No Consequence


In the Shadow of Gods - 2009

IO - 2013

Vimana - 2015


In the Shadow of Gods - 2009

-Ocular Gyro Crisis-

With eyes shut tight
you wake up and no-ones there
you can still,
not a soul to be seen,
feel the days fade away.
The sins in your eyes, as I focus.
The last ray of light, on your demise.
I will rise. Hold your feet on his face, and let the thunder roll.

Rip the veins from his neck,
Will you see the last ray of light?
Before the sky turns black,
draw the curtains to reveal.
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
If it bleeds, we can kill it.

I pulled the knife from my back years ago,
Next time finish the job.

Destroy what can never fade.
Senses itch as the horizon burns a point in time.
Brush aside what"s left behind.
All it takes is one, to fill the void.
All it takes is one gun.
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
If it bleeds, we can kill it.

-The Arrival of Predators-

Lying beaten on the floor.
Face pressed down, breathe no more.
Flat, head down, don"t look up,
Stamp out your lies.
Walk away, the heavy chains that pull you down.
Save yourself, shed the strings that tie you down.
Shed the strings that tie you down.
And mask the arrival.

Let darkness mask the arrival of predators.
The heavy chains of your past,
a past too big to be forgiven.
A compromise to ugly to reach,
Approach in silence with blood on your hands.
Trapped in the clutches of my memory, I need to know what it is.
Teeth grinding, Heads blinding.
When a clenched smile is greeted with a fist.
Let the blood tide roar, as the bile rises,
another black night begins.
The heavy chains of your past,
a past to big to be forgiven.
A compromise to ugly to reach,
Approach in silence with blood on your hands.
As a crack becomes a chasm we stand alone.
Silence is wrapped around you.
Silence drags you down,
Silence is wrapped around you.
Let the blood tide roar.
As the bile rises, another black night begins.


Ideas take flight;
did you have fun with what"s mine?
As the embers die and the cold winter sun rises,
A Self fulfilling prophecy.
You, a caricature, in blood, not ink.
You, a caricature, in blood, not ink.
Life"s an illusion,
With minds forged in the shadows.
The poor path is chosen,
Unleashed from its cage within.
Life is an illusion,
You've taken what"s mine.
The poor path has been chosen,
You've taken what"s mine.
Stand in the shadows, Watch it unfold, Unable to react.
Time turns to midnight,
Blood in the moonlight, a soul passes on.

Life is an illusion,
With minds forged in the shadows.
The poor path is chosen,
Unleashed from its cage within.
Within. Ideas take flight.
Did you have fun with,
what"s mine? You, a caricature, in blood, not ink.

-The Fallen-

the fallen comrades,
Show you how,
Cos the time is now,
Regrets mean nothing,
All the decisions you"ve made,
Make you who you are.
As time moves on,
live life while you can.
Tomorrow holds no promise;
it"s in your hands.

The playgrounds empty,
Dew turns to frost.
Just remember,
The sun is waiting.
Weighed down by,
Other"s expectations.
Cloud the shining light,
Run from the darkness.
Tear the wool from your, Eyes.
You"ll never know when it"s gone,
when everything is lost.
Time takes the unexpecting,
as the clocks stop.
As the light shines down,
On clear waters,
glowing down on you.
As the clouds give way,
the sky begins to lighten.
The world was dead and empty,
and all was lost, but know the mask has fallen.
Live life while you can. As time moves on,
live life while you can
Tomorrow holds no promise;
it"s in your hands.

-Age of Fear-

Holding back, it nails you to the floor.
Fight or flight.
The voices tell you too much,
will you be betrayed.
The heart of darkness, the wall you cannot break.
Cling onto every word apart from the truth.
Your mind takes that and turns it,
will they even care.

Will it be worth the fight?
Will they have no mercy
in the dead of the night?
Fear will consume, struggle to breathe,
chests about to explode,
unable to focus.
Fear will consume, struggle to breath, unable to leave.
Through dark eyes. What you can"t see?
Will they have no mercy, in the dead of the night?
It rises out of fear.

