Parkway Drive


Don't Close Your Eyes - 2004

Killing With A Smile - 2005

Horizons - 2007

Deep Blue - 2010


Don't Close Your Eyes - 2004



-Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'Em-

Thoughts replaced by a placid romance
Without movement, i can't escape

Searching through the static
Twisted and torn inside of
Such blinding visions of destruction
So i have to question

Was this in the master plan?
Now a broken future's all that we hold

Our broken future is all that we hold
Our day draws
To it's close
Washes away

Integrity now bleeds away
As tired hearts are left to drain
Do you see there faces when you fall asleep at night?
Now they're nothing more than blood stained memories
Blood stained memories

--Dead Dreams

Kill the lights
I'm so sick of your face
Another night wasted wishing you away
Now I'm cut, I'm cut at the wrist
But i still can't kill the pain
I'd give anything to rip you from my head
From my head

The return of your voice marks another failure
And i can feel your blades closing on my back
I'll savour this one last taste, this taste of sanity
As it clutches, tearing at my heart
This is my final act of desperation
One second lost gives way to disease
I'd give anything to rip you from my head

Cause i can feel you
Creeping through me
Like a sickness
Your weakness
Scars your fucking face
Scars your name

The return of your voice
Marks another failure
And i can feel your blades
Closing on my back
As light fades to past

Darkness wells against me
But my shattered eyelids
Refuse to close
Your breathe is death to me

-Flesh, Bone And Weakness-

Shades drawn across
No light may enter
In my moment of weakness
And this world is bearing down again
So hard to clear my mind
Why do i persist?

I'll endure another day
It's just so hard to resist
And I can't continue on
So hard to clear my mind
To see the thoughts I wish were true
My face versus the stone

And I blame myself
Plague my mind with these insecure thoughts
Whispers in the back of my head
Telling me it's all wrong
Why do I persist?

I'll endure another day
Why do I persist?
As self loathing strangles me
Push past the veil of helplessness
Love can't catch me, not today
Take your hand and just surrender?
It's just not worth it

Why do I persist?
I'll endure another day
Why do I persist?
Self loathing strangles me
But I'll endure another day

-The Cruise-


-You're Over-

Don't make me laugh
Reduce yourself to a poisoned mess
It's so amazing
What passes for cool these days

Another trend?
Or just a wish
So when did it come down to this
Fashion victim
Takes on a whole new meaning
"It's just for fun..."

Hey, I'm sure it is
So tell me is that fun
Convulsing on the door
Open your eyes

You're walking the path to your self destruction
The higher you fly, the further you fall
Don't make me laugh
I wish I had the strength
To tear your eyelids off
You fool
You fucking fall

It's hard to fly, with wings of stone
So hard to fly, with wings of stone

-Looks Like Yoda-

In a world of devoid of emancipation
Like leaves too many question marks
On my conscience, why?
Why look up
The ground is so much more pleasing
And it's where these eyes belong

I renounce,
I renounce myself
What I have become is not
What I wish to be

Break my neck
I've become too accustomed to hopes
Hope's cruel grasp
Progression or regression
It all ends the same
In a world devoid
In a life such as this

Only death is certain
So why wait
Break my heart
Cut my throat
When everything has ended
What have we accomplished
Slaves by design
Break my neck

-Don't Close Your Eyes-

The warmth of your embrace
Has lifted me from the ground
The strength you've given me
I can never truly thank you
Through the darkness
I found you by my side

And I'll make this promise to you
I will never let you down
This is for every hour

This is for every second
This is for every moment
That we have shared together Sky blue days burn through

I refuse to let our flame fade
Every scar burning bright tonight
I'd give my heart for you
I'd give my strength for you

I'd give my everything
I'd give my life for you
Tonight will stand as a testament to hope
Every scar, burning bright
I will stay by your side

Don't close your eyes
Tonight we burn together

My true friends, you mean the world to me
Your friendship means everything
Tonight will stand as a testament to hope
Forever beating on

-I Watched-

In an instant this world's
hate engulfed all tenfold
I watched the birth of tomorrow's catchphrase

As the sky came crashing down
True terror now assumes a human form
Suspicious minds and pointing fingers still ignore
Suspicious minds tear at innocence
I watched the sky burn
As the ashes fell

Time stood still

-Swallowing Razorblades-

I'd give the world for you to look my way
I'd give it all. Just to feel your love
Cast aside
Separate. Destroyed
Sweet laughter bleeds by ears
Your eyes tear at my throat trying to steal my tongue
Gaze of an angel melting my skin
A face so cold

Twice as enchanting
I'm swallowing razorblades again
Your eyes have torn my throat
Trying to steal my tongue
Gaze of a demon has burned through
My skin

Porcelain fingers take the hope from my heart
Splinters of love
A years goodbye's bleed red
Roses of black all my night
The stars have fallen

