Oh Sleeper


When I Am God - 2007

Son Of The Morning - 2009

Children Of Fire - 2011

The Titan EP - 2013


When I Am God - 2007

-Vices Like Vipers-

You're scarlet soaked and bold
and the sheep's eyes locked to mine, sink to my bones.
Though your lips still drip, intentions,
they keep me wanting more...
It's rising against all the walls we built for falling.
All the walls we built just stand
in vain to draw you near.
It's the wool to hide the wolves.
And under these toes from where

we last spoke, Your words laid so firm.
But I did not shed that skin like You said.
When the mason neglects the mortar,
looks become deceiving
and when the bricks start to fall,
I'll be the one crawling down this road so dark.

Vices like vipers
Speak in whispers.
My heel's the meat to sink their teeth,
Like the viper I kept when You said, "Let go!"
This is what it took for me to see.
WHEN I AM GOD this church is unsound.
Slithering in the shade of a sinking church,

Surprise is no excuse for
the traps that you left in the wake of warning.
So this is the warning,
you fall to learn.
And to the girls,
You're worth more than the cheap words.
You see your body as beauty, but your pulse is worth more.
Hear me, it's not what it seems,
though the feeding tastes of honesty.
This is the warning,
you're just a hit to coax my urgency.

Why do we keep what holds us?
Why do I keep what holds me down?
Lose the weight of defeat.
It's time to stand your ground!
Vices like vipers
Speak in whispers.
My heel's the meat to sink their teeth,
Like the viper
I kept when You said, "Let go!"

Since all the alibis of ignorance are void...
This, my lust, the pornos and the sluts.
Take, my lust, this world's love.
Great Counselor, take what's left.
Great Counselor, take what's left of me.

-I Will Welcome The Reaping-

Like maggots,
they breed with headlines,
dining the wounds in breathless cadavers.
Mirror blind and aimed for gold,
Now watch a terror turn on its own.

They race and they race to
the carcass rot to feed.
And just past decay, this design

delivers life, but they prefer to play cancer.
In chase for the sky, towers uprise.
In fear, the earth quakes for what's forgot.
They cut like the butchers with pride
as their cleavers, as the tide prowls their shores.
They never listened when we screamed,
"Wash the blood from your hands!
Rip off the veils! Wash the
blood from your hands and run,
see what you forgot!"

Then the clouds met the sands as the cyclones began.
In epic charge rose the hordes,
all branches and thorns.
As the stone from their
walls broke legs as they crawled,
The stars had no mercy,
they screamed for blood in their fall.
Six eyes pierce the night and now...

24 teeth in each of the
3 makes 72 white knives your new ending.
With every slaughter
bring your kingdom home.
How are we deserving
this pain we are feeling?
How are we deserving

this pain with healing?
And on trails these
symphonies of agony...
Cant you see? We're still demanding self-pity.

Look to the moves of
the things surrounding.
We're the only ones,
the only ones who keep from growing.
One day the reaping will return,
and we'll be butchers no more.
Bring this slaughter home,
and send everything above.

-We Are The Archers-

We watched them fall.
Eyes locked to mine, feeling as if I had let them down.
Caught blinded by silk, led by lips to the baited chains.
Now look around regret.
As the axe swings before your eyes,
think how everyday we spent dreaming.

Never once did we pick up the sword and learn to fight.
Now is the time. Pick yourself up and fight.
Learn to swing. Learn to swing.
They watched me fall for the last time,
but how is such an elegant blade to be stopped?
When in times where eyes set
sites to cross-hair the weak.

My bride, I'll try, oh so hard,
to find that Light.
But in his mind she baits me to fire.
What a cunning foe we've met!
Our horizons pushed pages away to a new fight,
A new method, new plan. But how do I train?

How do you ready a child for war?
Oh what a cunning foe we've met!
The Captain, what will He send?
I know He will send, but what will be sent?
I can feel a slip. A buzzard scrapes nearby,
as I atop this hill, stand and scream.
It's all I can do to control

my gaze from the curiosity of seeing myself as prey.
And then I heard an armored march.
I heard an armored march that shook the trees.
Bows bent as they sang,

-Charlatan's Host-

Sleep takes its hold with a sinking pull.
And now that I'm alone, this burst of light
fills my lids and I'm awake to the songs of horror.
Your ill-bought greatness, he's seen it all from the frame.
One day you'll reap the seeds of a shadowed past,

and I can only hope I'm there.
You tried to satisfy
the thirst of a thousand ages,
But built a stack of bones as
your monument to dead vanity.
It's just a shrine to the words
you use to wreck. Tell me, How can you sleep?
How can you just welcome the
wine and throw out your nets?
You throw out your nets and set
fame to bait the noose.

Set fame to derail whats innocent.
Why spare the life of inglorious waste?
Why let him live?
He's just hunting your own!
How can you just sit there and watch?
"Because i love you more than you know
. Look again and tell me what you see!"

In the window was me.
The massacres were all me!
Oh God, please! Please!
deliver the penalties for all of this from me.
I'm not finding justice,
no warrant for mercy...

don't give up on me.
Don't give up on me!
What happens when I turn
and run again? And again, and again?

"I will forgive you."
And what happens when I lie to your face?
"I will forgive you."
Oh my God, I can be
so defiant to some one
who's arms stretch to me.
"I will forgive."
Don't give up on me! Don't give up on me!

"I have forgiven you!"
I'll awake to new purpose to fight this body.
No longer will I play the dark shepherd.
Let not my words be
ripped from the throat of a horror.
Oh, forgiver!
Where is justice in letting me live?

-The Siren's Song-

We came from the pile.
We came from the dead and dying.
But the moment you pulled,
You brought us back to the living.