When you're tearing apart inside,
when the world is half empty.
Fear will consume, struggle to breathe,
chests about to explode, unable to focus.
Fear will consume, struggle to breath,
unable to leave.
Through dark eyes, what you can"t see?
Will they have no mercy in the dead of the night?
When you walk through that door take control.




If it was you or the sun,
I"d chose eternal darkness to spend one more
Moment with you.
Embrace he darkness and don"t ever let me go.
Just hold me while I"m broken.
I don"t have to be a hero around you.
Shield Me, tie your arms around.
Just hold me while I"m broken.
Don"t say a word when I"m broken.

When I"m broken, soft skin against my face.
Trace the tears with finger tips;
hold me when I"m broken.
When I"m broken it leads me to your hand.




The solution must be found,
forever seems a dark future.
Crawling on your knees,
hope is all we have now.
Lay it to the wind;
lies are all you have now.
This land is falling apart, in our hands.
The skies will never clear;
hope is all we have now.

Lay it to the wind,
hope is all we have now.
This is not the end,
only time will tell.
Clear our closed vision,
the skies will never clear,
these times have taken
the best from us, we can not fail,
too much depends on the choices made.
Our fears become real, but we still carry on.
No chance to right these dark times,
we've gone too far with our lies.
Preaching from your black heart,
your soul is lost forever,
crawling on your knees
at the bottom of the abyss.

Trapped under the waves,
let the tide decide now.
This land is falling apart, in our hands.
The skies will never clear;
hope is all we have now.
The skies will never clear;
hope is all we have now.

Lay it to the wind,
hope is all we have now.
This is not the end, only time will tell.
This is not the end, only time will tell.
Only time will tell.

-Shallow Be Thy Name-

A wanker for hatred with a golden heart.
A fork in the road.

Shallow be thy name.
With a kiss his fate was,
with a kiss his fate was sealed.
Attack from under the cover of darkness.
One in a million,
But a million others just like you.

I"ll choke you with my Sword of silence.
A lie from the start.
One in a million,

But a million others just like you.
Like a beaten love struck lamb to the slaughter,
a million others just like you.

-Inevitable Silence-

Like vultures they circle,
around his cold bed.
Laid out already, empty eyes, Waiting, praying.
The vultures pray for quiet, and forsake their own.
Scared of their inevitable silence.
Collapsed, fitted with blood
Flooding towards,
feeding what grows inside,
as he draws the last breath.
People wait, holding on their own,
Taking over from the inside.
Taking over, Growing older,
Spreading further, People wait for.

Taking over, Growing older,
spreading further towards.
Turning over, The end is closer;
the reaper waits for the death rattle.
Shaking, waiting for, the needle prick.
When the demons come
And carry you away.

When the demons come, to carry you away.
Forsaken, left to bleed,
living life afraid.
Leaving life afraid.
Leaving life afraid.
Leaving life afraid.
Leaving life afraid.

IO - 2013

-So Close to Nowhere-

And so the cycle begins:
revolving, turning, twisting, never-ending.
Self-reflective thoughts consume.
Pulling deeper to the realization of failure.
Dreams are broken and shattered within a day.
You have to learn from these mistakes.
Dwelling on the past will get you nowhere.
Move forward; don't be held back by your doubts.
The ever-changing path awaits.

The sun burns holes in this endless blackness.
It makes me realize, you have the strength.
No matter what your doubts,
don't break under the weight of your thoughts.
You're the only one who can make this change.
Breathe life into these broken lungs.
Never return you mind to this place.

Ride the waves. What will the future hold?
Don't break under the weight of your thoughts.
You're the only one who can make this change.
Dreams are broken and shattered within a day.
You have to learn from these mistakes.
Why would you give up now?
We're so close to nowhere.

Ride the waves. What will the future hold?

-Name Your Price-

Lose your false beliefs led to
the forgone conclusion.
A passive consumer clouded by necessity.

Hang your desire for more, pay for your commodities.
With every last drop of your soul;
tie the apathy like a noose around your neck.
Your possessions drag you down.
Your hands are tied in chains.
Is this the choice you make or is this the last breath we take?

Lose your false beliefs led to the forgone conclusion.
A passive consumer clouded by necessity.

