Fleshgod Apocalypse


Labyrinth - 2013

King - 2016


Labyrinth - 2013


Carving my soul through the flesh
While this void is still breeding the sin
I'm torn apart by the vile executor
As we're torn apart as the executors kill
Concealed in seas of perdition
Where the mother eternity has drowned
In the shade of this black superstition
The King of bastard seed's destined to burn

Like the bridges of Athens
Time of oppression and decay!
My vengeance will burn
Injustice and sorrow!
Are scorching the land of the slaves

Son of the dark
Lord of the solitude
On the throne of his will
Derangement of a soul
The seed of fears
Born as a king of despair

Bless thee who'll find sacred weapons
That will lead him to victory
Dominating the leverage of reason
He rises killing the brigands of will

Sinis is waiting the vagabond
Lacerating the wisdom with the trees
Skiron's feeding the giant turtle
While Procrustes is ripping his limbs

Glimpses of glory appearing in my dreams
As I rest under this holy sky
Condemned! The land of the fathers
As I stand before the eternal demise

Under the stone lay the arms
While my fate is revealing to me
Looking up at the throne of my father
I'll follow the path that will lead to the sea
Cursed is the breed of my body
Thousands of drops that fall to the ground
Now I know for the sake of the deities
The king of coward seed's sentenced to burn

-Minotaur (Wrath Of Poseidon)-

Caught in this fort of disgrace for a god's oppression
These corridors behold the disease
As I am feeding my guts with the flesh of the race of abomination
I collect the souls I bury beneath
Forever tied by the arms of the desolation,
A stain for the sovereign of greed
And I was born like a prince, wickedly raised in devastation
I dishonoured the descent with my seed

Kill the king!

For all the treason he concealed in deceit

Gods kill for me and bless my pain
For the monstrosity that I had to feel
Gods kill the king!

Cast in shadow,
Forgotten and lost forever,
Eternal slave,
Prince of darkness
I rule on nothing

Hail, hail!

Asterion, Lord of Suffering

Torn by the lust for control he betrayed Poseidon
The reckoning arises from the sea,
For it's the land of the pain,
Falling for the guilt of the despotic Minos,
Cursed shall be the name for the rest of the days.
Blood from the womb of the queen
Pouring like a rainfall,
A stain for the land of the king
The ghastly sperm of the beast fecundates like an infection
I, dishonoured, the abominated beast

Kill the king!

For all the treason he concealed in deceit

Gods kill for me and bless my pain
For the monstrosity that I had to feel
Gods kill the king!

Cast in shadow,
Forgotten and lost forever,
Eternal slave,
Prince of darkness
I rule on nothing


Asterion, Lord of Suffering


Cast by the dark embrace
The night is captivating me like a siren
Seductive voice of my frustration
Refusing wisdom, feeding my dread
Twisting all the warps of my insanity
As I am scorched in a slow decay
Demonic courtiers torment my spirit with misleading speech
To let the faith of the one sadly crawl before the deceiver
And make the pain rip the soul of the unbridled sleeper

Gods! Partake my grave endeavor
Gods liberate the force giving me a new vigor
Gods! Unleash the rage so unfairly enslaved
Lead me to this leech draining innocence
Concealed between the bleeding walls of my suffering
And bless the sword that's gonna slay
The beast that I confined into myself
Surpassing all the edges forever

Bound to this labyrinth
Selene is tricking me
Misled by darkness 'n' tainting lies of my mortality
Can't find the passage to my own rise
Enforcing all the gates of duality
I let my days falter in decline
Invaders of my shelter
Becoming stronger in my hearth and driving me to madness
They dominate like a storm with a raging power
And burn the core, lacerate, the forsaken hero

Grace of the gods for one that will live forever and find the secret of a scar!

Cold through my flesh is the blade of my abysmal vengeance
The dagger lacerates my neck while I'm feeling conscious
The muscle's pushing through my veins
Red lymph that from my new mouth come outside
Like words I never told you

Gods take this prayer of my last tragic epilogue
Concealed between the bleeding walls was my suffering
And bless the sword that's gonna slay
The beast that I confined into myself
To transmigrate and live forevermore

-Towards The Sun-

The draining path of existence
With all our burdens to bring
As fathers dream in frustration
The sons slowly've drowned in disease
Is this reflection of sorrow that brings us all down to the hole?
Is this fulfillment of hollow that sadly is emptying our souls?
So we spread our wings like falcons
But we are too tied to this earth
Locked in this fortress of treason we wait
The coming of the glorious day
Shall we be ready to face this?
Or will we turn on the other side?
When time will come for us to spread those wings
And start moving out limbs to fly!

