

Augment - 2013

Drift - 2016

Neon - 2018


Augment - 2013

-Alpha Seed-

We begin the fall of the Omega generation
I'm left gasping for a breath of air in this failing body and fading beauty
I reach for what was never there,
but I'm still reaching for some reason
Teach me to navigate the stars
(and use the wind to guide my way)

If night and nature are my only hindrance
(then let me see the light of day)
Unheard of is the language that lured me in
It's deeper than the surface resting just beneath the skin
Unheard of is the language that lured me in
It's deeper than the surface resting just beneath the skin

Coated by the stratified soil of my settlement
I dream of lives I've lost (and enduringly lament)
Unfinished pillars of our generation
personifying this falling nation
People and animals alike; the people are animals at night
Reverting back to their natural
state when law was shapeless and held no weight

We live in caves buried in mountains
Stalactite supports without foundations
We are our fathers' bastard children,
evolved from cursed seed, but we are not helpless
We will become the rebirth of hope

This steadfast campaign remains relentless
(We will remain relentless)
Unfinished pillars of our generation,
personifying this falling nation
People and animals alike; the people are animals at night
Reverting back to their natural
state when law was shapeless and held no weight
We live in caves buried in mountains
Stalactite supports without foundations
We begin the fall of the Omega generation
Coalescence of Omega children, take my hand
The new world begins
Unfinished pillars of our generation
(Reverting back to their natural
state when law was shapeless and held no weight)

Personifying this falling nation
(We live in caves buried in mountains,
stalactite supports without foundations)
Unfinished pillars of our generation
(I dream of lives I've lost enduringly)
Personifying this falling nation (falling nation)


Embraced by the fluidic abyss I adore.
Engulfed in beauty that I cannot see.
Pressure mounting on its floor.
Granulated rock shifts beneath my feet.

Accepted as a companion to the creatures,
To the creatures of the current.
Their fluorescent glow transcends allurement.
Their fluorescent glow transcends.

Join me, they motion,
With cunning brilliance, brilliance veiled.
I followed this muse under,
Under waters, waters not sailed.

And through the mineral reef beyond
The shallows, into the deep,
This seraph lead me
Into a lapse of time.

A continual electric pulse of life.

Solemnly staring while my eyes were wearing,
The frailty of my being no longer persisted.
This celestial entity that I'd been pursuing
Delivered my spirit that was forever imprisoned.

And through the mineral reef beyond
The shallows, into the deep,
This seraph lead me
Into a lapse of time.

Adrift in a medium aloof from reality,
I gaze into an exalted mirror.
Its reflection left an affection
That had long been absent.

A continual electric pulse of life.

This creature has become my father.
A giant reaping what he has sown.
Absorbed in the darkness of glacial dead water.
This sentient creature has touched the vast unknown.
Touch the vast unknown.

Life is found where it is taken.
A vapor in the wind cycles.
Replaced when the ground is shaken.
Nature is an equal to mankind.

This celestial entity
That I had been (I had been)
Pursuing delivered my spirit
That was forever imprisoned.

A continual electric pulse of life.


In my grasp are my dreams personified
A unity of fiction and reality
The birth of beauty, the only one of its kind
Its grace exceeding limits set by the sky
Years had come and gone and my desire with them
A caged perpetuation of hope
A tally kept upon my body of days I care not to know

So effortless, I seemed to let myself decline

Loss of the ambition, I pushed my dreams aside
Am I the cause of our descent, or are we chained to anchors?
Mine engrossed in rust while yours still gleams and shimmers,
renew my albatross
So it shines with yours in the beams of suspended radiance
That are cast upon the ocean floor in ever-changing gradients
Renew my albatross so it shines with yours

Sinking down, am I the cause of our descent?
Are we chained to anchors pulling ourselves below?
Descending into passivity, I'm becoming what I am not
A selfish being consumed by adverse thought

In my grasp are my dreams personified
A unity of fiction and reality
Birth of beauty, the only one of its kind

So effortless, I seemed to let myself decline
That with the loss of, of the ambition, I pushed my dreams aside
Sinking down, sinking
Are we chained to anchors pulling ourselves below?