Stand here to a world at war.
This blacken field leads to ruin.
Ruled by folds pulled tight, and a pit so slick...
Draw your lines, let nothing cross. No!
What booming hate moves close,
so vast that the clouds would follow?

What looms, with thunder?
And the water did fall.

The turn of earth to mud.
Once dried veins, now fill and swell.
Lift the torches, light the fields!
We stand as the giants make way.
We stand as the giants make way.
We are the few to shed the fold,
we are the few!
Oh, sweet lit clarity grant
us the eyes for this bane.
Towered beasts now meet our lines...
But fast on the wind came a song,
and you turned.

The lines crossed now charge.
The lines crossed but you turned away.
It was a beautiful song,
sung through beast's jagged teeth.
It's not real. You'll see.
It's not real. You'll see. You'll see.

She's the touch that you want,
the soft wet skin that haunts.
Deep inside a warmth that
lies on a bed, she's calling to you...
Fight from your knees and the giants will fall.

...taste the wine of her lips,
feel free to taste this kiss.
And drink deep and forget the
struggle in the battle you live.

Don't turn we need you.
Don't turn I need you God.
The sirens are calling your name!
Come back. Come back.
Make the call. Make the call.
Father, send Your rain. Send Your rain.
Lay waste to the kings here.
Lay waste to their grip
and we'll rise. We will rise.

-The Color Theft-

I walk alone,
head down, in a pale grey scene.
Every step leads to atrophy.
This body made for conquest,

instead a pawn on a stage so worthless.
I saw the future as endless reaches.
The skyline's promise, has left me faced with.
Who's dreams are you killing?
And who's pockets are you filling?
Are you where you said you would be in the end?
I walk alone through the crowds
of past failed kings.
Auditions were called for the
hope-thirsting sheep.

What keeps this family of
fighters from facing the war that they were bred for?
Who's dreams are you killing?
And who's pockets are you filling?
Are you where you said,
you would be in the end....?

I once saw my deeds grow to greatness,
and now I'm lost in the folds and worthless.
Following the footsteps of heroes,
never led to the safe and grey roads.

-To Flagship-

One step meets two, open,
in the sea street. We will reign free.
I can't be king.
Right me from this dead bulb.
One step meets two,

open, in the sea street.
We will reign free,
as the sons of the first King.
When wave meets foot,
a ships wreck will drown it's crew.
Every man must face the fears,
so he can brave.
Please, turn this vessel back to flagship
So I can brave it,
hold fast and brave.

Every man who steps aboard must face the fears and brave. He must brave.
Cause even the most praised of ships,
will wreck when the captain is careless.
Oh Captain! The waves are,
like jaws, dripping...
Oh, let me not be made meal to the sea.
Cause I want to be strong.
Yeah I want to see the cannons jump

Strip my pride. Strip my pride.
Let no fault meet this hull.
I know the reef's kiss.
It cuts and sinks, draws me deep inside her.
I won't fear her.
Through swells, we will reign free.
As the sons of the first King.
The sons of Flagship.

-His Name Was Bishop-

With the dawn brings vision
of the crawling field.
Riddled with vain attempts. All in a corpse,
so familiar but not my own.
This is the difference, between you and I.
We are the captive fighters.
But cuffs must hold stronger.

Stronger than skin.
Oh, but until the drops number the floor I'll pull.
Cause I saw the gates,
I saw the gates.

And they're guarded by a
greedy shield and the most carnal of edge.
This is the difference.
You've left on your own, so forlorn.
What have you done?!
You've traded the chains,
and bought yourself a new crown.
Now there are no bars!

Now there are no bars!
When lips reveal the knives
a victim from light, becomes feed for the parched.
Bishop, you're as far from the
cloth as the dogs.
And we share that familiar thirst.
Bishop, mouths wet with the
thought of meat, to tear and taste.

But will it quench? Because it never does.
Oh our crest is the same,
but it's a lie when you wear it. It's a lie!
For the chain and the drops lure.

And you, the captive fighter, with victory off your tongue.
Thats what you did when
you made your own crown.
That's what you did!
When the weak looked up to you!
But you wore your own crown.
You fraud! Light the pyre!

A fraud has been found!
Let it be known,
this war will not be won without fire,
without loss, or without a fight.

-Building The Nations-

I've found the pit to find yourself surrounded.
To the husbands and daughters, brides and sons,
You put a tyrannic terror up on his throne.
He's collecting blood like diamonds from all.
Behind this door we face a war...
its claiming more.
Step back and take a look
around you because we will...

seeds to reclaim victory!
On this day we will...
Plant the seeds to reclaim victory!

Though struggle we'll press on.
Mark my words, you cant find
comfort in the arms of constrictors.
Lift back the scabs of
content and prepare for change.

The doors swing wide,
and we're drawn inside.
The gold stained bones
give off the only light.

Oh, I found your prints on a fleshy pulse.
You made the waves to meet my foot
And all the siren songs that ring on and on and on.
I watched your vipers bring down
the bishop and bait the chains to leave me hit.
Well I've brought all the archers,

we lit all the pyres, and we've come to...
the seeds to reclaim victory!
On this day we will...
the seeds to reclaim victory!

Through struggle we press on...
We are the army of the far from perfect.
This is the call to tear
down and rebuild this world.

-Revelations In The Calm-

When leaders turn to cowards
and fall gutless to bribes.
When seductions raise the curtains
and push virtue aside.

A holocaust is coming for all
the pure in this world...
You can't use ignorance as an alibi anymore.
We could all bear the world,
and fold our dreams to faults.

But when did hope fall short,
and force our lines to crawl?
When the real horror's in

mirrors looking back with a smile.
And arsenals of words used
to wreck start to pile.