Take the hope from my life
With all my love. This is my lastv My last heartfelt
Fuck you
This is my last fuck you
Fuck you

-Emotional Breakdown-

Gazing upon your face
Your love has released my heart
To drown
To sleep forever
In your sweet embrace

If i could reach the stars I'd place them in your eyes
Just to remind me of such a timeless beauty
Of you

Lost myself to you
I could not fall again
Held here by your grace
I'm bound forever by this
If i could

If i could reach the stars
I'd place them in your eyes
Just to remind me of such a timeless beauty
And when tomorrow tears you from my arms
I'll pray for one last sunset for our love

-Hollow Man-

No more than shadows
To be forgotten
Fade away in time

No more than shadow's their dreams will never come to pass
Trapped by your web of ignorance
Trapped by your web
Your web of lies
Too much pain

Too much anguish already endured
More fear than a person should feel in a single lifetime
And they've come so far
Given it all for this second chance
One second chance at life

Hollow man
You've gone too far

Secure in your safe little world
You have no idea the amount of pain you cause
Since when is a child a risk to your security?
Your razor wire and red tape killed their dreams

-The Negotiator-

ell me, how does it feel
To watch a child bleed to death
From a weapon you designed?
You've spilt their blood

Is your pride really worth this? Such a mindless slaughter
Bow down to your greed

Your lies cut their throat
Such beauty

Such innocence
Set to self destruct
As you nail their coffin shut
With your hammer of hate
The flesh is torn, hate remains

They bleed
Broken by your hand
Who will bleed for you now?


Tear my heart from my chest
Still warm in my hands
Feel the life drain away

This distance is staggering
Stealing the air from my lungs
Choking me where i stand
Hopeless, just one last kiss
You sound so close
I can almost feel your breath

Too close to touch the fragment of my memory
Tormenting me foreverv Haunting me forever

Stretching towards forever
Each second seems like a year
And this eternity is tearing me apart, tearing me apart
Victim of my own human desire
Love is a demon sent to destroy me
I never knew distance could kill

Killing With A Smile - 2005

--Gimme A D

You could never be my envy.
You could never be my jealousy.
You could never be my envy.
You could never be my jealousy.
A world without you is a world I could only wish for.
A world without you is a world I'd fucking die for.
You've taken everything...

Poison and despise lay in rampant wake
in the shadows you have created
We've been left to drown in an endless tide of apathy
You disgust me
The guise of a true murderer

Killing with a smile
As your cyanide lips rip us apart
Now there'll be no forgiveness
'cause this is.... this is the end'
A world without you is a world I could only wish for,
And a world without you is a world I'd fucking die for.
So I'll hold that pretty face beneath the surface
Until your lungs hold nothing but the affliction you've created
This world is wasted on your life
Through evils eyes I've seen your soul betrayed

I'll watch you fucking drown
So I'll hold your pretty face beneath the surface
Until your lungs hold nothing
There'll be no forgiveness, no forgiveness

-Anasasis (Xenophontis)-

Your warm embrace has been replaced by cold
And those defiant eyes have fallen
Broken by the Floor
Another rain-streaked face

Left alone to drown in malice
And your bleeding heart can only heal so much
We can't weather this storm of longing
And water cannot cleanse the blood from our past
Can you hear your crying wish?

Because your prayers remain... answerless
Your prayers remain
In sweet decay
Your prayers remain

In this sweet decay
Your Love failed me

Broken hearts and shattered dreams
could never carry your fractured world
So just throw it all away
Your love is lost on us

Just throw is all away
Your love is lost on us


The daylight's gone
The empty streets echo our past and the
days that once were so beautiful
Before now

Before us
So save yourself
'Cause all dreams are gone
And all hope has faded
And as the sunlight fails I watch this world slip away
And we smiled as we betrayed ourselves

And a clear sky is only a distant memory
Our worst intentions carried away on the evening breathe
Everything we lived for draws
our final thought around our necks
Your faces lies still
I can't see your breath and it's
freezing my blood until the end

One more time one more line
What is this hell

Reminisce to the beginning of everything
But The irony alone would kill me
Ten thousand hearts set to silence for the choice of one
End it all with the touch of
a switch and I can see our lives burn before my eyes
'Cause all dreams are gone
And all hope has faded

And as sunlight fails I watch this world slip away
Your face lies still
I can't see your breath and it's
freezing my blood until the end
Ten thousand hearts set to
silence for the choice of one
End it all with the touch of
a switch and I can see our lives burn
I can see our lives

I can see our lives burn
Your face lies still
I can't see your breath and
it's freezing my blood until the end
As we just let it slip away

-Romance Is Dead-

The incisions in your
wrist were all for show.
Just like you.
The epitome of self indulgence.
Another farce.
A charade and another set of crocodile tears.
So serenade her with your last pathetic suicide love song.
"Broken hearts never mend".
But fools never move on.
And now she's gone because of you.

