Norma Jean


VS The Anti Mother - 2008

Meridional - 2010

Wrongdoers - 2013

Polar Similar - 2016


VS The Anti Mother - 2008

-Vipers, Snakes, And Actors-

Carry your flags,
march into that fictional cause
And show off that medal
Just don't reach for that gun
Reach for that gun
Carry that banner, build that heart out of stone
Just don't reach for that gun
You scaled the high horse and I felt the change
I know the difference between you and me
You scaled the high horse and I felt the change
I know the difference between you and me
You and me

You cleaned the outside of your chalice
But it's filled with robbery and self indulgence
Just like the rest of us

You wear that cross like a crown.
You wear that cross like a dagger
You wear that cross like a crown.
You wear that cross like a dagger

Oh my god, take this sword from my mouth
You scaled the high horse and I felt the change
I know the difference between you and me

Come down from that tower
Come down from that tower

Nothing will be the outcome.
Nothing is the outcome

-Self Employed Chemist-

It's like you know the words
But you can't hear the music
You've lived a lie for so long
Now you believe it
You're shooting silver bullets
And taking magic pills

I'm asking you, do you know a way to delete my conscience?
Don't put your ear to the floor to hear the sound of the future
Yours is a history shaped by disaster
We're coming back for you
You better brace yourself

I'm telling you
We're coming back
To collect that killer
Who killed me and threw me away
Am I holding you up
Or you holding me down?

You killed me and threw me away
Am I holding you up
Or you holding me down?

We make the same mistakes
We always count them
I want to fail you so badly.

I'm telling you
We're coming back
To collect that killer
Who killed me and threw me away
Am I holding you up
Or you holding me down?

You killed me and threw me away
Am I holding you up
Or you holding me down?

What if I have to lose?
What if I have to suffer?
So what if I have to lose?
So what if I have to suffer?

You killed me and threw me away
Am I holding you up
Or you holding me down?

-Birth Of The Anti Mother-

From the bloodline of vicious serpents
A dreadful heart within a lovely shell
A demon's heart, but with the face of God
I guess a liar's heart is still true even if her lips are not

The vomit that flows out from your mouth
Has seeped into your chest
Searching for the strength
To breathe in one last lie from you
But right now the grave seems so much easier

The fear of that devil in me
It comes from you.
You're like the smoke in the window
It comes from you

She comes for sorrow
She comes for lies

We came here for blood
Did you? Yes or no?
No one's getting out because
We came here for blood
Did you? Yes or no?
No one's getting out because

We came for blood

She's not breathing and I don't care
Because no one's breathing
She's not breathing

Choke that witch out
Suffocate her
Choke her out

-Robots 3 Humans 0-

Open that door: I'll follow you into that space
Where nothing is regretted then forgotten
Where is that grace that carries me out?
So strange, it's mine, it's closed and locked

And if you open that door
It won't be yesterday when
Before the days of collapsing
And I'll stand through all these lines
Just to make it back to you

Can you help me every step of the way?
We can bury that battle and bury the cause
There is nothing that I can say
Because I was wrong this time

Everyone knows cause they see the glare in our eyes
Careful now, don't drown yourself in sorrow
I was the one that built that cross and weighed you down
And now I'll carry on till it's over and it's over

And if you open that door
It won't be yesterday when
Before the days of collapsing
And I'll stand through all these lines
Just to make it back to you

Can you help me every step of the way?
We can bury that battle and bury the cause
There is nothing that I can say
Because I was wrong this time

Yesterday when
Before the days of collapsing
And I'll stand through all these lines
Just to make it back to you

Can you help me every step of the way?
We can bury that battle and bury the cause
There is nothing that I can say
Because I was wrong this time

-Death Of The Anti Mother-

I hope you burn forever
There will be no other way
No more suffering
No more trust will be lost
No more wounded
No more blood will be shed
Just know, I mean to harm you
I want to see you choking
And kicking in your own blood
We all have our own person hells
I just hope yours burns brighter
Deception has been your right hand
Confusing the sight of my left
You won't leave the way you came
And now no more blood will be shed

We will burn for this
We will both of us burn

-Surrender The Sons-

Left alone

Your pale skin is a razor sharp wire
So I place these scales over my eyes
Don't touch me, I'm sick.
You whisper, but I hear only what I choose

Hello my good old friend.
Your hand pulls me back from that mire
Will I look back and stare
And wonder if she is way back there?

But afterwards my mouth
Will be filled with gravel
And I'm left alone

You know that feeling of fear
And desperation in the pit
Of your stomach making you nauseous
Excitement, apprehension,
You wish you could lose it all

Hello my good old friend.
Your hand pulls me back from that mire
Will I look back and stare
And wonder if she is way back there?