A holocaust is coming for
all the pure in this world and
You can't use ignorance in your alibi anymore.

So when hell is at the gates,
who will stand and meet the waves
and take the fight to their graves
to end the dark campaign?
Its the reason we have come to
the forefront of this war.

-The End Of A Dark Campaign-

I've been hit! Oh My God! Oh My God!
The ground burst and cold soaks my shirt.
Send word!
The claret river forms at my
boots with a flash and rain of dirt,
I've been met for the hundredth time.

Call the medic.
This wounds meant to cripple! Run!
The red crest on his head
and a choice off his lips.

He sat never once phased.
While I'm open and spilling!
Is this the end?
Am I a sheep for the slaughter?
Am I just a sheep for the slaughter? Oh, no!

Oh Death, must you reap one more?
Medic! I've been hit! Oh my God! Oh my God!
The ground burst and cold....send word!

The claret river forms and pools over my head.
And for a moment I'm submerged in the lake,
and a sparks birth could not be heard.
All night the thunder of war raged
and it finally seemed as if I had met the eye.

With fights more lost than
won I walk away with one trophy.
A thousand scars on my own chest,
only to realize nowhere else was I hit.
But then with Your grip gloved by mercy,
I was wrenched back to the storm!
Lay dead or charge the line! Another patch wont do!

Cut it from my chest, and begin this run.

Son Of The Morning - 2009

-Son Of The Morning-

And they call him the son of the morning...
I am the rival. I am the one who speaks in whisper.
Hear me now, dear, weak forgiver.
Hear me now, weak forgiver. Hear me now...
Don't send an angel to face the devil.
You're wasting power on grace.
A maggot will always seek to feed from the grave,
where I'll lead them and teach them to
feast on the skin that defeats them,
the skin they crave.

"If you could see like me you'd see
you haven't won anything (anything)
If you could see like me you'd see,
it's by my grace that you're breathing (breathing)
If you could see like me you'd see you haven't won anything.
If you could see like me you'd see."

Every night I start my rise,
climbing high into the morning sky,
but soon after I lose your bride and
I damn your son for stealing my light.
This world is mine...
They call me the son of the morning.
They call me the son of the morning.
I can mound all your fallen past
the clouds as they roll in,
and when I do I will claim your throne
through all these cowards you call your sons.

I am the lord of air and my dawn will last forever.
Go on pouring out because
in the end I will have them.

"If you could see like me you'd
see you haven't won anything (anything)
If you could see like me you'd see,
it's by my grace that you're breathing (breathing)
If you could see like me you'd
see you haven't won anything.
If you could see like me you'd see,
your precious light is fading.
Your light is fading."

-The New Breed-

Reclaiming thrones,
our generation's pride,
sits a conformist ploy to strip what burns inside.
Our bodies yearn to live life endlessly,
so now we rise. We rise in mutiny.

We make our stand here between
the angels and animals.
We fear nothing here, where we can
beat any feat set to keep us crawling.
We're calling you here to give
leave to destruction of fear and
stand tall against all who will dare to shake you.
Don't let them shake you.

"Stand strong, where I could not,
please stand strong"

Oh please, this plea, dear God,
let it not from my lips be conceived.

So grip your fist and swing until your knuckles bleed.
If you are the new breed scream,
"I am immortal!"
We can't sit quietly because
there's more to life than we see.
So if you are the new breed scream,
"I am Immortal in you!"

This is the call of the new breed.
I want to feel what change your glory brings.
Please teach me life lived fearlessly
and I swear I'll make a stand here,
between the angels and animals and fear nothing.
Here, where I can be more than mortal
and fight for a kingdom that answers to no one.
But I just cant breathe without
you in the air and I won't so rip out these lungs
and for my heart, you can cut it from my chest.
Oh God, if that's what you want,
for me to feel life endlessly...

I'll breathe your blood for the rest of my life.

So grip your fist and swing until your knuckles bleed.
If you are the new breed scream, "I am immortal!"
We can't sit quietly because there's more to life than we see.
So if you are the new breed scream, "I am Immortal in you!"

We'll be death's dealers, if that's where you lead.
Anchored by glory, we rise in mutiny.
We are the new breed. We are the new breed.
We've come alive and we are moving.

-In All Honesty-

[feat. Cody Bonnette of AS CITIES BURN]

Rest I have not found...
They keep coming, keep coming,
keep crawling right through my teeth.
They keep coming, keep coming,
your children I feed off to keep awake...
Long enough to meet the next little sheep...
Long enough to meet the
next to buy every word I preach.

It's like I was born to
rip the flesh from her bones.
I'm forever stalking the streets for the next one.
I've found I can run faster,
faster than guilt could ever.
I've found once a man lets
virtue aside he finds sweet what follows.

I've found that I can
run faster than guilt could ever.
"I'm bleeding while you're leading for my enemy."
How could you really
think that I am worth this rescuing?
I wish I could be so much more than me.
"You could be the one who pleases me.

You could be,
because I can reach through anything."
I wish I could be so much more than me.
"You could be the one who pleases me.
You could be... my arms are reaching."
You're reaching out to a dog that's tasted and turned.

Why? Why waste your time
when I've found my strength in another?
Can you see more in me?
Can you really see more than just a beast?
"I'm bleeding so you can be the one who pleases me!"
I'm sorry,
but I just can't justify this rescuing.
"You can't see fairness as your clarity.

The better man is what your heart wants to be
but you rape every trusted chance I bring your way.
If justice you seek,
in death it should be."
I wish I could be so much more than me.
"You could be the one who pleases me.
You could be,
because I can reach through anything."
I want to believe.
Will you take me?
"You could be the one who pleases me.
You could be,
my arms are reaching."
I don't want to be the
father who has to watch his daughter
be conned and stripped bare by a monster like me.
God, put me to sleep.

