction

Battles abound on marches war
Hear the galloping hooves of the horsemen
Carnage divine, the four shall align
Apocalyptic judgement

A black shadow cast across the land
Feast your eyes on the scales of starvation
Famine devours all
Fulfilling this prophecy of deprivation

The arbiters of the apocalypse come to claim what they are owed
Now death reigns triumphant, no god will have mercy on our souls

-Theatre Of Horror-

Dragged before the blood court
Soon his fate shall be sealed
Will he be hanged from the gallows or broken upon the wheel?

The white staff of justice breaks before the condemned
And so it has been decreed by the sword he shall meet his end

Marched through the streets in your own funeral procession
The crimson banner, your epitaph
The bloodthirsty mob demands his head

Theatre of horror
A macabre spectacle

The final act in this drama of sin

The executioner awaits the command with sharpened steel in hand
Ready the sword, the time has come to render justice unto the damned
Smite at his neck, sever the head
Arterial spray showers the crowd in a brilliant flash of red
Hands tightly bound behind your back
The crowd awaiting your final gasp
The bloodthirsty mob demands his head
Horrified spectators behold brutality
Grotesque entertainment, morbid curiosity

-Monolithic Ignorance-

A doomsday declaration the signs we cannot ignore
The oceans start to boil the dead wash up on our shores
Rivers flow with toxins sickening all in their wake
Swallowing the poison, savour its virulent taste

Foolishly we followed our rulers into the abyss
Critical mass no turning back we’ve fallen over the precipice

Monolithic ignorance
Devoid of intelligence
Devolved comprehension
Reversed progression

Extinction rates growing mankind in a pestilent blight
Cancerous, the disease spreads devouring all life
The earth a barren wasteland, sulphurous smoke blacks out the skies
A dead planet now expires before our dying eyes

Those who sought to rule this realm have only meddled with it
The errors of their foolish schemes have brought about our ruin

-Crumbling Imperium-

Dominion spread too thin
Leaders becoming madmen
Means to an end
Pendulum swings again

A certainty
One day what is will not be
A world of entropy
Unravelling society

Trepidation fractures the core
Violent upheaval on the brink of a civil war

Crumbling imperium
All Empires fall in time
Crumbling imperium
Advent of our demise

Castles of sand
Scattered to the wind
Empty hourglass
A new age to begin
Foolhardy kings
Drunk with power
Fallen republic
Spiralling downwards

Civilization in ruins
A world left smouldering
Havoc and terror afflicting all
Downward we spiral, bedlam ensues
Flames growing higher
Witness the empires fall


Bow before he, worship on bended knee
Consecrated, the host on which you feed
Hungrily awaiting the feast
A congregation of cannibal devotees

Place your lips to the chalice of the divine
Revel in the glory of this turpitude
Eat of my flesh and drink of my blood
These gifts I bear for you

Enter into this cannibal covenant
Through this sacrifice we all are one
Receive the human Eucharist
Unholy communion
My body and blood your victuals
Anthropophagus ritual

-The Exaltation-


-Profanum Vulgus-

Obelisks of avarice, building towers of vanity
Shielded from consequence in opulent majesty

I shall avert my gaze
From the profanum vulgaris
Shunning the needy and the lame
Those fit only to serve us
Corpulent gluttons prepare for the feast
Ravenous hunger, the dine on the weak

Egotist your avarice knows no bounds
Still you sit indignant on your throne of greed
Covetous hoarder of wealth, your lust for gold so obscene
Yet emptiness still fills you inside, the blight of the soulless king

Vultures circling above the carrion
Corpses picked clean in a lightless dawn

Predators of rapacity
Insatiable voracity

Manipulators expand the divide
Pitiful plebeians, the common herd I decry

-Copernican Heresy-

heretic on trial for the crime of truth
I stand accused before thee
Orthodox inquisitors demand punishment for this blasphemy

Zealots cry out for blood
Forked tongues decree the holy word
Sentenced to the pyre
Injustice must be served

Suppression of knowledge

Questioning the origins of the cosmos and pondering our place within
Intimidation tactics, recant or face imprisonment

Unrepentant and defiant against this ignorant theocracy
A theorist in search of answers engulfed by the flames of hypocrisy