But afterwards my mouth
Will be filled with gravel
And I'm left alone

The fear of dealing with this is stronger
Than the fear of just forgetting this
And future, I am scared of you

Left alone

Hello my good old friend.
Your hand pulls me back from that mire
Will I look back and stare
And wonder if she is way back there?

I swear I'll find my way back
To the light now that I'm left alone

-Murphy Was An Optimist-

Light that fuse, back up three steps
And bite down on that bullet.
You've been doing this
Way too long and it can't be fixed.

Don't worry
So pull up that chair
And suck down that trouble
Misery is the fuel
That keeps this broken down
Lifeless instrument running

I'm sinking in cursory
And I'm sinking headfirst

Clear your dusty throat and taste that stiletto
Can you taste that metal?
Don't worry it can't be fixed.
Don't worry it can't be fixed
So don't worry

Light that fuse, back up three steps
And sink without a trace

I'm sinking in cursory
And I'm sinking headfirst

Hold me down till I stop crying.
I don't want to feel this anymore
Hold you down cause you're not trying.
I don't want to feel this anymore

Hold me down till I stop crying.
I don't want to feel this anymore
Hold you down cause you're not trying.
I don't want to kill you anymore.

Is this what you were designed for?
Did you think you had it coming?
Hell follows with you

I'm sinking in cursory
And I'm sinking headfirst

Is this what you were designed for?
Did you think you had it coming?
Hell follows with you

-Opposite Of Left And Wrong-

Dedication is nothing but a word.
What have we become?
We become the things we do.
When does it end?
Argument is the enemy.
You've said one hundred opposites of left and wrong
So tell me what's right, not what's wrong.
I don't care anymore.
I'm drained from the struggle.
Argument is the enemy.
I don't care anymore: I'm giving this up
You can fight your way through this graveyard
There is no rehab for your power addiction and
I've had all the freedom that I can stand
Tell me what's right

-...Discipline Your Daughters-

I can't recall that last day of sun
Curtains closed
And sitting with the lights out
An uncertain emptiness surrounds me

I'm numb and my judgments
Have switched to autopilot
Nothing left but echoes
And thoughts of moving on

Don't stay away
Don't stay here

Tell me all your secrets
I promise I'll be listening
And if you ever come back home
I'll be waiting patiently

Tell me nothing sacred
I promise I won't hear a word
And if you ever come back home
I won't act so patiently

Black feathers
And an unannounced call.
These things go hand in hand

Like talking to you
And the intake of glass
I hope this knife in my hand
Speaks for itself...

Don't stay away
Don't stay here

Tell me all your secrets
I promise I'll be listening
And if you ever come back home
I'll be waiting patiently

Tell me nothing sacred
I promise I won't hear a word
And if you ever come back home
I won't act so patiently

She's not coming back

Tell me all your secrets
I promise I'll be listening
And if you ever come back home
I'll be waiting patiently

Don't stay away
Don't stay here

Tell me all your secrets
I promise I'll be listening
And if you ever come back home
I'll be waiting patiently

Tell me nothing sacred
I promise I won't hear a word
And if you ever come back home
I won't act so patiently

She's not coming back

-And There Will Be A Swarm Of Hornets-

I built this destruction with my own hands
With my hands I will help pull it down.
And like the worker bees, silenced by that swarm
I'll make a new home

String me up, just leave me here
And I'll find my way back home I swear
These are not the plans I made.
This is not the life I wanted
I don't care
Pull it down

With broken bones and vital organs
Far from functional, I am ruined.
So pull me down
And I'll find my way back home I swear.

What you can't pull from me, pull from yourself

We know what we have to do.
We're not going anywhere!
With blood stained glasses
Staring straight at me and just careless
With that lidless gaze I am ruined

I need to be saved.
Pick me up
And I'll find my way back home I swear

What you can't pull from me, pull from yourself

Meridional - 2010

-Leaderless And Self Enlisted-

Enslavement wasn't my first choice.
My will is greater than that, believe me.
I'd scratch away to the center.
I'd bite it down to the blood.
I want to rip out the foundation,
I want the axis to rupture.

I never wanted to tell you since we know you've heard it before.
Yeah... I never wanted to show you since we know you've seen it before
I break your heart,
I know, I know you've felt it before.

Yeah, too many things try to pull me down.
Life seems to be like a dropping cloud.
Believe me, I'd scratch away to the center.
I'd bite it down to the blood..
I want to rip out the foundation,
I want the axis to rupture.
I'd scratch away to the center.
I'd bite it down to the blood.

I never wanted to tell you since we know you've heard it before.
Yeah... I never wanted to show you since we know you've seen it before
I break your heart,
I know, I know you've felt it before,
So many times before, before.