Open your eyes to the truth.
There's more to life than physical value.
See past the never-ending sale laced into the fiber of our nature.
Generations bred to spend ... spend ... spend.
The snakes bury deeper into our souls, forever under their control.
Society turning viral, twisted visions through a screen.
Force-fed morality: from beginning to end.
Live your life by illusions, become the slave.
Possessions are meaningless in the grave.

Open your eyes to the truth.
There's more to life than what you see.
Open your eyes to the truth.
There's so much in life that can set you free.

When will you realize?

We're part of a c**ture that lives constantly outside of its means.
Blinded by a need for more, we're slaves to consumerism.

We're part of a c**ture that lives constantly outside of its means.
Blinded by a need for more, we're slaves to consumerism.

-All That's Left-

A nation, with no hope, no aspiration.
Lost in a downward spiral, we're the ones to blame.
We always destroy what we never have.
Desolation, ash is all that's left.
We are to blame.
The selfish generation,
it's all for personal gain.

There's only one solution;
we have to change.
Cancer of the planet, what chance do we have?
Nothing left for tomorrow.
The time has come;
we have to change so make a stand.

Spreading like a fucking virus, life sucking the bleeding of others.
Disease eating away at the roots,
we won't be wiped from the history pages.
So it comes to this, a lifeless shell for the future.
What is left, eternal ruin of us all?

A darkened future, the light begins to fade,
ever consuming; life slips away.
All that we have, just created, is this a world of hate?

-Enemy of Logic-

In the shadows of reality,
your lies fall apart.
A world molded around fiction.
Let the truth be heard, there will be no resurrection.
You're deluded and dangerous;
we won't let you indoctrinate our youth.

You're a contradiction to our progress.
Filling the world with fear
won't help you clear the blood on your hands.
Make no mistake; you deny logic with your false claims.
This is the death of everything you know.
The infallible word has been disproved;
still you march on.
Heaven is just a manifestation of fear.
Why can't you be happy with the world we have?
Your king will fall from his throne.
His web of lies exposed.
The end of an age; your time has passed.

Fabricate salvation to ease your conscience.
He's out on his own, left out to bleed, lost in the lies you've spun.
Trapped and defenseless: falling to your knees.
A beaming white light of hope passed
down through the ages,
selling a false promise and leading us astray.
You preach of a higher power,
but when has it proven its worth.
Lost in a sea of truth, your lungs fill with doubt.
This world doesn't need a savior; it needs the truth.

We see through your ancient fallacy.
We see through your ancient fallacy.



-Bury the Debt-

I've dealt with the worst of them.
Been lead astray by words of untruth.
Why does this seem like a fucking game to you?
You play us with your every move.
Exactly who do you think you are?
To fabricate a dream, you made lies a way of life.
Believe me now 'cause I speak from the heart.
There's no going back.

Living conditions degrading, I'm through with this place.
Every day's a decline, dragging our feet through the dirt.
Leaders speak an endless spiral of contradictions,
to which we are forced to conform.
The tides are changing, can't you see?
This land of unthinkable deficit is getting us nowhere, but deeper down this hole.
And this is the place that we call home?
Can't you see the tides are changing?

Can't you see they're getting us nowhere?
This land of greed taxes everything; this has to end.
They fill their pockets, whilst millions starve; this has to end.
Make a conscious decision to ignore
every single word that slips from your snake like tongue.
Believe in me now, I won't be the last;
I won't be the last to see through these lies.

Does this seem like a game to you?
You'll never win us back; mark my words.
I won't be the last to see through these, these lies.
You'll never win us back; it's gone too far.
You'll never win us back.


Is there time to turn this tide?
Stuck in a world of electric distortion.
Mad-made lights: but not the true illumination of you.
Free within a world of captivity.

The pieces fall into place, everything we need is here.
Take what's inside you to build a better way.
You're free to make your own path.

The pieces fall into place, everything we need is here.
Take what's inside you to build a better way.
You're free to make your own path.
You only see what you want to see.
You only see what they want you to see.

All of these questions with no answers,
all our answers must be questioned.
Step out of this darkness and into the light.
Believe in yourself be what you want to be.
The time has passed to hide, open your mind to what's inside.
The pieces fall into place, everything we need is here.
Leave your lifeless shell for a higher perception.
We got to build a better way.