Descending into passivity, I'm becoming what I am not
A selfish being with relinquished feelings,
consumed by adverse thought
Am I the cause, am I the cause of our descent,
or are we chained to anchors?
Renew my albatross so it shines

Am I the cause of our descent, or are we chained to anchors?
Mine engrossed in rust while yours still gleams and shimmers,
renew my albatross
So it shines with yours in the beams of suspended radiance
That are cast upon the ocean floor in ever-changing gradients
I pushed my dreams aside


Frostbit fingers
Frostbit fingertips caress the razor's edge Cold ideals implanting themselves inside my head
Inadvertent gestures given effortlessly by my limbs
Complacency of warmth never sets in
This is an endless winter
One where the air gets thinner
A proclamation to the clement seasons
War without a rhyme or reason
Turmoil is elemental and so simplistic a feature
Though personal and integral, I cannot bear to brace this creature
Brace this creature, this creature
It's becoming deeper
This feeling urges my cliffs steeper
Stepping closer to see the fall
Negligence consumes my all
Have I let go?

Have I let go of what I am?
I stand here with unclenched hands
Retreating into my own
Enduring this all alone

I scream to remember passion
Unheard emotions in breathtaking fashion
Frostbit fingers
Frostbit fingertips caress the razor's edge
Cold ideals implanting themselves inside my head

We are all the same; unique and indifferent
Living as if this cryptic fever is isolated, it isn't

Have I let go of what I am?
I stand here with unclenched hands
Retreating into my own
Enduring this all alone, all alone
Have I let go of what I am, of what I am?

-Hybrid Earth-

Interlaced fingers, the locking of hands
Omnipotence entwined with man
Alteration before conception
The pretense to coalescence to form this imperfect plan
Unconsciously bound to one another
Liberated emotions are becoming smothered
Dynamics of the absolute contort our narrow view
We were not meant for this hybrid birth
Inhumanity crowns the Earth
This hybrid birth

Momentum is your venom

Momentum is your venom
Clinging to progress, we embrace the toxin
Children of the ancients, you've forgotten innocence
Unkept instincts, enslaved, inefficient

We were not meant for this hybrid birth
Inhumanity crowns the Earth
We were not meant for this hybrid birth
Inhumanity crowns the Earth
Inhumanity crowns the Earth
Designer, designer of mystification
Imposer upon a fit creation

Momentum is your venom

Momentum is your venom
Clinging to progress, we embrace the toxin
Children of the ancients, you've forgotten innocence
Unkept instincts, enslaved, inefficient

Inhumanity crowns the Earth
Momentum is your venom
Children of the ancients, you've forgotten innocence
Enslaved, inefficient

They breathe with us, they've bred with us
They are self-proclaimed behemoths
Bound by our own desire, seduced and expired
Self-proclaimed behemoths
Bound by our own desire, seduced and expired


Our hands were holding our fate, but they grew tired
Everything we knew came crashing down in waves of fire, in waves of fire
Strange hands over mouth and in hair
Red eyes from the water, gasping for air, rebirth
Blurred vision disrupts perception of this present state
Made new in the chilling currents that carry me away

Follow your heart
And leap from the cliffs, close your divine eyes to reason
Let inertia move you
Cling and be clung to, speak and be spoken to
How beautiful you find yourself
Remove this scourge from where we dwell
You will be found in a dark place
And somewhere through time and space

Adorned with purity yet blessed with knowledge
Contradicting what I've been taught
Upheld in a pale light that burns my skin
I am the distorted one, I am the distorted one
I am a prisoner in this body, bound and chained to flesh
I am the distorted one, I am a prisoner in this body
A mirror reflecting an honest rendition
A faction following a faithless tradition
Your own body renamed religion, rebirth
Our hands were holding our fate, but they grew tired
And everything we knew came crashing down

You will be found in a dark place
And somewhere, somewhere through time and space
A mirror reflecting an honest rendition
A faction following faithless tradition