I'd scratch away to the center.
I'd bite it down to the blood, the blood.

I'd scratch away to the center.
I'd bite it down to the blood.
I'd scratch away to the center.
I'd bite it down to the blood.
I'd bite it down to the blood.

-The Anthem Of The Angry Brides-

I have nothing left to prove.
No demonstrations, no explanations.
There was never any intention for me to convince you.

It's just another case of you with your formless sense of importance.
You're breathing fire and your words are burning in hell.
This rebellion is marching to its disarray.
It talks in circles and it's words are burning in hell.

You are every inch of neutral. So avert your senses from my dedication.
Wash my skin down to my stubborn and proud skeleton hands. Yeah...

It's just another case of you with your formless sense of importance.
You're breathing fire and your words are burning in hell.
This rebellion is marching to its disarray.
It talks in circles and it's words are burning in hell.

You're not getting under my skin! Yeah...
You're not getting under my skin!
You're not getting under my skin!
ou're not getting under my skin!
You're not getting under my skin!
You're not getting under my skin... under my skin!

-Deathbed Atheist-

Watch it all change and watch it go away.
Watch it all never be the same again.
Watch it all all be nothing like we thought before.
Watch it all. Watch it.
Watch it all be lies, damned lies, statistics.
Lie to me. Lie to me. Lie to me.

Take it all in and take it all from me.
Take it all and bury it deep inside of you.
Take it all and run away.
Take it all forever.
Take it all.
Take it all.
Take it all.
Take it all.
Take it all.

Bury your hands in the sand.
You'll never use them on me again.
Bury your hands in the sand.
You'll never use them on me again.

Lie, take it all.
Take it. Take it all. Take it.
Lie, take it all.
Take it. Take it all. Take it.

Bury your hands in the sand.
You'll never use them on me again.
Bury your hands in the sand.
You'll never use them on me again.

I'm exhausted from shaking hands with your meat hook fingers.

This is my nightmare
Lie to me, this is my nightmare.
Lie, this is my nightmare, to me.
This is my nightmare.
This is my nightmare.

Bury your hands in the sand.
You'll never use them on me again.
Bury your hands in the sand.
You'll never use them on me again.

And I'm exhausted from shaking hands with your meat hook fingers.

Lies, damned lies, statistics.
Lie to me. Lie to me. Lie to me.

Lie, bury your hands in the sand.
Lie, you'll never use them on me again.


Someday you'll pass with
relief from the tossing sea of despair onto the solid ground of truth.
Nothing you can say will prove me a bastard.
I'm left with everything, still stray to question
"why?”... "why?"... "why?", "why?", "why?"...

Our hands were on the same spear that drove into His side,
and we're the ones that wound up paralyzed, paralyzed and loved.

Endlessly we drift inside your distractions and no one is safe.
Nothing is safe from you... from you.
Nothing you can say will prove me a bastard.
I'm left with everything,
still stray to question "why?”... "why?"... "why?"...

Our hands were on the same spear that drove into His side,
and we're the ones that wound up paralyzed, paralyzed and loved.

You're like a never-ending soap opera,
and we're ready to find out who kills J.R.

We found a better way! We found a better way!
We found a better way!
We found a better way!

We found a better way! We found a better way! Yeah...
We found a better way! We found a better way!

-A Media Friendly Turn For The Worse-

They provide their nectar
and then I am released.
I am a grain of sand underneath the
floor and so far out of reach,
but I am safe from harm.
Against this shelter they are always hammering,
against these ears they are always deafening.

I too know an angry language.
Our pain is always accurate and
striving to evade its only design.
It wants to strike you down to fall into its arms again.
Blood is thicker than water,
but which one did you drink?

What I know was divided and broken down by the ignorance of others.
Spoken from their lips,
but with the lungs of another.
Sounds great but tastes like blood.
These rumor sessions are assembled by us all... by us all.
They are the earth and we are the breath of life.

Your pain is always accurate
and striving to evade its only design.
I want to strike you down to
fall into my arms again.
Blood is thicker than water,
but which one did you drink... did you drink?

Put down that retribution.
I don't need your absolution. Yeah...
Put down that retribution.
I don't need your absolution.
Put down that retribution.
I don't need your absolution... No... No... No...



-Blood Burner-

It's been years of waiting here for you
you) and I'm not waiting anymore here for you (you),
here they burn for murder.
So now I want to see the world burn in flames (flames),
and I'll light the match, till you respect me...
till you respect me... until you respect me.
Burn... for...