The question is: will these answers save us all?
Or is knowing the same as understanding?
Or will you perpetuate in this thoughtless state?

-Illusion of Choice-

Look past the deception, what do you see?

The lies that they're weaving will leave us with nothing.
Don't believe your eyes, the life that we lead is a fake.
Nothing can save you now from this god-forsaken place.
At the edge of forever: forsaken and alone; the truth is upon us.
We're blinded by this deception with a false sense of hope,
believing that we're free.
The truth is upon us; our world is coming undone.
Rise up from your knees.
Reject this life and the bullshit we're being fed.
We stand alone and defiant.
Headlines were built to misdirect.
Open your mind; believe in more.

The seeds of deceit have been planted throughout this world.
Steadily they grow and they strangle

all that we trust and that we value.
Their vines pierce the flesh and restrict our lives.
We're blinded by the illusion of choice.
We need clarity to break free from these chains.

There's nothing for the past; our legacy's undone;
the truth is upon us.
What if we become the future?
The future of our legacy undone; the truth is upon us.
What have we become?
It makes no difference what choice
we make in this god-forsaken place.
The lie's twist and block our view,
when their goals are all the same.
We're split and forced apart,
when we should be standing, side by side,
to reject these force-fed lies.

This life is a fake.
This life is a fake.


This is where we draw the line,
This is where we make our stand,
A Declaration to revolt.
The time has come for you to accept this.
Your ignorance will leave you blind.
A brain dead puppet,
Strung up, and entwined.
When will you wake up?

Where is your freedom now?
Sensors for systems of surveillance,
Coercing conformity.
Electric eyes, stalk our every move.
Limitless wires,
Confines us all.

Nameless corporations bleed our nations dry,
Tell me who's set to gain from this?
Who's set to gain from this?

The time has come for you to accept that.
Your ignorance left you blind.
A brain dead puppet,
Strung up and entwined,
When will you wake up?

-What Is Dead May Never Die-



So now close your eyes
and dream of a place where we can all survive.
There will only be one chance, can we make it out alive?
Is this the end of our time, or life, as we know it?
Close your eyes and remember.
In these last moments: embrace the ever-haunting wind,
it flies but nothing escapes.
Don't turn away to run you'll never make it out.
As the skies burn, we find peace in the flames.

So close to the end, you feel so alive.
Fate has been and gone.
This certainty, extinction is truly at our feet.
So stand tall and face what's approaching.
There's nothing left, but the faintest of memories.
All life is lost in the remorseless flames,
but the cold inside will endure.
So feel the warmth from the flames brush across your face.
The inconceivable truth: there is nothing left.
Life, hanging by a thread; this is where it ends.
This is where it ends; this is the end.

No chance for retribution.
Look upon the crimson skies.
Did you really want to live forever?
Is this life everything you expected?
This is our final step, our final stand.
Millions of faces stare at the sky waiting,
the waiting twists and burns.
This is the end of time.


Where did it begin, when will it end?
Is destruction our only option?

Nations fight against nations,
in an endless power struggle spanning centuries.
When did it begin, when will it end?
A child stands over the bodies of its family,
who will pay for the blood of the innocent?
Humanity united under the rebirth of new ideals.
Rebuild what's lost with a fundamental change.
Decisions are made from behind a desk
that will affect everything, except for them.
Words of victory and promise fill the air,
but there will never be an end to this.
We are the same blood.
We are the same flesh.
We breathe the same air.
Forced to believe there's a difference between us.

Brother, why do you kneel before your fellow man?
Disregard these thoughts; we're equal as one.
Our voices will be heard.

You are no longer alone.
Stand up, be counted, we must unify.
Humanity united under the rebirth of new ideals.
We must unify.
Humanity united under the rebirth of new ideals.

Break out these chains, we are one.

Vimana - 2015


Look at where we are,
still trapped in a world of conflict and greed.
Nothing's changed at all, still we're chained.
Who will be the ones to set us free?

Who will be the one, the ones to set us free?