Abolishment of wisdom

-Only The Spineless Survive-

Devolved wriggling monstrosities
roam through these halls
Subservient and cowering
Contorted bent backwards remove the spine
See the larvae slithering

Writhe in submission, you sold your souls for gold
Obedient to their overlords, in the grips of their master's control

Serpent's venom has become their wine

Drink deeply from the poison cup
Intoxicated and so easily coerced
Drunk on the power that corrupts

Only the spineless survive in this realm of greed
Only the spineless survive and now the gluttonous worms will feed

Bought and sold
Corruption takes hold
Bought and sold
Systematic control

-Cleaving Giants Of Ice-

Mountainous guardians
Sentient beings of the north
Man, the ultimate betrayer
Shattering this crystalline realm

Adversaries of Jotunheim
Strike their spears into hearts of ice

Oh, the folly of man
Forever stained, the blood on our hands

Glacial ablation, calving into the sea
Frostbitten giants drowning amongst the debris

Adversaries of Jotunheim
Strike their spears into hearts of ice
Written in the thaw
The epitaph of all mankind

Fractured arctic continent
Extinction imminent

-Altar Of Sacrifice-

Waiting the hour destined to die
Here on the table of hell
A figure in white unknown by man
Approaching the altar of death
High priest awaiting dagger in hand
Spilling the pure virgin blood
Satan's slaughter, ceremonial death
Answer his every command

Death will come easy just close your eyes
Dream of the friends you'll see
Heavenly failure losing again
Move on to a new form of life

Altar of sacrifice, curse of the damned
Confronting the evil you dread
Coalesce into one your shadow and soul
Soon you will meet the undead

(Altar of sacrifice, curse of the damned
Confronting the evil you dread
Coalesce into one your shadow and soul
Soon you will meet the undead)

Enter to the realm of Satan!

Blood turning black, the change has begun
Feeling the hatred of all damned in Hell
Flesh starts to burn, twist and deform
Eyes dripping blood realization of death
Transforming of five toes to two
Learn the sacred words of praise, hail Satan

A gift of powers disposed upon you
Use them when you feel the need
Master the forces and powers of Satan
Controlling the creature's instinct
Drawn to the castles that float in the sky
Learn to resist the temptation
Watching the angels sift through the heavens
Endlessly searching for salvation

The Outer Ones - 2018

-Of Unworldly Origin-

That fateful moonlight night forever
haunts my dreams
The fog hung in the air just like a dead man
Within the woods there stood the witch's house
Unholy hovel of the damned

The lock broke easily enough
That wicked crone was soon to be within my grasp
I should've turned back on that night
Before the witch's spell was cast

Sorcery of the black goat with 1000 young
Uttering incantations of the fallen one
Forsaken rites have conjured accursed gateways
Into foul realms of unworldly origin

I found her praying in the attic
Bowing to that altar of the goat
I froze with fear at what no mortal eyes should see
panic stricken screams escaped my throat

The symbols on the wall, they came alive
Hideous laughter filled the room
Reality crumbled away beneath my feet
By swirling vortexes of chaos now consumed

Nightmares from the beyond
Lost in a dreamscape of madness
Her disembodied eyes follow me through this tenebrous labyrinth

Awakening in the cell of the asylum
My tale too maddening to ever be believed
Burned in my palm, the black mark of the horned one
A cursed symbol of unworldly origin

-That Which Consumes All Things-

It fell from the heavens and brought
with it blight
Contaminating the soil, feeding on fauna and flora alike
But this glowing meteorite was but a harbinger for something worse
For within was a womb of pure chaos that gave birth to the curse

Withering on the vine
Flourishing with decay

The corruption spreads across the lands
Black roots writhe in the earth below
A graying harvest falls to waste
Unhallowed radiance gleams from sickened oak

Suffocated by maddening vapors
Gestating in underground chambers
Formless, a monstrous constellation
That which consumes all things into it's toothless maw
Amorphous, ghoulish miasma
Devouring all lifeforms within it's vaporous jaws

Churning clouds of chaos
A living maelstrom
Not of this world
Born from the backwards beyond

-Blood Atonement-

Heart of darkness, untouched by the light
No god can forgive these sins
Cleansing ritual, purify
Prepare the sacrifice

Absolution denied
Stains only blood can wash away
A forsaken life
Rid the world of this plague, lower the blade