And once again You're the epitome
of pure self destruction.
Cupid never found his mark.
As we await the insertion of blades on flesh.
You part the skin and tell of blades on blood.
So part the fucking skin.
To tell the blades on blood.
She said "I Love You"
She said.

She said goodbye.
So cry me a fucking river bitch.
You wouldn't know love if it crushed your fucking chest.
Let go.
You wouldn't know love if it crushed your fucking chest.
"Razors, roses and a black tomorrow"

They never showed any affection
to anything but your ego.
A tragedy of errors at the best of times.
You are everything that's wrong with me.

You're everything that I despise.
You are everything I dreamed would die.
You are everything that fades away and slowly dies.
Will you bleed for me when suicide seems so yesterday?
Will you bleed for me?

Will you fucking bleed for me when suicide...
It's so yesterday.
It's all so fucking yesterday

-Guns For Show, Knives For A Pro-

I saw the disappointment
from across your face.
A mark of solitude.

So here's to giving in.
Your eyes have betrayed you.
And I'll wear this mask of disgust
for every day I've met you.

Disarm with a smile.
Your eyes Betrayed me.
String me another line as your knife severs my spine.
The blackness of your heart
has spread beneath your skin.

And as your new face runs I
count the seconds till you're gone.
As your new face runs I count the
seconds until you're fucking gone.

Hold this allegiance with the hearts of apathy.
We cannot breathe from your choking hands.
Mark this hour of hopelessness with burning bodies.
Returning for your heart.
Returning for your fucking heart.
Murder is on the air tonight.


Another day lies broken and lost.
A shattered life cuts the pulse of acceptance.
And all I want is to be something more than this.
Another day lies broken and lost.

A shattered life cuts the pulse of Acceptance.
And all I want is to be anything but this.
Sleepless nights spent screaming for answers.
Cursing sweet venom at a wretched future.
An open casket stained with hope.

Laced with deceit and treachery.
An existence I only wish to forget.
Why do I always regret?
Those words leave the taste of blood.
Forget my face.
Just bury everything.

Why do I always let it go?
'cause I've let it slip away between my fingertips.
I've tried so fucking hard and still
I could never gain a true understanding.
Chocking at our misery.

Splinters of failure cut like glass.
And I'm sick of just pouring myself out into careless hands.
Choking on our misery.
Splinters of failure cut like glass.
But I'll put it to rest tonight
in the hope that maybe I won't have to wake.
I'll put it all to rest tonight.
Forget my face.

-Picture Perfect, Pathetic-

If looks could kill.
You'd be a fucking shotgun
Against my head so fucking cold.
Picture perfect and pathetic.

I would so love to hang you.
Cat got your tongue?
Selling yourself short again?
You're selling yourself short again.
Bare your insecurities.
I want to see you cry.

I want to see your tears.
Why did you throw your heart away?
Why did you let yourself down?
Why did you throw your heart away.
Why did you let yourself down time and again.
Why did you throw you heart away.
So taste the skin and let your heartbeat slow.
Feel you bleeding away.

Why did you let yourself down.
Why did you throw your heart away.
That cheap fucking smile carries you to bed.
And those lips are social suicide
but I just want to see you dead.
You're like a shotgun baby.
Pointed at my head.
And those lips are suicide but I just want to see you dead.

-It's Hard To Speak Without A Tounge -

After everything you've done.
After your second face failed.
This time there's nothing left to save.
And your words were broken.

With the touch of vipers you
set your words upon my back.
Spitting daggers you can't kill those already dead.
Buried beneath a pile of one
liners and cheap attempts at honesty.
Buried so fucking far from your worthless lies.
And the fire.
The fire to cleanse your mouth.

You'll never awake from your hell and
for a second you almost had me fooled.
Keep walking.
Keep breathing.
Keep cursing our names.
We're plotting your end by the dawn.

We're apparitions that stalk your every turn.
We're death incarnate to cleanse you from this world.
Until I see your face again.

Until I end this loveless dance.
Until I see you fucking scream.
And until I see the moonlight shine
with your blood we'll dig your grave.
We'll dig your fucking grave.
Until I see your face again.
Until I end this loveless dance.

Until I see you fucking scream.
And until I see the moonlight shine with your blood.
Until I see your face again.

Until I end this loveless dance.
Until I see you fucking scream.
And until I see the moonlight shine red.


The deepest circle of Hell
is reserved for betrayers and mutineers.

Fuck the memories.
We're dead at every turn.
So spin your fucking shit and we'll die with every twist of tongue.
Your hollow gaze has shifted past my eyes.
Another dead face fades away.
Now what's left to take?
Another day I regret your memory.