Follow your heart
And leap from the cliffs, close your divine eyes to reason
Let inertia move you
Cling and be clung to, speak and be spoken to
How beautiful you find yourself
Remove this scourge from where we dwell
You will be found in a dark place
And somewhere through, through time and space

I am the distorted one
I am a prisoner in this body, bound and chained to flesh


This high is all that's left of us
A hallucinogenic conservation that without, I am captious
There is complacency in knowledge and desire in wisdom
They will be found entwined behind, behind the final curtain

Speak over me
Body, mind, and soul
Lose all self-control

At once
I'm sinking into desolation, overwhelmed by fascination
This common case I'm bound to face
Amidst this self-induced cerebral recreation

Speak over me; body, mind, and soul
Bleed into the deep, let go
We must lose all self-control
We must lose all self-control
Let go of letting go and hold on
Let go of letting go and hold on to something whole
Lose all self-control

The butchering of a beast or birth to enduring peace
Infinite darkness or incessant ease, incessant ease

Speak over me
Body, mind, and soul
Lose all self-control
Ultraviolet eyes

Speak over me; body, mind, and soul
Bleed into the deep, let go
We must lose all self-control
We must lose all self-control

Let go of letting go, and hold on to something whole
We are not what we seem
A living fiction and hidden theme
Allow the ephemeral ecstasy to course through every vein
This enlightenment is temporary and may never come again

Ultraviolet eyes
We are not what we seem
A living fiction and hidden theme
Violet hues are comforting
Tracing through my mind, consoling me
Ultraviolet eyes

-Spirits Away-

This lackadaisical mind, the cap to my spine
Is weighted with worries for the punishment of all of our crimes
As graceful as the rising sun at dawn, you open your mouth
But words don't shine out

Entangled as one; our bodies are two
Spiritual deviation; yet my heart's inside you
Entangled as one; you've swallowed it whole
Spiritual deviation; like a ghost in my home

You've become mute in the waters
Trapped inside this aquifer
Everything with meaning is filtered out
And stopped from streaming

Entangled as one, spiritual deviation
Our bodies are two, yet my heart is inside you

Entangled as one
Entangled as one, spiritual deviation
Spiritual deviation
Our bodies are two, yet my heart is inside you

You've swallowed it whole like a ghost in my home
And I've tried to escape, but my persistence dissipates
Bring me back home 'cause I've ran and I have roamed
My erratic agitation leads to hyperventilation; spiritual deviation
This is neurosis compelled by those I held the closest
Sweaty palms can't carry on
Racing heart, you've played your part
This is the disintegration of my being
Love has either lost or proved its meaning

Entangled as one; our bodies are two
Spiritual deviation, my heart's inside you

This is the disintegration of my being!
Love has either lost or proved its meaning!


Undiscovered entities
Thoughts of inconceivable beings
Universal catastrophe
They're relatives to you and me
Space and time
Emptiness lightyears wide
To discover the reasons why
We'd reevaluate, we'd reevaluate all our lives
Happenings that can't be explained
The crawling inside your brain
Unknown toxins in every vein

Planetary sabbatical
Their design is tactical
Surviving is impractical

Our inferior intelligence
Versus calculating assailants
Ancient times of negligence
Eradication of our existence
Our races are being tamed
Undiscovered entities
Thoughts of inconceivable beings

Creatures that became our masters
Worlds fused from disaster
Realizations too late to matter
The descent of man begins the pattern

Planetary sabbatical
Our races are being tamed
Their design is tactical
Surviving is impractical

Happenings that can't be explained
The crawling inside your brain
Unknown toxins in every vein
Our races are being tamed

Creatures that became our masters
Worlds fused from disaster

Creatures that became our masters
Worlds fused from disaster
Realizations too late to matter
The descent of man begins the pattern
Creatures that became our masters
Worlds fused from disaster
Realizations too late to matter
The descent of man begins the pattern
The descent of man
The descent of man
The descent of man