It's been years of waiting here for you (you)
and I'm not waiting anymore here for you (you),
'cause here they burn for murder.
So now I want to see the world burn in flames (flames),
and I'll light the match, till you respect me...
till you respect me... till you respect me... till you respect me.
'Cause I will not speak until you respect me.
'Cause I will not speak until you respect me... till you respect me.
Yeah... Yeah...

Fiction is me and I'm my own apathy.
I have done nothing with my pistols.
They say it just takes a second to die,
but I was set up to be knocked down.
Well, it's all over now.

Somewhere a violin plays as I watch this ship capsize.
But I am a long mean streak of independence, and between you and I,
there's no difference... no difference... no difference...
there's no difference.

-High Noise Low Output-

And I sat through a thousand suns, much sooner than you arrived,
and I know what you're thinking:
"Just pull the ripcord and let's descend."

You put your parachutes on parade and you left the pilots on the ground,
but if you're calling me in,
then you better believe I'm gonna call you out.

If you're calling me in, I'm gonna call you out.

Who knows the cost and what may escape you and I,
'cause it's a long way down from here.
I have a feeling that we won't be landing soon.

Parachutes on parade and you left the pilots on the ground,
but if you're calling me in,
then you better believe I'm gonna call you out.

We're standing at these doors, whether cowards or conquerors.
They make no promises, they just provide an opening.
And your speech is a thunderous noise,
and my ears are catching a dreadful static.

You put your parachutes on parade
and you left the pilots on the ground,
but if you're calling me in,
then you better believe I'm gonna call you out...
out... out... out... out... out.. out.

Yeah... If you're calling me in, I'm gonna call you out.

-Falling From The Sky: Day Seven-

You have never taken any inspiration
in a direction that won't end up with the death of you.
Do you really think all the saints are just lying... just lying...
just lying in their graves?

Where are we supposed to go? I want you to remember this.
Just because I understand, doesn't mean I really care.

Have you become smarter than your own father?
Are you ready to lead with no lesson?
Your death will bring you all
the answers that you've been looking for.
How does it feel to kill?

Where are we supposed to go?
I want you to remember this.
Just because I understand, doesn't really mean I care.

The fruit has been tasted and their blood is on your hands.
You won't know the truth soon enough my friend.
Did you think that ended it? Do you really think it's over?
You will have all of the answers soon enough my friend.
You're standing near the edge.

Falling from the sky, day one. You never learned to fly.
Falling into the ocean, day seven. You never learned to swim.
Sinking to the bottom of the ocean, day twenty.
How could you see the bottom?
Sinking to the bottom of the ocean,
day one hundred... day one hundred... day one hundred.

Why can‘t you see the bottom? Why can‘t you see the bottom?
Why can‘t you see?
Why can‘t you see the bottom? Why can‘t you see the bottom?
Why can‘t you see? Why can‘t you see?

Why can‘t you see? Why can‘t you see? Why can‘t you see?
Why can‘t you see? Why can‘t you see?

-Everlasting Tapeworm-

The countless times we fall to ruin.
These myriad days are so relentless.
It isn't everyone's frailty to stop
functioning and stop breathing.

Sway with the waves, with the waves change,
and we'll find our way back to the shore when it's over.

The never content sensation of a tapeworm drug looking for its angry fix.
Will mutual fear bring us peace? Is ruining your day ruining your life?

Sway with the waves, with the waves change,
and we'll find our way back to the shore when it's over.
Sway with the waves, with the waves change,
and we'll find our way back to the shore when it's over.

What happened to my noisy planet? When did the sun go nova?
In dim light I can tell by the hollow look in your eyes.
Using technology to live on this slow night.
I'm starting to realize I'll die long before.
The sun will do all of it's interesting end-of-the-world things.
Crunch the numbers till we become sick.

Sway with the waves, with the waves change,
And we'll find our way back to the shore when it's over.
Sway with the waves, with the waves change,
And we'll find our way back to the shore when it's over.



-The People That Surround You On A Regular Basis-

This is pain draped in excellence,
and there's no way to bury it.
I awake resolute and numb,
climbing 15 stories just to fall asleep at the edge,
and I'm praying for a sleepless night.
And how does this darkness always find me?
This is the time for you to leave in peace or stay and die.

We're crashing down and burning out with every word you say.
We're burning through the atmosphere and we hope...
we hope you never find us... we hope you never find us anywhere.

We're crashing down and burning out with every word you say.
We're burning through the atmosphere and we hope...
we hope you never find us... we hope you never find us.

I have nothing left but to let you lay there and die for it.
So just give up and write it down.
If you're paying for it, yeah, you might as well wager it.

We're crashing down and burning out with every word you say.
We're burning through the atmosphere and we hope...
we hope you never find us... we hope you never find us anywhere.