-Our Time Has Come-

We're not the first to have seen these lies,
Misinformation forced into our minds.
We're not the first to have seen these lies,
Our generation lost in a cycle of endless greed.
Lost and blind, we're on our knees.
The time has come to reawaken.
Are you happy with this? Do you feel alive?
Are you happy with this? Do you even see with your own eyes?
Stand in line, keep your head down.
Play the game, try to win the race.

Our time has come, we've lost our touch to the world.
It's slipping away. Reconnect with the knowledge almost lost.

It's as if we were born to reignite the flame.

So let the wind carry this fire and burn down,
This false economy of a blood stained currency.
Burn it down,
We'll rise from embers left behind,
Burn it down,
Importance lies within the ground,
Burn it down,
One life is born another dies,
Burn it down,
And reawaken.
Our time has come,
We've lost our touch,
To the world,
Reconnect to the knowledge almost lost.
Our time has come,
We've lost our touch,
It's slipping away
Reconnect with the knowledge almost lost.
Our time has come.

Feeling the presence of a change, I can't describe.
Feeling the presence of a change.
I see it with my eyes.

-Is This a Way to Live?-

The tyrant's stronghold,
Ever present and strangling,
With a blatant disregard for, human rights.
Dictating how to live,
No chance to love and live on your own,
Is this a way to live?
Closed off minds,
Trapped under a bigoted reign,
Forced to hide,
Their true being inside.

Is this a way to live?
You're judging everyone, freedom is a birth right.
This change has got to come.
Do you turn a blind eye?
Ignore what's right in front of you,
Indifference will not be tolerated,
Corrupt police follow his every word.
(His every word)

Is this a way to live?
Is this a way to live?
Don't let history repeat itself.
We can't let this,
Blatant disregard for human rights,
Take the world stage,
Can we open our eyes?
Revitalise the way we think,
In this world wide struggle for equality.

We must fight for this change of mind.

Who has the right to judge us? Any of us?
Who can judge any of us, in this life?
There's something about this life.


I won't let you fade to grey.

Let the colours flourish in your mind,
I won't let you fall this time.
All my life I've watched you slip away,
Led in the wrong direction.
Over and over I've watched you break down,
Ruining everything you've built.
Beneath the polluted sky,
Your colours fade to grey.
Fade to grey.

Resistance, we'll take control and stop this decay,
Resistance, we'll take control and stop this decay.
I won't let you fade to grey.
Let the colours flourish in your mind,
Resistance is the saviour of our kind.
Feel the warmth from ever burning light,
Clear the haze and reset.

Realise the strength you have inside,
And see the colours with your real eyes,
This is how you were meant to see.
Together we will a make stand.
All my life I've watched you slip away,
Now's the time to change direction.
Resistance is all we need,
A flood of colour to clear the grey.
Resistance is all we need,
A flood of colour to clear the grey.

I won't let you fall this time,
So let the colours flourish in your mind.

-The Turning Point-

This moment could change it all,
Forever's just a breath away.
So choose your path,
Now's your time to live,
A time to live.
I carry these scars with pride,
Learning from my mistakes.
There's nothing left to hide,
Forever is just a breath away.
Embrace this time,
Hold it forever,
The only promise that can't be kept.
It can't be kept.
Don't be trapped under the weight of your past.
Free yourself from the pressure deep within.

The ocean of memories is a vast and all encompassing.
Don't drown in fear that surrounds you.
We'll rise above the tide,
Breathe in the air
And live the life that we want to lead.
Clear of mind, clear with time.
You alone can shape the course of your own reality.
You alone can change the course of your reality.
Forever is just a breath away.

-Half Light-



Have you ever wondered,
why you live the life you lead?
We're running round in circles,
trying to feed the system's needs.
We're all lost in a system,
only built to crush your dreams.
So do we concede or do we endeavour to break the chain.
Can we realise our true potential, or do we live in fear.
This is a truth we all have to face.

This is the truth we'll have to face,
Empower yourself.
Realise your true potential.
Empower yourself.

So what is the real value,
of a life spent earning?
Just staring at a screen.
Caught in a web of society,
Pursuing the needs of a few.
Endlessly wasting our lives,
Break down the walls of apathy and be free.
Break down these walls,
Empower yourself,
Realise your true potential,
Empower yourself.