-Breathing Blood-

Regaining consciousness
under a swinging moon,
he speaks of alliances that
beckoned me long before the womb.

I've caused more wounds than I'm worth. I see now,
you must not have heard...
I am the natural born killer.
There is freedom past your history.
"This air won't fill my lungs!"
Because you should be breathing blood.

See, this death, it was your victory so...
"Teach me to fill my lungs!"
...never stop breathing blood.
I had it all so very wrong,
but I fought... I fought with only song.
God, I've tried... I'm trying
like a beast all alone,
but my words... my words have aired in poison.
Please teach me how to breathe
because this air keeps failing my need.
Fill my lungs with what won't
bleed from my enemies.

He said, "If death is victory
how afraid of life can you be?"
I'm born a war machine not
knowing which beckon to heed.
Will I rise as a tool for
glory or be lost in dormancies?

I've regained consciousness
under this swinging moon.
You filled my lungs and each
breath heals this killer's wounds.
There is freedom past your history.
"But this air won't fill my lungs!"
Because you should be breathing blood.

See, this death, it was your victory so...
"Teach me to fill my lungs!"
...never stop breathing blood.
I hear him speaking to me.
For the first time he cleared my head
that's when he said,
"Only cowards keep dormant
their sleeping strength,
and soon you'll find,

only the fearless will reach their potential's peak."
(What will wing these words
if even the air is poisoned?
If the air is poisoned,
what will wing these words?)
"Tell me, if death is victory
how afraid of life can we be?
If death is victory how
afraid of life can we be?"

-Reveries Of Flight-

A sound ahead from distant peaks,
a song that all my brothers sing.
It's just out of reach, to join I
would need the wings the heaven denied me.
It's like you're deaf to my voice,
but I've been here for every moment,
waiting on your call to move.
If you could just make a choice,
I know you would find me
wanting only to be close to you.

"You keep denying my lead!
Because I've tried,
I've never pulled back my reach,
and I've stayed and I've died,
but you keep looking for me where I'm not.
I won't be just where you want me to be.
You've got to believe and
just trust that I can be everything."

It's like you're deaf
to my voice "but I'm not!"
but I've been here for
every moment "and I've fought"
waiting on your call to move "just call to move"
if you could just make a choice "oh I have"
I know you would find me wanting "I just want..."
only to be close to you "all of you."
If you would just try and let
(me) pry all your grips on worries,
I would come alive in your life and
let you find the flight you're longing.

-World Without A Sun-

I fear a world without the sun.
The day the sun never rose, cold swept the world.
And now stone and ice, the children she forms.
I lift my eyes to take in horizons of skin.

The cold is creeping to meet with
wrath above and you'll soon be
fearing to see what it kept us away from.
I fear a world without the sun.

I fear a world without the sun,
but never who wished it gone.

The trees are dead, yet alive more than ever,
growing flesh where once were leaves.
They stretch instead of tower,
like bone wrapped giants they reach.

Oh, but nothing stirs like the fire's thunder.
The cold is creeping to meet
with wrath above and you'll soon be
fearing to see what it kept us away from.
I fear a world without the sun.
I fear a world without the sun,
but never who wished it gone.
And now the ground pulses, constricting for birth.

-The Fire Dawn-

Stand up, we'll be more than kings.
Show no mercy when the gates swing.
I've said it before but without accepting
that my body was the only thing keeping me from living.
I wouldn't even let the surgeon touch me.

Though facing death, I dined on flesh...
but now I live to fight outnumbered.

I live to fight outnumbered at
the fire dawn to live in rebellious honor.
I'll stand, you'll see me over all of your fallen.
I'll be knee-deep,
knee-deep in a sea of their organs.
Send me all of hell and I'll face them,
I'll face them one on one-thousand.

Stand up, we'll be more than kings.
Show no mercy when the gates swing.
Breathe deep the sea at your knees.
Breathe deep and show no mercy..

With blistering heat, the army now bursting through,
blinds me with a light not meant
to empower but reigned to devour.
I'll face them one on one-thousand.
This kingdom's end is written,
I'll take it one on one-thousand.

I'll stand, you'll see me over all of your fallen.
I'll be knee-deep, knee-deep in a sea of their organs.
Send me all of hell and I'll face them.
I'll face them one on one-thousand and yell,
"Is there no one else?
Is there no one else left?"

-A Banquet For Traitors-

Again, I wake to you...
Stand up, these feet are so far from clean.
I'm undeserving of the strength in your arms used to save me.
But years passed when I saw Eve next to me,
she's wrapped in low-cut, dripping sensuality.
I remember the host,

but it's been so long since we spoke.
He said, "My son, you can hold perfection
in your arms if you wish."
but I sit at a banquet for traitors
placed here between a thief and a liar.
"Just run and hold perfection in
your arms as I slip..."
but I'll make you the god of a
liar cause I've been both a saint and a viper.

I'll make you the god of a liar.
I am a lie, just like these traitors
that cry for forgiving replies
but keep their grips held tight.
Though my eye's on Eve you're ready
to bleed as if I'm royalty
but I am no king. I am no king.
His life spilled like a tide so divine.
It was a blood soaked feast that
never ceased as his veins dripped empty.

With such violent grace, the waves
hit my face and in painful clarity I turned fearfully...
"What makes you think you can deserve me?
My host fell to His knees as paling lips pushed His plea...
"My son, you can hold perfection
in your arms if you wish."
but I sit at a banquet for traitors,
placed here between a thief and a liar.