Towards the sun!
I see the splendor of the light again
Show me father the secrets of flight!
Swear it now, you will let me soar

Thrown in the void and carried by fate
I'd rather fall than standing enslaved
Looking down at the vastness of sea
Mesmerized by water reflecting me
And our souls forever lost
Now will reach the stars and deliver us
From Poseidon, the God of the Sea
This unfolding release confears immortality

Rush of deliverance, from those who wanna seize
Outrageous irreverence, to those who wanna lead

I cut through the air, carried by dreams
I'd rather fall than closing my wings
Looking up at the greatness of sky
Left behind the labyrinth of compromise
And my soul forever gone, Now it flies too far
And will stand before

Mighty Helios, the God of the Sun
The unmerciful one, I'm burning forevermore!

Gone too far
Falling down from your dream
Your wings' burning on the sun
All your deeds they'll be sung like a warning for the world to see


Tearing acts to destroy
They're breeding a slaughter of the mortal race
With the foolish right to immolate
It's bleeding life on this soil
Inglorious existence is condemned to crawl
All the rage of the slayer unfolds as King Minos

Calls the flesh, tribute of souls!
On the stone lay the fourteen!

For my father's oppression
Dictated by who deceives and depraves
Under the weight of salvation I bend, my fear's

Calling from the island
The screaming silent voice
This curse endlessly damnates the fourteen sons of Greece

I, before the sea
Know there's only one vision in me
The solution is clear
No more enclosed in disease
And finally free from all fears
Towards those lands
Where the glory solemnly descends
On my luminous spear
If I will fall, the black sails'll appear!

Bound, on the enemies' field
The screams of the innocents resonate
Where the candor's food for the beast
Down in this fortress of sacrifice
Conceived by the one who detested the gods
I am destined to stumble and fall as King Minos

All the ones who will try
To step into this place they will not return
They'll be crumbled by the darkest lord
They'll fall


I'm prevaricated, enslaved within my fears
Misplaced by sorrow and despair
Can't betray my seal
I must engage the reflection of Pasifae's guilt
The seed of Knossos dominates
This realm of desperate keens

Gates of terror
Shine before my shield

'Cause I'm born to become a hero
To defeat or be torn? Whatever!

I deliberate, to hush my inner screams
She rips the darkness of my thoughts
Can't deny this deal
I won't get lost through this maze
Holding hard this thread
For I will slay the shame of Crete
My path will lie ahead

God Poseidon
I emerge from seas of tears
And march towards my fears
The son of vengeance calls

Fall is the source of my victory
As there's no force without a fight
So let me stride on this path that will lead me to the end
Of a twisted life, that stands before my eyes

Now, next to the core
I see the longhorned shade
His smelling breath corrupts the air
He's growling with disdain
A vacillate when I see this abnormal being
But with your help I will be safe
I can find the strength to kill

-The Fall Of Asterion-

I'll stand before my inner slime, mirror of disgrace
To look into the deepest void where the evil lies
For I was lost into these spires
A maze of self-destructive torment of the reason
And now I know there's something more crawling through my veins
A voice resounds between these walls like a leading trace
The golden light of self-awareness revealing me the mug of the one I hate
This wrecker's chasing me forever

Grace of gods is forgotten!
You left behind all the purest breeds
Guide me to my own vengeance!

And for so long my spirit faded
Through all the catastrophic matters of my existence
And all the steps I had to take for my escape
Were deeply marked by all the hate I spit against
My own creator, the great deceiver
Into these eyes, now blaze the red flames of my rise
And burn the pain, all the uncertainties are washed away
Facing the beast that I despise, into the fight!

I couldn't see the way to fall and rise again
To change the destiny of a reign
Condemned to sink into a neverending war
Of sacrifice and horror
It has been dictated by the cowardice of men!
Now I see the matter of killing this intruder
That has been stealing all my strength to dim my pureness
I'm taking back my role, I put an end to it all
Using my bare hands to take his life away!