In my mind you will never be more than this.
So what's left to fucking take?
Now my trust is gone.
As your world comes crashing down I'm going to watch it fucking burn.
Everything we had lies in pieces.
Everything we had fucking dies... tonight.
Through those deceiving eyes I've seen the blackest heart.
The blackest heart.
Everything you love fucking dies tonight.

-Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'Em-

Thoughts replaced by a placid romance
Without movement, I can't escape

Searching through the static
Twisted and torn inside out
Such blinding visions of destruction
So I have to question
Was this in the master plan?
'Cause now a broken future's all that we hold

Our broken future's all that we hold
Our day draws
To it's close
Washes away

Integrity now bleeds away
As tired hearts are left to drain
Do you see their faces when
you fall asleep at night?
Now they're nothing more
than blood stained memories
Blood stained memories

-A Cold Day In Hell-

And step forward.
I will separate myself from you.
I will walk this line unassisted and undeterred.
Sever the strings.

I'll cast aside your uniform.
Your focus shifted too much for me to not question.
Your sincerity.
To manufacture misery.
Everything you ever wanted.
Everything you ever knew.
Everything you ever lust for will be taken from you.
Your reflection.

Ghost of a beauty queen.
Plagued with fashion.
And stain our mouths with worthless deception.
You're a plastic perfection.
We'll burn you to the ground.

Everything you ever wanted.
Everything you ever knew.
Everything you ever lust for will be taken from you.
Everything you ever wanted.
Everything you ever knew.
Everything you ever lust for will be taken from your heart.
When did this all become so meaningless?
As to your second skin.

Now the wolves become nothing more than sheep.
We set flame these apathetic trends.
Set flame the paths that
have led us astray for too long.
Set flame the paths that

have led us astray for the last time.
All bets are off.
I'll watch the heartless burn.
Tomorrow's dawn will be alight
with our burning bridges.
All bets are off.
I'll watch the heartless burn.

Tomorrow dawn will be alight
through seasons change I've watched you waste away.
Shed your skin and become.
Reach inside your chest and
remove what's left of your blackened heart.

Through the seasons change
I've watched you waste away.
And become one with the damned.
You lust for.
Reach inside your chest and remove
what's left of your blackened heart with distain.

Horizons - 2009



-The Siren's Song-

Virtue is lost

Beyond this sleek veneer
Beneath the neon existence
Her face is grey
And everything she longs for turns to black
The chemicals bring little vindication
And white lines lace every vein
Does she realise what she's become?

But she's not waking
And She's still failing
But she's not waking
She's still failing

Follow the siren's song,
To face this empty cycle.
Searching the darkest nights
Searching the silence

And does it make you sick?
"Can you hear me, Is She Conscious?"
Does it make you feel beautiful?
Bloodshed under the streetlight.

And does it make you sick?
"Oh God! We've got a bleeder here."
Does it make you beautiful?
Heartbreak under the streetlight.

She's lost again.
Adrenalin Strains Corrupted Arteries

Virtue is lost

Beyond this sleek veneer
Beneath the neon existence
Her face is grey
And everything she longs for is pulling away

Follow the siren's song
To face this empty cycle.
Searching the darkest night
Searching the silence.

Follow the siren's song,
To face this empty cycle.
Searching the darkest night,
Searching the silence.

Dead by first light,
They can't wipe the blood from her eyes.
Dead by first light,
They can't wipe the blood from her eyes.

Dead by,
Dead by first light.
Dead by,
Dead by first light.

-Feed Them To The Pigs-

This is life,
This is worthless,
Is There consequence.
This apathy is murderous.

Hope is dead,
Buried by regret,
Alive for nothing,
And dying for even less.

Is This the path we've chosen,
Our mind and our future left to rot.

These lives are worth nothing,
Our lives worth nothing,

As we watch our dreams turn into dust,
Into dust.

On these cold sheets,
Beneath this hollow corpse of a life.
Their world casts shadows,
And it's eating us alive.

We are the working dead,
Haunted by the ghosts of unanswered dreams
We are the flesh and the blood of a lost generation.

The deceased and forgotten,
The voiceless and consumed.
We're buried and broken,
And we're rising against you.

So this is life,
And are we so worthless?
We've clawed our way back,
They can't destroy this,
'cause we've got nothing left to lose.
These hate fuelled hearts keep burning,
We push against the grain,
And we won't turn back.

Armed to the teeth,
Born from the shadows,
Burning for revenge.


We're burning for revenge


In a moment I'm lost
Dying from the inside
Her eyes take me away
Tear me apart from the inside out
Dead eyes speak in volumes?
But our lips refuse to move
Could this ever be the last time?
The final time that we see this through?