We're crashing down and burning out with every word you say.
We're burning through the atmosphere and we hope...
we hope you never find us... we hope you never... No...

We hope you never find us, cover your shallow grave.
We hope you never find us, cover your shallow grave. We hope you never...

We're crashing down and burning out with every word you say.
We're burning through the atmosphere and we...
we hope you never find us... we hope you never find us anywhere.

We're crashing down and burning out with every word you say.
We're burning through the atmosphere and we hope... we hope you never find us...
we hope you never find us anywhere... anywhere... anywhere...
and we hope... we hope you never find us... we hope you never find us.

-Innocent Bystanders United-

These tears are carving trenches in my skin.
Put down the microscope, rip off my scales and take a look inside,
'cause I feel like... like Jesus don't...
don't come around much more these days.

Skeletons are falling out through every fracture.
Look away, look away. There's nothing to see here.

Lies and mistakes all know me by my name, and...
and now they refuse to leave me alone, haunting me with their mutiny.

But there's no future in... in being a dinosaur, and...
and there's no future in the way I have been living.
But there's a hell of a past,
so pull up a chair and I'll give you a good story,
because I know you're not attracted to the truth.

Skeletons are falling out through every fracture.
Look away, look away. There's nothing to see here.
Skeletons are falling out through every fracture.
Look away, look away. There's nothing to see here.

There's a hell of a past, so pull up a
chair and I'll give you a good story.



-Kill More Presidents-

[Bonus Track]

I don't believe you can be troubled.
Another day, another customer paying for it.
I'll swallow every knife on this table.
Another day, another year with you
would shake the ground in the sea.

Scarcity of lust, heartlessness prevails.
I guess we'll kill more presidents!
We'll need their faces for all the
cash we'll get from selling our family.

Where are you now?
We've waited so long and our hearts will never be the same...
Our hearts never will be the same.
Remember, it's a buyer's market
when you sell your soul, sell your soul.

Scarcity of lust, heartlessness prevails.
I guess we'll kill more presidents!
We'll need their faces for all the cash
we'll get from selling our family.

Where are you now?
We've waited so long and our hearts will never be the same...
Our hearts never will be the same.

Our hearts will never... hearts will never...
hearts will never... hearts will never....

Scarcity of lust, heartlessness prevails.
I guess we'll kill more presidents!
We'll need their faces for all the
cash we'll get from selling our family.

Where are you now? (Where are you now?)
We've waited so long and our hearts will never be the same...
Our hearts never will be the same.
Where are you now?
We've waited so long and our hearts will never be the same...
Our hearts never will be the same...
The same...
The same...

-Distance To Planets-

[Bonus Track]

You're burning like a sun and it's safe to say that I can't look away.
These lights are calling out my name
And I want nothing more than to attach attach attach, then try and get away.

Can't we get in over our heads?
Can't I just try and breathe?
Can't we drive in the wrong direction?
Can't we erase this map and always stay away?

Dig around and rid this place of distractions
And we will wash our hands clean until it's over.
I'll clear away the miles and drain the sea,
Then jump on the next dragon to the center of nowhere and consume you.

Can't we get in over our heads?
Can't I just try and breathe?
Can't we drive in the wrong direction?
Can't we erase this map and always stay away?

Can't I just try and breathe?

Can't we get in over our heads?
Can't I just try and breathe?
Can't we drive in the wrong direction?
Can't we erase this map and always stay away?

Wrongdoers - 2013

-Hive Minds-

A vine in the cracks of a life’s work
Shifting and flowing up
To find purpose under the sun
A moment of reprieve for the art born from the dirt that’ll tear it all down
You can’t fault the natural order of things.
Someday these bones will be dust beneath
a sprawling city of human achievement,
Flowing up for a place under the sun.
Do you see it now?
The gold on your back weighing you down?

Pride is a cancer born from the cracks and crawling skyward.
I have been you. The shell on the street
corner with change hungry hands.
A sunset car ride with a bottle of meds,
or is it the canopy and rooftops?

A burst of soft color and a haze on your limbs?
Do you see it now?
The vines will come for you.
They always do. They came for me too. Gravity may not be a law.
But all things will find ground.
And we all know it exists.

Laid out under the orange red.
Sun showers in your head on the palms
soaked rooftops you’ll never find.
Begging for death from the cancer of pride.
On that empty street corner I’ll keep walking.
I will leave you behind.

-If You Got It At Five, You Got It At Fifty-

Rock N Roll has such a terrible name,
who is to blame?
Perching birds drug by a string in the air,
stitched together with careless intention.

Cleaner than the dagger that hollowed it out.
Masked and forgotten or no face at all.
It’s got something or nothing to say.
Yeah don’t we all?