No, the hangman's noose won't do for you
Your reign of torment ends in bloodshed
With a fall of the axe your death comes to pass
Staining the ground below crimson red

1000 daggers drawn to open your throat
And every drop you bleed will poison the earth below

Rotting beneath the spoiled ground
No mourners to visit my desolate grave
And here I remain, buried in hate

-Fathomless Catacombs-

The expedition began at midnight
The torch-lit courtyard deathly still
What lies beneath the befouled cathedral?
Secrets only the dead will tell

A blood moon looming above
As they scale the iron gate
In search of opulence
But only madness awaits

Shattering the stained glass window pane
Three thieves make haste inside the halls
Below the altar lies an entrance to the crypts
Downward they proceed, their avarice will doom them all

Eerie clouds cut across the moon
Like razors through an eye
Descending ancient stairways
In search of where accursed treasures lie
Scouring tenebrous rooms
In frantic pursuit of the luminous tomb
The glow of their torches growing dim
Lost in underground chambers deep within

Faced by a maze of unknown pathways
Cryptic corridors on every side
Trapped within this never ending labyrinth
A foul presence lurks where the shadows hide

I see the light up ahead
The radiant vault is in sight
The thieves shamble onward
Through passages blacker than night

As their smoldering torches burn out
The glimmer ahead fades away
The luminous tomb 'twas
but a cursed mirage
Drawing them deeper and deeper
inside of the maze

Trapped forevermore
In fathomless catacombs
Three forsaken souls
Damned to roam in
darkness eternal

-The Outer Ones-

Seeping through cosmic rifts
from realms beyond time
A presence malevolent
Arcane entities, lurking behind the veil
Of our meaningless existence

Within the blackest gulfs
At the center of ultimate madness
Lies the infernal dominion in which they dwell

Formless gods
Overlords of the void
Reigning in chaos eternal

Blasphemous tomes have spoken of unlighted chambers
Where maddening rhythms pulsate endlessly
Can you hear them now? The piping of discordant flutes
Forever shrieking in disharmony

Only fouls dare commune with them
Or to merely speak their forbidden names
For the torment they bring is immeasurable
Ageless horrors perverse and profane


Searching for meaning, grasping at straws
The unanswered question always remains
Is the grave but a doorway to everlasting life?
Or shall we return to dust from whence we came?

Inverted hourglass
The sifting sands of fate
Haunted by morality
Shackled to its weight

Skeletal hands
Forever ticking on coffin shaped clocks
In realms of infinite death

Grave upon grave
Embracing the void as the light fades away
Bring me eternal rest

Ephemeral pleasures of this earthly domain
Futile is the flesh in this cycle of death and decay

Oh the death-knell tolls for thee
Enshrouded by darkness in dreamless sleep
Crossing the threshold into the land of the deceased
Joined together eternally

Consumed by unrelenting visions of the end
Desiring to be one with the beckoning dead

Omnia Vanitas

-Ex Nihilo-



Born of the dust
Imbued with freewill
Two souls intertwined

Lured by ophidian tongues
Blaspheming the garden of delight

O, serpent
Bringer of light
Guiding us through the darkness
Let your brilliance shine upon thee
From the depths below

Eat of this fruit forbidden
The promise of enlightenment
You can live as a slave or be rid of those chains
By embracing this serpentine covenant

Banished from this utopia
Heavenly father, what have we done?
Cast out in nakedness, ashamed
Heeding the call of this forked tongue
Let Lucifer's torch lead the way
Steering us onward towards a new dawn
Feel the warmth of Satan's flame
Reveling in his empowerment

Enveloped by wings as black as pitch
Enchanted by the serpent's kiss

-A Starless Darkness-

Across fathomless gulfs
Where darkness has devoured all light
Lies a comatose universe
Enveloped in everlasting night

When the celestial candle burns out
And the watchers return to their outer planes
All life will expire
And only the void will remain

A starless darkness reigns
In this realm of aeon's long death
Extinguishing the cosmic flame
In an ocean of emptiness

Nothingness devouring infinity
Unmasking the fabric of reality

Vacuous realm
Forsaken dimension
All matter decays and dissolves away

Frozen macrocosm
Devoid of light
A graveyard of galaxies
Where dead suns are never to shine

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

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