Give me the strength to return
Return the breath you've stolen
Give me the means to reset
Her heart I've broken again
Reflection built upon sorrow
We're walking the darkest roads
Within chests carved with regret

In a moment I've lost
Dying from the inside
Her eyes take me away
Tear me apart from the inside out
From the inside out
The inside out

We've been running blind
Now we're falling through the cracks

We're left running
We are running blind
Now we're falling
Falling through the cracks

Back to the world of the dead
Her shining eyes mark our return back
To the world of the dead
In a moment I've lost
Drowning from the inside
Her eyes take me away
Tear me apart
From the inside out

My love I left
My heart I left
With my promise to return
A promise to return

-Five Months-

The night creeps through
my bones with a winter's chill,
sending shivers down my spine
Like cold hands across my skin
Five months have passed and
taken with them every sense of warmth
Until my blood ran cold and life stood still
And still I hold my breath,
counting the nights I've stood with my heart in hand
And still I hold my breath,

counting the nights.
Waiting for silence to break me down again
If only you could see
See it in my eyes how much it means

Your touch, Your smile
To a heart that's beat has long since given out and given in
The night opens wide, swallowing every sense

Embracing me with emptiness
The hours have become irritations,
and I find myself reduced to life's imitation
How can we truly say that we are alive
When everything I see in me is screaming
How can we truly say that we are alive
When everything I see in me is screaming otherwise?

It's screaming otherwise
Cause five months have passed
and taken with them every sense of warmth
Until my blood ran
cold and life stood still
The hours have become irritations,
and I find myself
reduced to life's imitation


These are the sentiments
Of a cold blooded cynic
So believe me when I say,
I would love nothing more.

Than for everything,
To end unpleasantly.
Concrete shoes, rising tide,
Grey skies let none survive,

Don't say I didn't warn you.

I would rather see your face in Hell
Than speak another word
Of this perfect world.

Of this perfect world.

Oh, to be buried beneath the waves,
A sailors grave is all I crave.

Bury me (bury me),
5000 fathoms deep,
And leave my bones,
For the depths.

The sharpest teeth await our skin.
The sharpest teeth await...
Bloodlust swarms,
Upon our worthless existence.

The Devil's teeth (the Devil's teeth),
The Devil's teeth,
Beneath our skin.
Whispering of silent vengeance.
Blood debts remain unpaid.

Now every breath of life
Has been betrayed.
Every ideal
has rusted through.

Nothing we hold brings solace,
Feed us to the sharks.
So let nothing remain,
Feed us to the sea.

To be buried,
Beneath the waves.
A sailors grave it's all I crave.
Bury me (bury me),
5000 fathoms deep.
And leave my bones,
For the depths.

There's blood in the water,
(sinking, always, sinking).
There's blood in the water,
(sinking, always, sinking).

There's blood,
In the water.

I would rather see your face in Hell
Than speak another word
Of this perfect fucking world.

-Idols And Anchors-

Your heroes have fallen.
The seas are rising.

So torch every banner,
Every hope of surviving.
This storm is breaking.
Security has left you,
Treading water.

Now taste the fear.
Taste the uncertainty.

What will you do?
When there's nothing left for you to cling to.
What will you do?
With your one last breathe.
Thrive in your emptiness.

Burn all you love.
There's no hope for the weak.
Our heroes have died.

No heart...
No Hope.

Face to face,
With the Abyss (with the Abyss),
One by one they fall away
And won't be missed

Can you hear it?
Can you hear the sound?
As our broken Idols,
Come crashing down.

Now taste the fear.
Now, taste, the, fear.

Burn all you love.
There's no hope for the weak.
Our Heroes have died.
Burn all you love.
There's no hope for the weak.

Burn all you love

-Moments Of Oblivion-

There is nothing
There is nothing
I would not give
These are the days of Calm
These are the days of Calm
Please understand
These are the days of Calm
We don't forget
We don't forget

-Breaking Point-

Black plagues, line a fading sky.
A dying world stripped to the bone,
Intoxicated by the madness.
Blood weeps from open wounds.

And still the fires rage,
Consumed, now chaos reigns.
Our pride dissolved,
The rise and fall,
The breaking point,
Burned and crossed.

Now immune to all the carnage,
We turn upon ourselves.

Within these times of desperation,
We are the virus that has infected,
To its last.

Nothing is sacred,
Nothing shall be saved,
No one shall be spared the horror,
That has yet to come.

Destroy and discard,
This is all that we know.

Blackened flesh, blistered,
Hangs from skeletal frames
Stalking this arid wasteland,
Our minds immune to change.

The shreds of morality,
Fall by the wayside,
As we are left to ponder,
These black box revelations.

In these days to come,
In this,
Our final hour,
We will witness the true depths to which,
Humanity can sink.

Humanity can sink.

We will learn,
To suffer.
We will learn,
To fail.
And before long,
We will beg for the end.

And still the fires rage,
Consumed, now chaos reigns.
Our pride dissolved,
The rise and fall.
The breaking point,
Burned and crossed.