A trance and a trust fund stitched at the same time and sold to the hogs.
All eyes on you. Whatever it takes the bottom
line is the only one that you’ll cross.
Keep selling what they want to hear, arrogant and insincere.
You’ve got something to say, but what’s the pay?
A million before you and more in line.

I’ve seen it a thousand times.
Built to die and dying.
Built to last and lasting.
Go along to get along.
I will not be defiled by the kings’ meat.
The noise ain’t noise anymore, who’s to blame?
You and I.


This is just a tragedy.
Just another tragedy.
Feel the grave slide across my throat.

I’ll live, or die and then forget the trip, forget the war,
forget the struggle.
Failure on repeat.
Drive for miles just to turn around and play it back again.
Failure on repeat.
We came for the killing. Hopeless yes we know but we don’t mind.
Blood to the bridle. Flood of red as far as we can see.
Careful not to cut yourself.

Unhand the knife drawer and please replace the moon with the sun.
I know it’s hell to hope the feeling
of knowing destruction isn’t forever,
take it or leave it.
We make love to the same mistakes and never get tired.
Embrace the lover, make yourself comfortable.
Whatever keeps me up. So fine, take this love and be gone I’m done.
I always remind you. Forget the pain and take the initiative.
I guess we just consume danger so keep your hands out of your pockets and know
I will never learn! Eat the ice and kiss this place goodnight.

-The Potter Has No Hands-

Speaking madness while
I strive for a wordless language,
You cry experience at the top of your lungs.
Can you make it loud?
Just make it loud. Make it loud as hell.
Molding the truths of unawareness.

Search and destroy to fill the void at any result.
So keep it down, just keep it down.
I’m gonna ride this train till the end,
the last stop is the cemetery.

Cough up your last kill.
You used to live now you just fertilize so breathe out all your last words
You used to live now you just fertilize
And waste your life trying to make memories.
Wear it with pride because it’s all that you’ve got.
You just don’t get it, yeah you just don’t get it.
Make it loud, just make it loud. Make it loud,
just make it loud as hell.
Ill rest here every night and propel my evils to him who hears me.
Even in the stillness of thought.
Even in the noise of your anger.

Even in the silence of prayer.
Cough up your last kill.
You used to live now you just fertilize
so breathe out all your last words
You used to live now you just fertilize
Make it so loud that the words are lost
Make it so loud that their stomachs are
filled with the gold that they endlessly seek
Make it so loud that they open their eyes

Make it so loud that the trees that they worship
Shake to their roots
Make it loud!
Don’t want to hear a word they have to say.

-Sword In Mouth, Fire Eyes-

We calmly weigh our thoughts
before we know them
Careful not to break our only scale
But there’s no lament in taking chances
Fall a little while before we soar
Sword in mouth and helpless in the bond we have between us
Fire eyes and desperate for the helplessness we love
Turn to walk the path in my reflection
But not before the sheep becomes the wolf

Loveless without shame. I was only waiting for the calm before the storm.
The tongue was being sharpened by the lie.
Sword in mouth and helpless in the bond we have between us
Fire eyes and desperate for the helplessness we love
Tell us all the things we need to know now

You’ll find us in the silence of our own guilt
Shout it from the hell below

Shake us but be gentle so
Take our hand walk us through

Take my hand walk me through the land I stole
Help us to lay down

-Afterhour Animals-

Relax, you are loved
Breathe in and breath out
You are warm, loved, and comfortable
Focus on your breathing, breathe deeply and evenly
Lay back, close your eyes
Relax and listen, to my voice
You will sink deeper and deeper into total calm, comfortable, silence
Inside you will feel clean, clear, perfect, and still.

-The Lash Whistled Like A Singing Wind-

Our friendship has a white flag
I’ll surrender if that’s what it takes
But I’ll never admit defeat
If that’s the road then you have the map
You and I mean way less to me than anything
In the isolation of the thoughts and judgments
And whatever happens to be spewing out of your dependency jail
There’s a slow dance soiree of trouble and you threw the party
We’re all doused in gasoline with no fear of flame
Well there’s a lot of things that can start a fire

I hope you’re satisfied because we all know that it’s the last thing
That I’ll hide and it’s the last that you can expect
No! You make your own damn mistakes!

-Neck In The Hemp-

I’m only gonna tell you
one time! I am absolutely over you
But the fact remains that I was never beneath you
So just give me one reason to fall in line
Cause at the end of the day I just forget to care

I just forget you exist and I move on
Oh yeah, one more thing, and you should write this down
My patience is thick but the fuse has been cut
And the vital flame has been replaced

And while you’re at it can you autograph this DNR?
Don’t you worry there’s a carbon print for my records.