"Just run and hold perfection in your arms as I slip..."
but I'll make you the god of
a liar cause I've been both a saint and a viper.
By grace uneven, at the banquet portrayed,
through death, this life is saved.
But I am no king! I am no...
"Open your eyes, child, your sea is changing."

-Commissioned By Kings-

Give me your eyes so I can see through fire.
Give me your strength so I can stand so strong...
Now we walk on leathered skin to freedom.
The tempest roars but I am fearless.
With each step I crack and
stretch and each breath is a sting to my chest.
My God, will this push bring purity or...
Bring out the dead! Bring out the dead!

Bring out what you will have bow down,
and they will bow down.
"They're climbing,
they're climbing through soil and earth."
They have my scent!
"but you can stop them, I'm sure..."
Yes, I can best even the devil himself
"...but your pride has just made it worse.."
What writhing spite is unearthing here?

Why choose from prodigals a band
of cowards to hoist your banner of love for the world to the slaughter?
"Just a crack, the smallest of
laws and your legs have now failed you to crawl.
You're, from the dirt, insurgent
to warning, from lion to nothing at all.

Look and see, you're feeble and weak
for your body fights only your heart.
Call to me and unleash the strength,
your soul will begin to roar."
Give me your eyes so I can

see through fire.
Give me your strength so I can stand so strong...
I breathe in your light and
like fire my colors now light.

Though outnumbered by lines,
we'll stay and fight.
When we reach the gates all you'll hear us say is,
"Bring out the dead! Bring out the dead!"
Bring out what you will
have bow down and they will bow down.

-The Finisher-

Do you mean to challenge me?
Because your speech is
threatening to the writer of your history,
through a future perverted by envy.
Your whisper may sway the weak,
but when I speak it roars the sea.

Your challenge has been met,
because with a breath I could snap your neck.
This won't be like the first

time you tried, because my
patience and mercy for you has run dry.
You've watered among my bride
and started seeds to feed your throning flight.

I will sing to the world your
storm is capturing and the angels will join me...
We will sing to a world reborn from suffering.
But mark my words, because if that
tree keeps them from seeing me
I will burn off your limbs and
you will never shade again.

You will bow at my feet or I'll
rip out your knees and make of your face all the carnage you crave.
I am the Finisher and I am Forever.
I will sing to the world your
storm is capturing and the angels will join me...
We will sing to a world reborn from suffering.
From the armories the angels sing.
You will see them end this suffering.
From the armories the angels sing.

You will fear them when they lift their wings.
They will sing to a world reborn.
They will sing as I cut off your horns.
I'll cut off your horns.

Children Of Fire - 2011


Pry your eyes and behold our captain
Rally round his feet
As he controls his captive
Bring him to his knees
Behold our captain
Rally round his feet
I'm calling the bold to stand and
Make the coward bleed

Strain your chords
Push this chant through the discord
Lift your gall to an end seeking valor
We're bred to abound through the years
our beating pulses stood
contending the skins they indwell

I said behold our captain
Rally round his feet
As he controls his captive
Bring him to his knees
Behold our captain
Rally round his feet
Calling the bold to stand and
Make the coward bleed

"So long all you children"
Don't go! We're almost there!
"Your road is not yet coming to an end"

What do my eyes perceive?
It's so contrary to the promise that
secured us because now you're nowhere to be found.
You can't just up and leave,
abandonment is the thumbprint
of that cur who just hit the ground

You lead us straight to hell

This is hell
This is hell

Make my grave or animate my veins
Make my grave or animate my veins

"So long you children" were the last words that you said
And now my bones just keep bending to reach for an end
You said brace yourself when the air grows thick
Brace yourself when the world constricts
And brace yourself for what will come next

Pry your eyes and behold our captain
Rally round his feet
As he controls his captive
Bring him to his knees
Behold our captain
Rally round his feet
Calling the bold to stand and
Make the coward bleed

-Shed Your Soul-

This is the end!
This is all that there is,
There is no right or wrong,
No king, no throne to defend.
'Cause we are all that exists.
No blessing God,
No judge or law
There's no cost or calls from the top.

We're all on our own!
We're on our own!

No church exists in this world that we live
No beacons, no prophet
This is it
We are the only ones left.
No preachers, no new born believers,
Your faith is in jest

What if we're wrong?
What if we're not alone?
What if we're lost?
We missed the whole point of it all?
What if I'm wrong?
What if we're not all alone?
What if our peace can never be felt on our own?

I saw God die!
I saw God die!

We're on our own!

Well if all that remains is our avaricious wit,
Then an eye for an eye is the only law that can exist.

So don't use your romance to soften defeat,
And trophies of war to boast of your feat,
You've failed and you've failed
Because your body is weak,
And you'll never be as strong as you dream to achieve.

What if we're wrong?
What if we're not all alone?
What if we're lost?
And we missed the whole point of it all?

I saw God die!
(I saw God die!
I saw God die!
(I saw God die!)

-The Marriage Of Steel And Skin-

Man, the one we followed
has fallen to our foe
But, oh man, you can’t just shed your soul
and let ruin all your thirsting tongues
Your tolls grow tallies,
but there’s no judge to pay the debts
Our judge is dead but one
must reside to bring down judgment

This is my call from the kingdom and I will stand
Yes, I will stand

I’ll stand for the fires of the victims
Left to die
Left to die
And I’ll stay until their cowards on a pyre
Burned alive
Burning alive

Daughter! Sweet daughter!
What has brought this bed of blood?
What man? What man has entered my home?
He’s wreathed your body in sin
He must pay!