I stand before the guilty one as it falls from grace
I see his eyes fading away, where the evil lied
And I realize for the first time:
What I have faced's the darkest side of my existence
And now I know there's something more beating with my heart
A voice resounds inside my soul like a piercing sharp
The golden wire of mortal fate's revealing me the liberating path
To leave behind this pain forever




Bright son of destiny
Bringer of light in this darkness
Beautiful prince
Now take my hand again
Forever tied by the thread of our fate
Now, we're together again

Cold and desolate is the nature of my soul
Forever indifferent to the screams of shadows
Lying deep in the void
So give it up
Now face the score
In the heart of the chosen one
There's no deliverance

I have to face all this scorn
Staining my own land with useless tears
Look in the eyes of the one
Feeding himself with my deepest fears
I'll touch your heart again
Waken the cold lonely dreamer
I, will illuminate your soul
Wounded by emptiness
Please take me far from this land of pain
Now, on the waves of the sea

I had to face all this scorn
Staining my own land with useless tears
Look, now I am too tired to fight
And run away from this filling light

Nightmares and shadows
Together we'll drown in the sea
Believe me!
You'll walk by my side

-Under Black Sails-

After the greatest negation
Time has come for my rise
Resolution obtained by the chosen one
Unbound bringer of light
Ruler of Athens
No respect for the wights
All the legions will hail and my force'll prevail
On the enemies

Terrorize with pain, annihilate the weak now!
Instigate despair, purify with fire
Under my iron command
Forever the vile'll decline
Victory! We shout under this pitch black sky
We're darkened by Dyonisus' lymph
We celebrate this glory day
Forever chanted shall be our own ventures
Hail! Hail! Sons of the gods we sail
Towards the shores of endeavors we are one!
Cruel is the fate of the conceited core of man
Under the black sails we stand

Blessed by maximum glory now it's time for revenge
I despise all the weaks, born to be king
Adversary of fate
Writing this hateful story of forsaking and pain
Leading me to the void as ego dictates
Cut the thread with old days

To become the new emperor
There's no space for the fears
She will wander alone drowning in tears
There in Naxos she'll be towards the father's land
Now unfold the sails wide
Where I take my owed throne, vested with crown
Time is coming to



King - 2016

-Marche Royale-


-In Aeternum-

Bow your head before your king, as I’m the bringer of light
The chosen one amongst all men, the lord and master of light
“But who decided it all?”
Shut up you servant,, respect divine right
For I belong to the elite of mankind
Enlightened guardian of justice and right
My word is law or it’s eye for an eye

Bow down before the sovereign of the kingdom
I will lead you through the hardest times
Devote we are to the crown, in sole command forever glorious

Hail: Long live the great king!

Born with the fire inside
The flame of wisdom burns in my noble heart
Turns into guiding light that blows the mist on the path
“We’ll follow you ‘till the end!”
Balance of power, the art of the wise
Ancestral pride to preserve for my bloodline
Resounds my name through spirals of time
Until kingdom come I

God bless my soul, guide my fury through this cold war
Hunting Judas down
Now free my hands from the spires of the serpent
Death to the traitors of the crown

No one to trust and no one to save
As this court is a den of snakes
Walk alone through this treacherous world
Mutilating the venomous tongue
Your misleading words, hide desire to prevail
In this devious show, fail

No one is virtuous, no one is grown
No one deserves to be heir to the throne
‘Till their veins will be filled with their gall
I will stand for the sake of the sacred crown
Forever at war
You deceiving worms will be smashed by my rage
In the name of god, slayed

In aeternam, draining struggle to serve my reign
With full force restore the integrity
Purify consciences through blood
Extirpate those cancers, dictate my law
‘Till the day of my fall
Beware you’ll pay for your faults

-Healing Through War-

I am the healer of all diseases
I push my drug in this world
Strategic torment and fake relief
The tricky strings that I pull
With infantry blood and mothers’ tears
I wash the hands of this court

I believe in nothing, believe in no release
As darkness rises without fire, war is the remedy

I breed the hunger and spread the thirst
I burn the wheat that I sow
Embodied essence of contradiction
I bend the steel that I forge
I am the answer to every need
I am the minister of war

“Nihil de corum sententia dicturus sum
Qui turpissinam servitutem deditionis nomine appellant
Animi est ista mollitia non virtus
Paulisper inopiam ferre non posse
Qui se ultro morti offerant tacilius reperiuntur
Quam qui dolorem patienter ferant”

Burn this world to the ground
Tear down whatever you encounter, exterminate all
And make no prisoners or slaves, kill’em, destroy their heritage
For every soldier falling down behead ten of them
As the only order is to maraud ‘till we dominate
Inflamed with the anthem you will rise, slay without mercy the enemy