I’ll be sure to keep it safe and sound.
For the love of God, do not resuscitate
You are the heir of a neck in the hemp
I am the son of a gun that has the rope
That’s not a wall I’d want to hide behind.

It’s not getting any younger and it’s about to fall
I’ll be on the other side pushing as hard as I can
Let’s not have any doubts about this I will celebrate from your….
Death is not the rebellion of life!


This is a romance!
This is a fiction, it’s a friend
That we all, we want to take to the grave
But this isn’t going to end well
This is a fable
Brought to you before a live studio audience

And it was created by adolescents
Singing “Cash that check and check that cash that check”
No one says that fear is a liar
But I’ve been told “No one gets out alive
So trust us with your life
The conclusion of the world is coming!
As soon as we have enough provisions
Plus management is God

And they’re behind it all
Silence shows nothing but weakness”
By now you’ve chosen the end

To live in fear is to not live at all
Worry is no form of treatment
You lost the sun to the walls of your bunker
But my love you know that I feel the same way
The only difference that fear is a liar
But at the top no one gets out alive
So trust us with your life
The conclusion of the world is coming!
As soon as we have enough provisions

Plus management is God
And they’re behind it all
Silence shows nothing but weakness
No one gets away alive!
By now you’ve stepped off the edge
This is a ROMANCE!!!!

Darling you know that I feel the same way

-Funeral Singer-

It’s been so many years since
the first time I died.
The vultures have been gone for so long
The past starts again
But now it’s all been covered in ash
Dust yourself off and shine your bones cause
We’ve got a long way to go

I am the king of love to hate
You said we’d be together forever
I hope my candor doesn’t piss you off
But I wasn’t joking
Forever’s the last word I want to hear come out of your mouth
You are unchanged, why?
And no matter how it looks
I’m just now realizing they look better awake

Then they ever did asleep
The pieces are bursting together
I’ve been trying for so long to place them
Circles inside squares sparing and spoiling…
And now finally I’ve left

Burning and gasping for life
You’re drowning, but you’re not, you won’t
You are unchanged, why? Unchanged. How?
This is the only way. Spit out the candles that keep me away from you.
This is not an invitation. This is my plea.
I want to lay down in the trap you set for me
And wait in peace for you
I’m bleeding from the inside but nothing can protect myself from you

I want to lay down next to you and forget the world
The only people that exist are you and I.
I want to look you in the eyes and count my blessings
You are so much more than just my other half
I’m telling you right now, I’d sell my soul for you.

-Sun Dies, Blood Moon-

Have no fear and open your eyes
and observe the glowing room
Through the blood that runs through your eyelids,
I guess it’s time to wake
Moving hours with vacant hands just for the chance just to sleep again

Drag my feet across the earth yeah I guess that nothings restored
Make my through my designer home
To the heart of my captivity
Where I am both prisoner and warden
All I need is the air inside my lungs, or a cigarette
Life is blank without the flame.
It’s ok cause I am still within the womb
Watching from the inside, the inside

The great things wait just past the horizon
They lose their glow when the lights hit their skin
Outstretched hands I’ll flee and to nothing I will open the door.

The sun is dead, or maybe just fading out
It hits my skin for the first time in days and days
As I slip into the air I feel the warmest winter
That I can remember
Breathless is the empty world
Aimlessly walking through a vacant city
The architecture is all alone
If this is the end I don’t feel a damn thing

My tired feet matter no more
It seems the things I tend to believe always fall to my feet

To dig my shallow graves
You must have felt this, before you even woke up
You should have known it years ago
Do not be surprised my friend
You make your own decisions
You worked hard, you fought the good fight

The taste of copper in a failed mouth full of broken teeth
And the sounds of excusesv I’ll count my blessings on the fingers of the unbit hand
Empty of reason, goodbyes on the tip of my tongue forever
And so it goes
I must have seen it, before I even woke up
I should have known it years ago

I will storm the gates of hell
I will kill the queen of death herself
Shadowless in the last direct light of the drowning sun.

Polar Similar - 2016

-I. The Planet-

I hope you burn
I'll be the king of the ash
I hope you burn
I'll be the king of the ashes

What you're feeling is the loneliness of God
What you're feeling is the loneliness of God

I hope you burn
I'll be the king of the ash
I hope you burn
I'll be the king of the ashes

What you're feeling is the loneliness of God
What you're feeling is the loneliness of God
What you're feeling is the loneliness of God
What you're feeling is the loneliness
Loneliness of God

-Everyone Talking Over Everyone Else-

Sit and listen to the voices fade
and sing again.
Give them space to destroy it all and build again.
Fill the space with the lies you shed and start again.
Every sorrow, every misery can and will be brought
to life if you put it in a story or a lie.
Every sentence that you

recognize. Every word of every kind but I was waking up,
I was strong enough. Every influential interview.
I was in between the lies. But I was waking up,
I am stronger now. Every picture, every photograph,
I was disappearing lines but I was showing
up in the center of life.
Every motion, every point of view:
I was always giving up but I have woken up every time of day.