Now take my hand and show me the den where he lays
I’ll marry a blade to his throat
I’ll marry a blade to his throat
There’s going to be blood for
the blood that you've spilled
Blood for the blood of your forced will

We’ll stand by the fires of the victims
Left to die
Left to die
And we’ll stay until their cowards on a pyre
Burned alive
Burning alive

Now cut, cut until the head comes off
Until the head comes off
Now you’ve got to cut, cut until the head comes off
Until the head comes off

-Hush Yael-

Hush Yael,
I hear them coming,
We'll hide here until we're safe.
Just hold tight to me,
Until they find what they need.

Hush little Yael,
I hear them leaving for the beach,
Where on the stone and sand,
Your sister finds her sleep.

Wet your jaws for the world,
We're going back to the darkest hours.
Where our kind has confirmed,
We are the masters of sin and slaughter.

On the 22nd day of the 4th month,
1979 warrants a judgement.
Because he came,
And he saw,
And this coward conquered a family asleep in their home.


We must rise for the helpless and fight for their justice!

So lift your voices high,
Higher than the mountains of their spite.
We are,
We are the fearless,
The ruthless,
The heralds of our time!

So lift your voices high,
Higher than the mountains of their spite.
We are,
We are the fearless,
The ruthless,
The heroes of our time!

She had to watch,
Him pull the trigger in her daddy's back,
Then put his face to the waves until he took his last.
Then he took her life with the butt of his gun,
Four years from when her life had begun!


We are all weavers,
At the loom of slaughter.
But we will rise and make these victims our martyrs!

So lift your voices high,
Higher than the mountains of their spite.
We are,
We are the fearless,
The ruthless,
The heralds of our time!

So lift your voices high,
Higher than the mountains of their spite.
We are,
We are the fearless,
The ruthless,
The heroes of our time!

Make him beg for his life!
Make him beg for his life!
He made me watch as my family died!
He'll never know what its like!
So cut him slow until his soul takes flight!

Hush Yael,
They found him and they put him in chains,
The one who broke our home,
Is finally feeling pain.

Hush little Yael,
I'm sorry your lungs are empty.
But in your new home,
That man will not be seen.

End him slow!
End him slow!

Make him feel the rocks,
That her temple rode!

End him slow!
End him slow!
End him slow!

-The Conscience Speaks-

You shed his blood in my name
To cover up the messes that he made

Will you please let it go?

I helped you shed in their name
But can't you see our wounds still remain?

Will you please let it go?

-Dealers Of Fame-

Now is the time,
so gather your strength for the ride
This tale is to teach you the dangers that rest inside
A lust for the power provided by fame

"You can never stop us
We'll never have enough
The world will always fear us
The only key is fame fame fame
Don't ever try to save us
We'll prove we're always man enough
Look how they always chase us
All we need is fame fame fame."

Innocence turned its head
at 19 as the two screamed,
"Don't try to save us
We'll prove we're man enough
Look how they chase us
All we need is fame fame fame"

You follow all the moths that chase
the light you hold so high
You're carving up your soul to
feed the distance of your flight
With every cut they lift you up
With every cut they lift you up

21 counts of murder and the public eye
She swings wide to open her arms and welcome the bribe
Behold, these are the monsters we've conjured
And they've both got to die

Let them rot
Let them rot
Let them rot

These are only a few for the list marches on
This fame is a drug and the addicts our gods.
But we measure their doses and give them a flame
So the charge is on us; we are the dealers of fame

You follow all the moths that
chase the light you hold so high
Your carving up your soul to feed
the distance of your flight
With every cut they lift you up
With every cut they lift you up

16th of July, Ukraine saw the horror
that rests inside a lust for
the the power provided by fame

-Means To Believe-

You’re building a ship with no sails
And setting out to brave the open seas
You’re standing for your God by
becoming something so far off
Don’t you see the irony?

He gave me a train with no tracks
With no wood to build or burn for steam
Despite all I lack
If I derail he’ll turn his back
Don’t you see the irony?

If the blind can see you
And the lame can meet you
Will the dead embrace you if
you never gave them the means to believe?
And that makes no sense to me

He gave me a voice that speaks out
But paired it with a mind that’s filled with doubt
If I’m to find the sun
I need something more than song
to pull me from this cave of questioning

Give me sand to build a home
And watch all the walls fall on me
I can’t change what I am
Lions always kill the lambs
Don’t you see the irony?
Don’t you see the irony?

If the blind can see you
And the lame can meet you
Will the dead embrace you if
you never gave them the means to believe?
And that makes no sense to me

Will I embrace you?
Will you ever give me the means to believe?
Answer me… please.

-In The Wake Of Pigs-

It makes me sick that it's
hard to distinguish
An honest leader who preaches a cause
That's not made, and not based
On the profit they'll receive from telling the world
What line divides you from the seeders
Who sow without growing believers
You point and you judge
Forgetting that their
faith is molded by your lead

So where am I to find
A voice that's pure in urging me to climb?
There's gotta be more, there's gotta be pigs
I've joined them and clawed at the ground for my feed
I've seen bloodshed but the words still remain
I left, I fled, I called, I cursed
I changed from "certain" to "searching"
But nothing has answered deserving faith

You are not alone in the eye of the darkest storm
We are the lighthouse shining a lamp from the shore
To bring your journey home
You are not alone, use this song to lead you home
We are what's left of the love
that can pierce through the callous
Life you've spent undone
We are the legacy that's left
to breathe the winds to sail you home
You are not alone
If you can hear this song
The battle has been won!