-Dead Man's Chest-

When your lungs collapse,
When your last breath fails.
When my reflection,
As faded as a sentiment.

Convulsions constrict your flesh,
Into a portrait of agony.
Into a portrait of agony.
Of agony.

This, this is cataclysmic failure,
As you're looking,
Refuse to prevail.

This is, this is pointless suffering.
How does it feel to know
You brought this shit
On yourself?

The timing of consequence,
Your actions have their price.
Oh you'll pay for your mistakes.

As pity grips your nerves,
You'll get what you deserve.
Now brace yourself,
As all hell breaks.

All hell breaks loose.
All hell breaks loose.

Fucked up this system,
Shut it down.
Drowned In Disease.

Stop, cut all based upon,
We know all from our lamenting.

Suffocation of a race,
The persistent beings,
Of life.


Vanishing points and midnight horizons,
Herald another night.
Without you by my side.
Bring me the light,

Bring me the dawn,
Bring me another day.
But further, from your arms.

And this world is frozen,
And my limbs so numb.
Feel the Frostbite.
Exceed all hope of coming back alive.
And these roads we've chosen,
Leave our hearts so numb.
As another day,
Sets in teeth,
Ready to strike.

But there will be no dawn,
At these hours.
I find my mind,
Turns itself in circles,
Reigniting the worst of fears,
And leaving others to the cold.

I'm afraid to lose,
These thoughts of you.
Please leave me the scars,
Just leave me the scars.

Wake (Wake),
These are the hours left to ghosts.
These are the times,
reason fails to reach

These are the places,
For which echoes fail to return.
And Solitude runs hand in hand with,

And this world is frozen,
And my limbs so numb.
Feel the Frostbite.
Exceed all hope of coming back alive.
And these roads we've chosen,

Leave our hearts so numb.
So I'll salvage what little hope I can,
From the sun.

Still I'm choking on the words,
I should've said,
1,000 times.
And I'm cursing every memory,
And I'm holding on until,
There's nothing left to save.

Every scar,
Let Every scar still bare your name.
Every scar still bares an angel's face.
An angel's face.

And still I chase,
I chase the sun.

And still I chase,
I chase the sun


So it begins

Our eyes drawn open,
Free from the thoughts of doubt,
Free from our selfish confines.
Our blood, restless, ceaseless.
With open arms we stand
Before the dawn.

The sun seems to have been rising
Ever since I can recall
Leaving a sense of permanence

To this lying world.

Your words not worth the air,
Your life not worth its weight in flesh.
To hope for something more,
To dream of substance.

Like a million before us
Waiting to die.
Like a billion before us
Waiting to die.

Masochistic to think,
This would be remembered (would be remembered).
Sadistic, perpetuation
Of stagnation.

There is nothing as empty
As waiting to die.
We've spent our lives
Wasting as time eats us alive.

The sun seems to have been falling
Ever since I can recall.
The only sense
Of permanence
In this dying world.

Sit back and watch
As time eats us alive.

Everyone who knew me,
Knew me.
Destined to die,

The marks I left upon this world
Will wash away
In time.

In time,
And so it ends.
In time
It all finds an end.

In time,
And so it ends.
In time
We all find an end.

With broken arms
And hollow eyes
I'll wait to return to oblivion.

Embrace our last
Empty horizon.
Embrace our last


Deep Blue - 2010


Freedom is slavery.
War is peace.
Ignorance is Strength.
Existence is


I've walked these streets
a thousand times, still this world never seemed colder.
Compromised a thousand times to the will of malicious minds.
Reality never hit so fucking hard.

Crushed by endless desperation, endless surrender.
Retrace the steps, retrace the steps.
Is this what I have become?
Retrace the steps, retrace the steps.

What the fuck have I become?
Security, illusion for the weak.
Refuge, sought in routine.
Another gear in their fucking machine.
See, you can win the rat race but you're
still nothing but a fucking rat.
So seek that crown, because in this kingdom

of fools true ignorance reigns supreme.
I see this city for what it is.
Retrace the steps, retrace the steps.
A monument to the depths of human misery.
Retrace the steps
What have we become?


I feel the rage growing inside me,
A fear I cannot contain,
At war with an enemy that does not rest who will never relent.
This city, these lifeless catacombs, our tombs they have become.
Buried alive at birth never to return.
Chained the masses, trapped and trained by vicious minds,
I let them tear away everything inside,

Strip away my humanity,
Fracture my identity,
Sacrifice my integrity,
Just bodies through the teeth of the combine,
Just bodies through the teeth of the combine,
At war with an enemy that does not rest who will never relent,
At war with an enemy that does not rest who will never relent,
Sleepwalk our lives away,
In search for shallow graves,
Sleepwalk our lives away.

Lost souls, lost.