It's as if I've fallen with the fall
Like leaves from trees, standing short and tall
My lungs are frozen from the winter air
A stale cold and respiratory flare
Crimson scatters near the roots of the last soldier from the summer
It's as if the battle happened here and the bodies were buried under
A tectonic drift and polar shift would ensure our camouflage
It would be as if we never happened, and this place was a mirage

We constantly collide with the troposphere
We cut straight through like Roman spear
Displacing oxygen like a paid assassin
Promised to forget because it never happened

It's as if I've fallen with the fall
Like leaves from trees, standing short and tall
Crimson scatters near the roots of the last soldier from the summer
It's as if the battle happened here and the bodies were buried under
Stimulating consequences rest on my conscience
This addiction to the things we do is neither conventional or acknowledged

An echo of existence
Subsist in our commencement
Limitations have escaped us
Contrary to accepted thesis

A tectonic drift and polar shift would ensure our camouflage
It would be as if we never happened, and this place was a mirage
We constantly collide with the troposphere
We cut straight through like a Roman spear
Displacing oxygen like a paid assassin
Promised to forget because it never happened
Crimson scatters near the roots of the last soldier from the summer
It's as if the battle happened here and the bodies were buried under

An echo of existence
Subsist in our commencement
Limitations have escaped us
Contrary to accepted thesis
An echo of existence
Limitations have escaped us
An echo of existence




In the reflection of the water's stream,
I watch the current carry me
Irresolute and indiscriminate, this liquid flux is transcendent
A birth to conquered memories of sentimental quintessence
Learning to let go of oneself converts grievance into lessons

Your innermost thoughts appear physically
Cataclysm is bound to everything

The event horizon; there is no escaping, inescapable
Light speeds, black holes, time lapse; we're unstable

To contemplate the unthinkable, break free from captivity
Envelope the atmosphere with magnetized waves of processed nerve activity

Bring me back to the river's edge to bathe in consequence
Future events colliding, spoken of in present tense

The event horizon; there is no escaping, inescapable
Light speeds, black holes, time lapse; we're unstable
Misplaced ideals provoke tension, there is no escaping it
Dementia in this dimension

Our neurologic fortitude has been broken through
All of the pieces once whole have shattered in contact with you

In the reflection of the water's stream, I watch the current carry me, carry me away
Irresolute and indiscriminate, this liquid flux is transcendent, transcendent

Carry me away

Drift - 2016


I'm spiraling out of control, so you illuminate a clean slate
You're lifting the weight that's diluting inspiration
I woke with the sun in my face, mountains by my side
The desert air pulling the breath from my lungs
I'm making my way through a barren landscape
Littered with remains of past lives and shadows of the scavengers

World passing by, leaving traces of shapes, blurring into memory
Dreaming of terrain that sustains, I wake up

I'm lying parallel with the landscape

There will always be a void to be filled, illuminate a clean slate
Keep lifting the weight that is diluting inspiration
There will always be a void with no permanent fix
Shifting of puzzle pieces to simulate a whole

World passing by, leaving traces of shapes, blurring into memory
Dreaming of terrain that sustains, I wake up to a world that's unfamiliar
We leave and then we go back like we never left home
We go back like we never left home

When will we wake the fuck up?
Parallel with the landscape, I lie awake
With diminishing desire to always seek escape
From a home where I feel sound and safe

World passing by, leaving traces of shapes, blurring into memory
Dreaming of terrain that sustains, I wake up, wake up
When will we all wake up?
Diminished desire to always seek escape to a world that's unfamiliar
We leave and then we go back like we never left home
We go back like we never left



A sequence of events unfolding in reverse
A sting better stimulated when revealing tragedy first
Reverse perception reversing imperfection
Be aware of the darkness that lies beneath the surface of contrived pleasantries
Be aware so as to always hold tighter; speak softer
There is no failsafe, so now you know
There is no failsafe, so cut ties
With the dead weight that is dragging you below

Pull me closer, when silence consumes you, I'll speak words softer
Sinking slower, we stimulate the sting, restrain