-Forever Hurtling Towards Andromeda-

You said love nothing and nothing
that you love can be used against you,
but if you’re trying to save me then you’ll
have to try harder. The sound is an infinite saint
that brings me to its knees. To find my way through space,

hurtling like a comet. To find my way through
space. Hey, you’ve fallen on your dreams.
They’re running like a river and sounding
like a stream. We save for opposite ears.
It doesn’t matter what we say. Only diminished
and divorced do we learn to what extent we can love.
What has to, does.

-1,000,000 Watts-

If you want to speak to the devil,
you will feel the wave of his or her invented wings.
We see the shadow of the axe before it falls
on the necks of the sheep, but if the light has
a secret shade, I am the lamb that has become the wolf.
One million watts because I’m feeling

alive but you’re broken on the inside baby and
that will never have the final say. I feel bad that you’re angry,
but I’m sorry. I don’t care for what
it’s worth and if it ever comes down to me or you,
you’re probably going to die.

So take yourself outside and be along to
mediate with a cigarette.
Words of war become acts of war! I’m not fucking around.

-II. The People-


-Death Is A Living Partner-

Someone take me down to the
river and leave no trail for which to return.
Let the muddy water fill my lungs.

The invincibility of our youth has just
given way to the inevitability of our death and I hope it does.
So don’t raise your glass. Redemption wears a red dress but
carries a white flag. I’ll wear that red dress for you.

The song on the wind is a desperate man’s hymn
and death is a living partner. A consummate, consummate one.

-Synthetic Sun-

Are you feeling alive?
Pace yourself before you run straight into yourself.
You sleep in fragmented glass with reflections of you,
but are you feeling alive? I hope the dead brings the

dead and they march across our beds.
I’ve done it before and I rode the horse of death.
So ride the horse of death!
But let me ask you, are you feeling alive?
If the light doesn’t come outside.


You’re acting like you
don’t sympathize with anything at all or anyone for any reason.
You’re desperate to fill the space and that makes
me a weight pulling you away. I just made a decision.

This condition is only what you made.
Its calling out your name. I just want a
reaction from you. Negatives and positives will drift,
contained on whispered avenues so run,
get out while you can. Break a lot of glass.
Leave the place in shambles. Be careful of what you leave behind.

You will walk across companies of friends
and accumulate all the pieces
that you lost. You have to know, I sympathize with you.

-III. The Nebula-


-The Close And Discontent-

We don’t need to hash out anything
when your friendship death toll says it all.
It swims like a shark cutting through blood inked waters,
safe from sight.
Clouded in blood and seeking a leg to

sink its teeth into.
So sorry to tell you I’m leaving
this sea never to return, and
all of this time I’m just trying to
tell you this one thing. Don’t bring me into this.

Please don’t bring me into this. I wish you well.

-An Ocean Of War-

This is a break up scene.
You’re living like a cinematic dream. Just give me a
chance to say everything. You’re not thinking it through at all.
Like you ever saw it coming. This is not an opening.
So just give me a chance to say, we never saw us coming.

If you wanted to leave

me, all you had to do was ask.
If I want to be the guesser of you.
If you say you’re my darling I’m gonna throw up and die,
if I want to be the guesser of me. Everything is under control.
Does it hurt you to know that it does not hurt me at all?

-A Thousand Years A Minute-

I am just a sensory of what
I’ve said and done. This is what I tell myself
to pacify the room. “I suppose living like this is good to?”
I’m taking what you’re giving but the giving takes away.
Is that what you came for? I should really
go backwards like you do. If I wanted to

start over again but I don’t
want to be like you, like you do.
I don’t want to embrace my ghosts again.
Once, twice and every desperate time.
So you want to live. So you wanted to die.

It that what you came for?
Try not to fall into the dark again. Try.

-IV. The Nexus-

We’ve all heard them all
say “It takes one to know one”
well small lies are big lies and we’ve all told both.
The whole world is wounded while you stand around
and heal like an angel. You might think all
of this sounds so crazy but we want
to fall where there are padded
I don’t to be inside while the walls are closing in.
if you want to make this all work then
you’re gonna have to try. One word said softly
and perseverant is the twin of an outright speech
but lies travel faster than the truth is said.

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

Anything Missing? Anything You Want To Add?


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