Just bodies through the teeth of the combine.
Just bodies through the teeth.
Consumed, do I feel the rage, growing inside me.
I will not contain.
I have come to question every truth I know.
Not one more step in the name of progress,
In the name of blind ambition.
Not one more step in the name of progress,
In the name of blind ambition,
How the fuck am I supposed to feel when
everything I know lies broken at my feet?


I am the blackest soul.
The child of a loveless world.
The wreckage left in the wake of time.
I am the consequence of complete collapse.
I am the horror you created.
The mind fuck you instigated.

I am the seed of self-destruction, the bitter taste of life's regret.
Flood my lungs.
Pull my teeth.
Cross my eyes until there's nothing left.
There's nothing left.
Casualties to the snares of modern life.
Anchored by avarice, there is no further left to sink.
I reside in my mind's eye, yet see no truth in a world of lies.
I reside in my mind's eye.
We are adrift in a world of lies.

Flood my lungs.
Pull my teeth.
Cross my eyes until there's nothing left.
I am the blackest soul.
The child of a loveless world.
I am the consequence of complete collapse.
I am the blackest soul.

-Dead Weight-

This is survival.
This is my exile.
I find no solace.
I find no solace beneath a Godless sky.
Will I find shelter in the places the Sun could never find?
Now behold the consequence, the aftermath of ignorance,
shackled to my worthless neck.
Give me one reason to resist.
So I slip below.
I can't resist the undertow.
I find no solace beneath a Godless sky.
Will I find shelter in the places the Sun could never find?
Because everything's turning black and I see no hope of turning back.

Cold terror grips my lungs,
to let it in would be to accept defeat.

But what's left to fight for?
When I look inside, nothingness confronts me.
Vexed by the hands of time.
This is survival.
I against I.

What's left inside?
So I slip below.
I can't resist the undertow.
I can't resist.
No, I can feel the deadweight.
I can feel the deadweight of my
soul dragging me from this world.


Shifting light outlines my battered form.
Stranger to the world, alone in my abandonment.
A gaining army of white horses,
stark warning before the icy front.

The deceiving calm betrays all signs of impeding change.
Evening tide what do you hide, damnation or salvation?
As my skin breaks the blackened surface,
the cold is rising, yer all embracing.
Darkness, erase this lonesome place from my every existence.
An angry sky bares the signs,
a distant violence yet to break.

The ocean's travellers cry forth across the waves.
Lightning cracks across a vast horizon,
reaching out its hands towards an unsuspecting shore.
No light to guide.
No ties, no ties to bind.
Evening Tide what do you hide?

To the years spent waiting on the winds of change,
this is penance paid.
This is my penance paid,
to the morning Sun,
whose warmth never found this young man's face.
Shifting light outlines my battered form.
Stranger to the world.

Evening tide, what do you hide?
Lightning cracks across a vast horizon,
reaching out its hand towards an unsuspecting shore.
With a final effort I strike out across the swells,
seeking only the answers, maybe horizons hold.


Their voices search for me through
the darkness,
yet I feel desire's cold grip upon my heart no more.
My solitude.
My shield.
My armour.
Tested with full force.
I have seen the face of death and I choose not to accept its form.
I have seen the face of death.
An army of demons summoned forth,
upon this endless night they swam.

The fire in their eyes,
like new Suns shire through the abyss.
I taste the fear.
I see the weakness in their eyes.
They cannot hide as I devour all.
As the mountains crack and the oceans boil,
a fury-tempered heart is forged.
Within the flames,
this current of corruption will cease.

I taste the fear.

I see the weakness in their eyes.
They cannot hide as I devour all.
An army of demons summoned forth.
Upon this endless night they swarm.
The fire in their eyes,
like new Suns shine trough the abyss.
I have seen the face of death.
I have seen the face of death
and I choose not to accept its form.
My solitude.
My shield.
My armour.
Tested with full force.

Their voices search for me through the darkness,
yet I feel desire's cold grip upon my heart no more.

-Deliver Me-

Deliver me.
From the darkest abyss, from the depths of eternal rest.
Grasping at the threads of sanity, only to watch them slip through my hands.
I see the light.
I see the end.
I see a frail hope, crushed by the weight of the world.
My will is broken.
Sinking, always sinking.
The sands of time forever slipping.
Clawing at the emptiness, but a ghost I reach towards the end.
Lost in darkness.
Lost in time.

Losing a grip on my fucking mind.
Ignorance is an easy friend but in the end it takes everything.
Fear, it finds me and it binds me.
Illuminate the planes of consciousness.
Fear, it finds me
and it binds me.

But I'm lost.
Guilt draws me down like a stone.
it chokes my throat, and gnaws my bones.
Regret breeds a heavy heart.
Reality, torn in two.
Canonised, a life that fades before my eyes.
Ever faithful friend, sorrow, sets its teeth.
Eaten alive.
But I will survive.