I'm not giving up, I'm giving in to the touch
Of every inch of your sea salt skin
But you set me ablaze and spread me out with waves in the ocean
With every trace of doubt, black me out
Don't stimulate the sting
Don't let the wrong choices repeat themselves
Don't stimulate the sting of irreversible emptiness
Pull me in close, pull me in close

It's in the empty spaces that we find ourselves
It's in the empty spaces, reaching out and grasping
Searching for what we need to find who we are, who we are
There is no failsafe
It's what keeps me hanging on to what you are to me
You're what keeps me hanging on
I'm not giving up, I'm giving in, so let's begin again

Pull me closer, when silence consumes you, I'll speak words softer
Sinking slower, we stimulate the sting, restrain
Pulling you closer 'cause after all, you're pulling back farther
And we're sinking slower, we stimulate the sting, restrain

Don't turn your back on her
Let her look you right in the eyes, you coward, oh
Don't stimulate the sting
Don't let the wrong choices repeat themselves
Don't stimulate the sting of irreversible emptiness


Cityscape skeletons taking shape and growing skin
Layer and layer is peeled away
Exhausted from the repetition of always needing to rebuild
Worn down faces in colorful barren places

City lights and skylines
Guiding home our wandering minds
Tucking us into tortoise shells
Suppressing the outside sounds of relentless consciousness
Where is contemplative terrain
That sleeps with the setting sun?
This nocturnal apathy binging on shadow and smoke
It's endlessly coming undone

When the ground falls out, who will take my hand?
When things fall apart who will take my hand?

I'd never thought that I could withstand
Falling short when I'm a broken man
You never knew how much I meant it in love
Every night I'm beside you weeks away when you're sleeping alone
Did you ever know how much I meant it?

Millions of tiny pieces looking in on themselves
Reflected in the water, unaware of each other
Every piece could find its place back in the puzzle
What was one is shattered into many and longs to be whole again
But nothing ever fits quite the same in the end

I'd never thought that I could withstand
Falling short when I'm a broken man
You never knew how much I meant it in love
I'd never thought that I could withstand
Falling short when I'm a broken man
Every night I'm beside you weeks away when you're sleeping alone
Did you ever know how much I meant it?

When the ground falls out, who will take my hand?
When things fall apart, who will take my hand?


Cityscape skeletons taking shape and growing skin
Layer and layer is peeled away
Exhausted from the repetition of always needing to rebuild
Worn down faces in colorful barren places

City lights and skylines
Guiding home our wandering minds
Tucking us into tortoise shells
Suppressing the outside sounds of relentless consciousness
Where is contemplative terrain
That sleeps with the setting sun?
This nocturnal apathy binging on shadow and smoke
It's endlessly coming undone

When the ground falls out, who will take my hand?
When things fall apart who will take my hand?

I'd never thought that I could withstand
Falling short when I'm a broken man
You never knew how much I meant it in love
Every night I'm beside you weeks away when you're sleeping alone
Did you ever know how much I meant it?

Millions of tiny pieces looking in on themselves
Reflected in the water, unaware of each other
Every piece could find its place back in the puzzle
What was one is shattered into many and longs to be whole again
But nothing ever fits quite the same in the end

I'd never thought that I could withstand
Falling short when I'm a broken man
You never knew how much I meant it in love
I'd never thought that I could withstand
Falling short when I'm a broken man
Every night I'm beside you weeks away when you're sleeping alone
Did you ever know how much I meant it?

When the ground falls out, who will take my hand?
When things fall apart, who will take my hand?


I've watched a lot of things crumble in my hands
Falling through my fingers like grains of sand
When the hourglass tips over on its side
Does it create infinite moments or leave us trapped in time?