Don't go, don't go!
I've got to use your voice to light the way back home
'Cause I need to see, I need to breathe
So much more than my kind is offering
Where am I to find
The voice that keeps urging me to climb?
I need to hear it again or I'll
lose sight of land and be
swept past my chance to survive

Follow your pulse to the shallows
Unleash your will to survive
Make every step draw you closer
To be the hero you've always denied

Where is your voice coming from?
Show me a sign I can trust
I need something more to believe in
A beacon or something to merit pressing on

You are not alone in the eye of the darkest storm
We are the lighthouse
shining a lamp from the shore
To bring your journey home
You are not alone, use
this song to lead you home
We are what's left of the love
that can pierce through the callous
Life you spent undone
We are the legacy, that's left
to breathe the wind to sail you home
You're not alone
If you can hear this song
The battle has been won!

Spread wide your wings
Let the draft lift you up
You've heard the call of the future flock
You're coming home

-Claws Of A God-

Brace yourself for the climb is steep
You'll need every ounce of brawn
For the mountain won't stop 'til you bleed.

Beware of headlines that volume the growing deceit
That justice will not begin to breed without smoke
Breed without smoke

Keep close things you learned from the fall
Cast your wounds to heal without flaw
Keep close things you learned from the fall
Cast your wounds to heal without flaw

Beware for there's a zealot
unleashed and sighting the end
Through a scope of righteousness
that's blinded by blood on the lens
He won't stop until his claws
reach his faults and he sees he's not the
Hands of God

He'll choke on the smoke
Choke on the smoke

Keep close things you learned from the fall
Cast your wounds to heal without flaw
Keep close things you learned from the fall
Cast your wounds to heal without flaw

Keep close things you learned from the fall
Cast your wounds to heal without flaw
Keep close things you learned from the fall
Cast your wounds to heal without flaw

Cast your wounds
Cast your wounds or you'll choke on the smoke
Choke on the smoke
You'll choke on the smoke that you breathe from your own code

-The Family Ruin-

She finds him by the fire,
His clothes have got him dripping from his crimes.
He beckons her, "Sweet daughter,"
The voice that once avenged her younger life.

He's got the voice of a con,
The same one
Who cut down in the name of his God,
Who took on the robe of a judge,
Without a license to kill without cause.
He's not worth it.
He's not worth it;
He's not worth it.
Remember what he did that made
you question all the words he cited!

From the book, the same book,
That's reeling you home after
so many years of silence.

And the daughter watches father,
As he sleeps and dreams, she brings the knife to light.
'Cause she knows he can't go farther,
And he'll never wake to see his daughter cry.

Don't lose control or you will long
To go back to this time and rewrite your thought.
'Cause you're about to choose what's to come,
So ironic, it's ironic, it's ironic
that you're contemplating murder
While I'm educating you in mercy!
You say you want, you say you want,
The means to believe, so don't change who you are,
'Cause who you are is how I made you to discover me!

The steel marries his skin.
No, it's not worth it, it's not worth it.
(I cut him down! I cut him down!)
He didn't have to fall, it's your fault,
It's your fault. You lost control,
And now you long to go
back and rewrite your thought.
But I won't let you slip away.
Not this time, not this time.
This time you're gonna learn
what it means to receive the very mercy
That you denied when you denied
The means to believe,
I'll keep feeding you the proof that you need,
But you spit it out to follow further your doubt.

And now he can't go farther,
'Cause he'll never wake to see his daughter cry

-Chewing The Stitch-

Oh my God, I can feel something moving
The air is still growing thick but it's soothing
I've done nothing to merit forgiving
But if the chance should arise and you hear me

Make my voice be the proof that they need
That light beams even from the tongues unseen

I've never felt so alive
The wind is ushering a change and
I can't believe I'm alive
After attempts to free the pain and

You are the new sign of proof
A calloused heart can still be reached so
Stand and believe that it's true
You hold the voice to change the seas

Oh the journey of ships are just starting
All the guilt and the shame of the games I played
Deaf to my heart starts to fade

And I will speak for every one of us
The rebel dogs who rejected love
Chew the stitch until you taste the blood
Find so much more when you give it up
Give it up
Give it up

We are monsters on our own
(we are monsters on our own)
Banded together we'll overcome
(banded together we'll overcome)
We are monsters on our own
(we are monsters on our own)
Banded together we'll overcome
(banded together we'll overcome)

Now that I've found you

I've never felt so alive
The wind is ushering a change and
I can't believe I'm alive
After attempts to free the pain and

You are the new sign of proof
A calloused heart can still be reached so
Stand and believe that it's true
You hold the voice to change the seas

Don't expect us to apologize,
Rebel dogs in the spotlight
We want no truce
No truce or compromise

-Children Of Fire-

We were born to fight!

Here I stand, my breath is baited waiting for the clouds to burst
I plead and scream, "Come what may!"

Dear God, lift me up from this ground of pain
The heat has reached a degree that's bringing me to faint
My faith and sweat have remained to contend the grave
Despite the sting, we wait until you bring our fate

We're singing
We are the children of fire
We are the lions
We stayed when all else deserted
Because we were born to fight and fight and fight

I see you, tattered and bruised
You're the only ones who remained true
I hear your call through the thick of it all
You've waited so long for the rescue

Our time has come
I'm sweating red, I'm sweating red, I'm sweating red
I'm red, I'm sweating red, I'm sweating red, red, red
I'm sweating red, I'm sweating red, I'm red
I'm sweating red, I'm sweating red red red

It turns from blue,
The sky comes unglued
It falls to the earth as my answer
It's so far from rain, the lot will feel pain.
As it singes their skin but for you it will soothe

What descends feels like heaven on my skin
Finally I am free to never breathe again
My body lifts from the ground I was rooted in
And I pass the spark as it races to the rest of them

We are the children of fire
We are the lions
We stayed when all else deserted
Because we were born to fight and fight and fight

Ignite, ignite, ignite the world
Ignite, ignite, ignite the world
Ignite, ignite, ignite the world
Ignite the world and let it burn!