I survive.
Fury, deliver me.
How can you defeat what you can't kill?
Deliver me.
I see the fear that twists inside.
Deliver me.
I watch the shadows fill with doubt.
Deliver me.
Fury deliver me.


Crashing to the surface.
My convictions lay bare before the tempest.
As chaos explodes around me, I find myself in the jaws of destruction.
Tested, by the force of the tempest.
Pushed, to the point of no return.
Losing ground.

Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears.
Clarity unfolds, a moments calm in the eye of the storm.
Relentless, I surge onward.
No regrets.
No second chance.
Nothing will hold me back.

Shipwrecked bones carry my seasick heart home.
Carry me home.
Tension clings to me.

Resistance coils inside.
Forcing me down, I fear nothing, into Poseidon's arms.
Forcing me down, I fear nothing, I must hold on.
This is a strength born in misery.

A focus cut of this insanity.
I fight my way from the gates of hell.
I hold on.
A body, locked in the vice grip of conflict.
A mind, sharpened on the shards of disappointment.
And from the depths of Hell I rise.
From gilded cage, my spirit flies.
Memories of another life call me home.

Shipwrecked bones
carry my seasick heart home.

-Home Is For The Heartless-

[ft. Brett Gurewitz of Bad Religion]

If home is where the heart is, why do I feel so fucking heartless?
The crumbling skyline cuts a vicious horizon,
sinking its teeth into the cold September sky.
Decaying towers of steel reach

with crooked spires for the heavens,
like bones of the hollow chest of this town,
torn wide for the scavengers.
Mother mercy, take my hand.
Follow me through this forsaken land.

Father time, return what's mine.
The innocence you stole from these eyes.
Because I feel numb. For the vision
burning before me is one of former glory.
An icon cast in the light of freer times,
now writhes in a bed of lies.
Hope doesn't live here.
Love doesn't live here anymore.
Mother mercy, take my hand.

Follow me through this forsaken land.
Father time, return what's mine.
The innocence you stole from these eyes.
Because I just feel numb.


[ft. Marshall Lichtenwaldt of The Warriors]

My truth has been revealed, at the cost of everything I knew.
My last safe-haven falls behind me,
with the self that once consumed.
Into the void.
I'm pursuing only answers.

I'm shedding skins and faces, past loves and bitter hatreds.
And it has come to pass,
a path set in stone now breaks like glass.
The failings of yesterday become the catalyst to seek my change.
And it has come to pass,
a path set in stone now breaks like glass.
The failings of yesterday become my catalyst.
So here I stand, a stranger to my newfound freedom.

I am a vessel.
I am a vessel without destination, devoid of direction.
No roles define m, yet conflict embraces me.
At the mercy if lucidity,
I am adrift in a world all to real.
A hollow man.

Into the arms of eternal struggle,

I must condemn my restless mind.
And it has come to pass,
a path set in stone now breaks like glass.
The failings of yesterday

become the catalyst to seek my change.
And it has come to pass,
a path set in stone now breaks like glass.
The failings of yesterday become
my catalyst I seek the guidance gained from silence.
Illumination from within the darkness.
My council kept with the emptiness,
in the heart of the unknown.

-Leviathan I-

But there is no silence.
My thoughts drowned out.
Screeching and grinding resonates through a hollow shell.
There is no great wisdom.
There are no answers.

I close my eyes, but all I see is red.
I bite my tongue, but all I taste is blood.
Once again they set their traps, set their hooks, deep in my head.
Too naive to think these forked tongues would themselves devour.
Show me war.

Show me pestilence.
Show me the blood red hands of retribution.

And the abyss stares back.
Leviathan I.

To break their hold, strip the flesh straight from their bones.

Cast their limbs into the gears of the beast.
Bring this monstrosity to its fucking knees.
Eye for an eye.

I'll send this world blind.
Show me war.
Show me pestilence.
Show me the blood red hands of retribution.

And the abyss stares back.
Leviathan I.

Under a blackened Sun.
Beneath a hunter's moon.

Dogs of war, they call for blood but it will not be mine.

-Set To Destroy-

Brothers of abandonment, sisters of despair.
Orphans to the watching ones above.
Too far removed, too far to care.
We are the unwanted.
We are the one true threat.
We raise our hands to this World's
throat choke away its dying breath.
This is the end of days, this is the end of days,
this is the end of days.
Set to destroy.

Fathers to our faithless days, mothers to our twisted ways.
Bow your heads.

Fold your hands and pray.
Your time has come.

This is the end of days, this is the end of days,
this is the end of days.

Set to destroy.
Your flame is faded, so sink below.
Rest now your heavy head upon
your bed of bones.

Too far removed.
Too far to care.
Set to destroy.

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

Anything Missing? Anything You Want To Add?


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