Loath, disdain, pity, regret consume me and I shut down
Dissolving internally with no silver linings to any clouds

I disassociate with everything I know
Drowning out, losing control

My detachment permeates to everything I know
Refill the sands and balance the scales or let me go
I'm becoming everything that I defied
Withdrawn emotions, I've built a shell and I live inside

I disassociate with everything I know
Drowning out, losing control
My detachment permeates to everything I know
And I'm drowning out, losing control
I'm becoming everything I defied

Slowly withering, there seems to be no way out
Refill the sands, balance the scales or let me go
Loath, disdain, pity, regret consume me and I shut down
Slowly withering with no silver linings to any fucking clouds

I disassociate with everything I know
Drowning out, losing control
My detachment permeates to everything I know
And I'm drowning out, losing control
Losing control


As our world oscillates to shake the weak remains,
show your strength
Resist all temptation to follow illusions, expressed with safety
Open up your wings and fly to sanctuary
Trying to dislocate from talk and scoff that shows them what they are
Murderous words might as well been sent by a bullet
Keep your eyes closed and your fingers crossed
Till our paths meet, I'll try to lead the way
Take me back to who I was back then
I'll show you what life means to me again
Maybe in due time, you'll let me in
I'll lift the weight so you don't have to fall

Brother, when every muscle strains
I will lift the weight for you
Sister, if you just call my name
I will lift the weight for you
You can't find the strength, your eyes lose resistance
I will lift the weight for you

I wasn't there for the darkest of hallways, the longest of paths
A crazy train going off the tracks
Catch my fall when the earth shakes
Catch my fall when the earth shakes

Take me back to who I was back then
An honest man and a faithful friend
I'll show you what life means to me again
Maybe in due time, you'll let me in
Take me back to who I was back then
An honest man and a faithful friend
I'll show you what life means to me again
Maybe in due time, you'll let me in
'Cause there is so much left to amend

Brother, when every muscle strains
I will lift the weight for you
Sister, if you just call my name
I will lift the weight for you
You can't find the strength, your eyes lose resistance
I will lift the weight for you
I know that we've changed, but this remains consistent
I will lift the weight for you

We pick at the scab, it bleeds and it bleeds
Extending the healing to keep us contained
A weak doppelganger, the bastard one
I'll leave you behind and continue on


Take a breath, enter the unknown
Watch your step, it's an escape to the world anew
Flood yourself with colors and senses on overload
Sink inside yourself, watch out for the bottom
Because there's no turning back once it takes control
And you prefer this new creation
The pain exits slowly and there's nothing left but bliss

Floating out at sea, away from reality
It pulls me under, the tide will blow your mind
I'm drifting in and out of ocean dreams
It pulls me under, the tide will blow your mind

My pulse is sent into overdrive
Trying to calm my nerves with an unnatural catalyst
Agitator, wave maker, incendiary, excite my life

Floating out at sea, away from reality
It pulls me under, the tide will blow your mind
I'm drifting in and out of ocean dreams
It pulls me under, the tide will blow your mind
Drifting in and out

Drifting in and out of reality
Drifting in and out of ocean dreams
Drifting in and out of reality
Drifting in and out, let your mind drift


Tossed around the idea of stepping off the edge
Hoping my fall lands into a familiar place
A familiar face: can we leave this space?
It reminds me of all my mistakes
Bite my tongue, vision spins
Living life from the cutter's skin
Sent to be an ungrateful son
Can't you see my breath is gone?
Bury my head to hide from reality
I'll make a new name for myself, I'm on my own
I just hope I have the strength to move and show fortitude
Bite my tongue, vision spins
Living life from the cutter's skin
Sent to be an ungrateful son
Can't you see my breath is gone?

Just let me sleep tonight, tonight
When I only feel safe inside

Shadows cast and dance slick, these walls expand quick
With every strike, I shudder at the wake
Rippling through my drifting mind
What if I knew the journey this whole time?