The Titan EP - 2013

-Naofumi Mitsuhashi-

I've got something to say
I've got something to say
I've got something to say
I've got something to...

This scene is too far gone

I've got something to say
I've got something to say
I've got something to say
I've got something to...

This scene is too far gone to
expect a message of peace to reach the top charts
We are a giant divided by fear
forged knives in the fires of our pride
We can't grow until we dethrone
all of the emptiness

Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
Your brawn will not be
measured by the stiffness of your cap
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
The statements on your
knuckles don't make you the man

You say "I'm sick, I'm so sick"
But then bandage with a
soiled tune and revel in the stench
"I'm sick, I'm so sick"
But you bandage with a
soiled tune and leave us singing...

I'll seek the end,
I'll seek it 'til the end
Not of life, but the
ignorance poisoning our limbs

I'll seek the end,
I'll seek it 'til the end
Not of life, but the
gnorance poisoning our limbs

Now ladies, are you listening?
How many artificial layers do
you need to feel secure
Ladies, ladies!
How many opposing choices will
you make against your worth all for attention?

Cause it's cut you deep
You are no more the face you
paint than the muscles beneath skin
You are no more the muscles
than the bones beneath them

Ladies and gentlemen
May I ask you one last thing before the beginning?
Will you ever be an audience that
sees all the sick and empty lies you've been feeding

You got something to say?
Then spit it out right now in front of all the fakes
Drop out of the masquerade
and wear you own name

Wear your own name

I'll seek the end, I'll seek it 'til the end

-The Pitch-

The time has come for a revolution
When your drive surpasses your body's reach
You could be everything you've ever wanted
Marry your skin to steel to see what I mean

Step right up and read all about it
There's a new contender in town
In the air there's a stir
With a hopefulness about it
And I'm starting to think it could be my out

Have I not suffered
Have I not endured long enough
Could it be you're really helping me
It's about damn time you showed mercy

I have this dream every night I see
The world below passing quietly
I'm lifted up through the cloudy peaks
'Til I'm up so high
I can barely...

Well this has got to be everything you wanted
This has got to be everything you've waited for
The cost is cheap to see
These dreams achieve fruition
After all the world
Has laughed at your ambition

No longer hooked in a maze
With the shadows of my dreams
But am I looking away in the shallow end of these
Now I want the world to see
I can forever be
What wasn't there for me
Fill the field and fly away

I have this dream every night I see
The world below passing quietly
I'm lifted up through the cloudy peaks
'Til I'm up so high
I can barely breathe

Well this has got to be everything you wanted
This has got to be everything you've waited for
The cost is cheap to see
These dreams achieve fruition
After all the world
Has laughed at your ambition

This has got to be everything I wanted
This has got to be everything I've waited for
The cost is cheap to see
These dreams achieve fruition
After all the world
Has laughed at my ambition


The time has come for a revolution!

-Death From Above-

These eyes alive
Dilating for the very first time

I vow to fill my grave with a life not wasted
I am a storm that's grown in the winds of woe
I built these wings with bones
That broke on the grounds of weakness
I am a Phoenix reborn!

This is a life time of chances
You'd kill for any one of them
Now you hold the keys
But can you kill enough to keep them
The choice is yours
Don't lose sight don't sell short
The dream you set before
This is what you were made for

Open your eyes to a new sun
Embrace the fire, never give it up
Stretch out the wings you long for and soar
Like no one's ever seen before

Sit back and watch me
I'm gonna make you proud
I'll be the spear that pins the cowards down
Just give me a target
Just give me that green light
I'll bring down everything to see it's smite

'Cause I!
I am!
Death from above!
Remember my name!
I am!
Death from above!
The sky is opening up!

Open your eyes to a new sun
Embrace the fire, never give it up
Stretch out the wings you long for and soar
Like no one's ever seen before

These eyes alive
Dilating for the very first time

I am!
Death from above!
Remember my name!
I am!
Death from above!
The sky is opening up!

-Heavy Hands-

Could it be the dream
as meant to deceive,
When everything in me
Bought that happiness would follow it's lead
If only I believed?
And now the choice is mine to
let it die and hope I rise again
'Cause reveries of flight
only left me questioning.

This was everything I wanted
And I can't believe I'm giving it up.
This was everything I waited for,
But this armor doesn't shine anymore.
The brightest sword sees no war,
Though broken, my blood is warm.
There's got to be something more.

Heavy hands holding the burden of change,
The only cost is pain.
The return is never promised in gain.
It's time for the blind to find their way.
And now the choice is mine to let
it die and hope that I rise again.
'Cause reveries of flight only left me questioning.

-The Rise-

If you can hear this,
you are the resistance.
Burn a candle in your window 'til the wick's end.
If you can her this you're the hope of our mission.
T change the future through the power of resistance.

We are born with the ability to change the world.
Every breath is an option to sink or soar.
Born, hands gripped on a broken sword,
Every breath is an option.

Privilege is a myth.
Trials are just life,
The number of which, before you die,
Equal only the chances you had to try,
Only the chances you had to thrive.

So get up! Get up! Get up and join us!

There's no mistake in our design
and we need no revision to aspire.
Look around, you share the ground
with a march of broken swords and tattered helms.

Let there be no shine to your armor.
Let it speak of the blows received
while standing for honor.
Let there be no shine.
Let there be no shine.

You suck the life of every vein we
filled and lick the blood we spilled.
You sold a lie with your alluring guise.
You words fell dead.
Now you feasted breath's so defined you cannot hide.

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

Anything Missing? Anything You Want To Add?

Email: metalmashupcontact@gmail.com

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