I am the bleeding, I am the scar
I cauterize through my sword
Perpetual fire that darkens stars
As I’m the rise, I am the fall

-The Fool-

Die...of laughter in delight before a living dead
Victim into this masquerade, forgot who I am
This story is driving me mad
My life is hanging by a thread that is about to break
Suicidal tendencies burn inside the mind of this miserable man
Is it life? Is it death?
I don't give a shit
Is it life? Is it death?
When you fool yourself

Bleed behind this painful mask I wear
I'm falling from a misleading grace
The life I dreamed is killing me

Stuck on the tightrope
Staring down to the void beneath
In imposed equilibrium
I stand swinging in my indecision
Uncompassionate result of a fearing existence
I don't care if my time has come
All I want is my liberation

Drunk, I make it through the night with spirits hand in hand
My soul must be anesthetized, I can't bear this pain
To my frustration engaged
Just like to get laid with the worst enemy I've inside
but I cannot change myself
No way to squeeze blood from the stone that I am
Is it life? Is it death?
Is it life? Is it death?
When you fool yourself

Bleed behind this painful mask I wear
I'm falling from a misleading grace
The life I dreamed is killing me
Bleed behind this painful mask I wear
I'm falling from a misleading grace
The life I dreamed is tearing me down

-Cold As Perfection-

In this passing world
There’s no time to regret
Life’s too fast to fold
So why lie to yourself
‘cause there’s nothing more
“Can’t you see my light?”
That what mirrors behold
“Don’t speak, let me shine bright”
You, my flower blown by the whispers of age
Beauty in the storm that relentlessly fades

Cold through the winter of life
Pulled down below into an ocean of lies
My withering rose

What a dreadful curse
Cast by nature on life
Nothing lasts forever
Can’t turn back the hands of time
Like a grain of sand
Pray for me my Lord
In its hourglass awaits
“For the burden I hold”
For the very end when all torments decay
And the vanity will leave your heart in peace

“My lady listen to your beloved King
I can see your eyes are now scared
And veiled by the mist of despair
Do not be conquered by your own fears
Don’t let the illusion of perfection seduce you
Or you will be lost forever”

Desperate while my youth fades away
Sorrow is dragging my soul down
There’s no word you can say to save me My love


et the almighty come inside your pure heart
And wash away your fears
The holy spirit will fulfil you
In the shadows where ours sins are concealed
There is no pain and no bleed
No suffering at all in this godly night
You will be blessed by my seed as we pray together
“I and you as one
Kneel down before the holy god” true believer
Kneel down before the holy god
Let me take your soul
Kneel down before the holy god true believer
As for a progeny to come we’ll sacrifice it in the name of

Mitra, icon of our god
Mitra, a god of scum

I want to take you, I want to feel you
I need to have you until you need too

I want to take you, I want to feel you
I will possess you until I’ll kill you

Let the shepherd call the name of his land
And lead it back to the fold
I’ll be the sheepdog protecting you in the sunlight
And the wolf in the dark
Like virgin Mary conceived in miraculous deceit
On that holy night
You shall accept in your blooming flesh
My spiritual power
Key to paradise Kneel down before the holy god true believer
Let me take your soul
True believer
As for a progeny to come we’ll sacrifice it in the name of

Mitra, icon of our god
Mitra, a god of scum
Mitra, icon of our lord
Mitra, the lord of cum

-Paramour (Die Leidenschaft Bringt Leiden)-

Die Leidenschaft bringt leiden!
Wer beschwichtigt
Beklommenes Herz
Das allzu viel verloren?
Wo sind die Stunden
Überschnell verflüchtigt?
Vergebens war das
Schönste dir erkoren!

Trüb ist der Geist
Verworren das beginnen;
Die hehre Welt
Wie schwindet sie den Sinnen!