Stop wasting the only time you have behind a desk,
Scraping by day to day just get your next paycheque,
Is this the life you really wanted to lead?
Are you human?
Or just a citizen?
So I've made my choice to,
Remove myself,
I'll never be a number.
This life's worth more than a currency.

Caught in the web of society,
Pursuing the needs of a few.
Endlessly wasting our lives,
Break down the walls of apathy and be free.
Break down these walls,
Empower yourself,
And realise your true potential,
Empower yourself.


Out on the edge, you stand alone.
A shallow, worthless hole,
nowhere to turn, you're lost within yourself.
The reflection in front of you cuts, deeper,
it cuts you to the bone.
How can you do this to yourself?
You're just an empty shell.
You leave me speechless.

With no remorse, you just carry on.
A self-destructive path tears you away, from reality.
Disregarding, who you are.

Lost, drifting, further away.
Out on the edge, you stand alone.
An empty shell of who you used to be.
Are you gonna give up here and now,
or face this misery? Misery.
You're your inner conflict, it breeds like a disease.
How can you do this to yourself,
you're just an empty shell,
you leave me speechless.
With no remorse, you just carry on,
masking the truth with fear again.
Disregarding, who you are. Who you are.

Do you even know yourself?
Hollow existence, fragments fall away.
How can you do this to yourself?
A truth to know should be plain to see.
The time has come for you to dream free.
The fragments fall away, they fade away.

Out on the edge, you stand alone.
Conscious now of who you used to be.
The mirror shattered your shallow mask,
no longer consumed by vanity.

Open your eyes to see the light?
Feel it move across your face.
It shines from within.
You're speechless.


How did we make it this far?
How did we end up in this place?
Do we know we are? Disconnected and awake.
Searching for the key, for our reality.
Oh what is it to be alive?
Endless miles, a burning hunger drives us on.
Every step is a mirage, this is not how you said it would be.

Follow this path with me.
This is not how you said it would be.
Trust in the change you seek.
This is not how you said it would be.
Disconnect from what you fear,
to wonder what it is to be alive?
Senses awaken, its right there in from of me.
Can you feel this? This journey has become me. It's within us all.

How did we make it this far?
When did we cross that line?
Leaving everything behind.
We've come this far. Now I know my path.
An awakening, now my vision is clear.
We've come too far to turn back now.
Embrace this change, let go of doubt
We've come too far to turn back now.

So embrace the change and let go of doubt,
to begin again.
Disconnect from what you used to be and begin again.


To reconcile, who we are.
Reconcile, who we are.
Read the signs.
Whole? Are you whole?
Still Searching for the piece to change,
Everything about this.

Show me a sign, of who we are.
The memories fade and the piece you've thrown away,
Won't be coming back.
You can't win back the piece you throw away.
The piece that you break, you can never hold on to.
Bury me in the silence,
I am the liar and the honest man.
No matter the difference,
the memories still fade away. (It still fades away)
All I see is beauty in decay.
I see the beauty in decay.
Nothing stays the same,
We grow apart in different ways.
And I'm watching it burn.
So now I see, who we are.
The memories fade and the piece you throw away won't be coming back.
It won't be coming back.

Soft spoken, dismantlement,
I'm asking how does this end.
How does this end,
Show me a sign of who we are.


Take me away, I bare the light within.
While I sleep, I dream of being,
Carried away. Far away,
By the wings made of the dew that awakens.
Over earth, over ocean. Take me away.
Over earth, over ocean. Carry me far.

And the midnight breeze reminds me,
I'm still alive,
As I bathe in the light.
Under the moon,
My fears disappear.

Over earth, over ocean. Carry me,
far away. Over earth, over ocean. Carry me far.
In the downpour,
I let the water cleanse the past,
In the downpour,
I dissolve.

Carry me far away from here.
I hope one day we find ourselves.
Out of the caverns of rain,
A light breaks through.
Like a ghost from a tomb, I arise.
We pass over distant shores, far away.
Far away, we find ourselves
Up among the clouds, I know,
That this is it.

This is it.

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

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