Da schwebt hervor Musik
Mit Engelschwingen
Verflicht zu Millionen
Tön‘ um töne
Des Menschen wesen
Durch und durch zu dringen
Zu überfüllen ihn
Mit ew’ger schöne:
Das Auge netzt sich
Fühlt in höher’n sehnen
Den Götter Wert der
Töne wie der tränen

Und so das Herz erleichtert
Merkt behende,
Daß es noch lebt und schlägt
Und möchte schlagen
Zum reinsten Dank
Der Überreichen spende
Sich selbst erwiedernd
Willig dar zutragen
Da fühlte sich o daß es ewig bliebe!
Das Doppelglück der Töne wie der Liebe…

-And The Vulture Beholds-

Cast out, ignored
Disdained and scorned
Humiliated by those I’ll rise above
Like a vulture
I want for the lion to die
Natural right set by purity of blood
Ever longing the role I’m entitled to
I will never renounce to that crown
For no reason at all

Time has come for me to reign
My throne I claim now
Oh father
Let your heart hear
Your firstborn words
I feel it’s time for me
To rule this world

Tired, fed up,
Sick of it all
I’m surrounded by crooks and prostitutes
In this court
Leeches suck royal blood without a brake
Weaving in shadow to pursue their goals
Imperceptible revolt against the lord
Neverending conspiracy
Shame on this pharisaic court

I, amongst the lies
Screaming but silent
Thrown away while I conspire
For I will live no more in the shadows
And I’ll never surrender myself to this fate
In my disgrace bred by deceivers
I lift my head
With the heart in flames
Without fear I will satisfy my desire
Castigating the traitors as I overcome

Irate, furious,
Out of control
I will kill all these tamperers one by one
Destroying obstacles
Standing between me and my rise
Annihilating the aims of betrayers
I’ll extort what is mine with my own hands
Desecrating my ancestry line
To prevail on this land


Before you squander this treasure
Just let me hold it in my hands
I feel the weight of metal
I feel it's gravity again

At the side of this splendour
I just become insane

I, alone on the sly with my drug
Fill my veins with this gold dust
Astray, i feel alive again

Internal state of anger
A neverending disease
Can't feel ashamed of myself
Cannot be blamed for my greed
I'd do whatever it takes to satisfy my need

I, alone on the sly with my drug
Fill my veins with this gold dust
Astray, i feel alive again

Above the sky
Through diamonds and stars
In this place i belong
I relieve my heart
High on gold

Pervaded in pleasure
I let my greedy soul fly
In delirium i attain my obscene desires

I, alone on the sly with my drug
Fill my veins with this gold dust
Astray, i feel alive again

-A Million Deaths-

Back in the trench beneath this grey sky
Together waiting for the end
We stick our chests out decorated with medals
Before the lead will replace all the pride in these hearts
And there will be no celebration, forgotten names etched in the mud
Me I believe honour lasts forever, therefore I sacrifice
My life is yours

This stench of flesh in putrefaction
Inebriates the living dead
Breathing the soul of the slain in battle
We wait in line with our comrades our ration of hell
Under the flag of our nation we fight the enemy until the last stand
We earn on the field the respect of fathers, united we immolate
Our lives are yours

Bleeding under the scars
Going for a recognition, going for a purple heart
We are becoming insane here, forgotten in fox holes
We fight the primal fear more than the real foe
No we can’t discern them clearly from our companions
We’re going insane here. Why don’t you hear us?
Why don’t you rescue us all?

Hidden in my shelter under heavy enemy attack,
My thoughts ink the letters
That will never reach my hearth
Memories are stabbing my soul like a bayonet
I forgot the reason why we are confined in this hell

“Honour goes far beyond death and suffering
And only through the sacrifice of the brave will peace be restored.
Don’t despair my sons, keep your heads high
For your names will be remembered forever in time”

To defend you my sire I have blown away my soul
Devastating my own life
With no rewards
Choking my existence with lies
Led by the devil to paradise: Down


“My beloved king
I compose this letter to you
In the sleepless nightmare hours of the night
Wandering through cold empty corridors
I can hear these walls
Screaming your magnificent name and
I can find no peace”

I have to protect my breed
No matter who I love, no matter how I feel
It’s in my pure drops, it’s in my royal seed

My great love don’t let me fall apart
Desire is killing me
Don’t you let me drown in tears

Don’t cry
You know it’s a hopeless wish
No future for us, but only bitter tears
Preserve your frail heart
From an unending bleed

“Oh lord
How long shall I bear the burden
Of my tormenting silence
And live my life in the shadows
This is a frightful conflict, this is not life
Please, come and take me
Please, my love, please”

I will never come again
I forbid this love forever
As time has come to forget
And leave it to the past
So make the right choice to save us
Before it’s too late
Can’t soil my blood for nothingv And waste my heritage
Can’t blacken my name
And lose my purity



All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

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