Just let me sleep tonight, tonight
When I only feel safe inside
I only feel safe inside
Just let me sleep tonight

So I need to be saved? Do I want to be?
I don't want to be the shell of what these people see

Just let me sleep tonight, tonight
When I only feel safe inside
I only feel safe inside
Just let me sleep tonight


Every memory recalled is an origin that we've altered
Broken promises to another man's daughter
Endless walk down a dead road as our last breaths begin to falter
We lend our weight to the backs of our broken fathers

Featherweight boy in his arms, every night he weeps
Constantly drifting in and out of sleep
Palm against transparent skin, fingers tracing ribs
Reassurance that the heart was still beating
At the helm of death every day like clockwork
Restless nights with trembling hands against transparent skin
But they carry on because survival is not a dead end

Whether or not the world is withered away
We are each other's world entirely
Whether or not the world is withered away
We are ever, we are evermore

Lost ghosts around every corner, on every charred sidewalk
Still trudging through the ash of an endless walk
With bodies cold and weightless, resilient of death in life
Resilient of death in death, they walk on

Dreaming of a safe haven at the end of the road
An unstable safety, the only kind we've ever known
Oh, we walk along, dreaming of a safe haven
Oh, we walk along at the end of the road
Our legs will never fail, we'll carry on
And I swear to you...

Whether or not the world is withered away
We are each other's world entirely
Whether or not the world is withered away
We are ever, we are evermore

Oh, we walk along, dreaming of a safe haven
Oh, we walk along at the end of the road
Resilient of death because life is not a dead end

Whether or not the world is withered away
We are each other's world entirely
Whether or not the world is withered away
We are ever, we are evermore

Survival is not a dead end
We are evermore
Because survival is not a dead end
We are ever, we are evermore

-The Hypnotist-

This moment's passing breeze
Feels like your tender breath I used to know so well
The silence is crushing
The white noise that used to call my name
Break down and all my thoughts have escaped me
Except for all the things that show me your face ever so brightly
Poised through a lie that still remains
Such little left that I can say with authenticity, so I...

Close my eyes and I can hear you calling from behind
Close my eyes, I swear I feel you crawling towards the light
Tell me the words that will keep you close

Poor soul, heart full, temperature fluctuates
To later be buried in my own
Personal graveyard of emotion and past mistakes

Close my eyes and I can hear you calling from behind
Close my eyes, I swear I feel you crawling towards the light
My skin is turning white, watching your soul in flight
Close my eyes, I swear I feel you crawling towards the light

The bloody beat beat beat in my chest
The coldest chill creeping up my neck
Tell me the words that will keep you close

Life won't feel the same anymore
'Cause you're gone and it's far too late to say the things I'm sorry for
Five fingers gripping the glass
For the last time, I'd hope to say
Three nights with no separation
I know too well there's one more thing I could have said
Life won't feel the same anymore
'Cause you're gone and it's far too late to say the things I'm sorry for
I can't take it back, I can't bring you back
Life won't feel the same anymore
'Cause you're gone and I'm holding on

Neon - 2018


It comes to fracture vested trust
A love to shatter and turn to rust
I drag my name through waves to wade black water
Wallow and drown

A new shade of gray disorients the portrait
Repetitive contusions concuss the allure
Cataract eyes and cloudy minds interrupt a perfect design

Crashing waves come to swallow us
Wallow and drown in it
Shadows wait to devour us
It hurts to surrender

Presentation is everything when you created the play
The audience hypnotized by the imagery
In this vicious cycle of disbelief
That the visionless cannot conceive
You can drag me down six feet deep
So I can fight for a life that I threw away
In this moment of resurgence
Clear the dissonance and recover me

Fears suppressed exploit our lust
And our memories turn to rust

And when we reach that point, barren of things to say
There's nothing left to save, do not resuscitate
Swallow your pride, hide what you feel inside
There are some things that can not be rectified

Crashing waves come to swallow us
Wallow and drown in it
Shadows wait to devour us
It hurts to surrender
Leeches lie in wait, but you're blind to it, but you're blind to it
A void that you create, you give life to it
It hurts to surrender

It comes to fracture vested trust
A love to shatter and turn to rust
If words could carry my pain through the busy streets and empty alleyways
Be the one who hears my cry like the moon who craves the night

You can drag me down six feet deep
So I can fight for a life that I threw away
In this moment of resurgence
Clear the dissonance and recover me


Faith we abate, a perfect design of which we deprecate
We can't decipher this suppressive surge of desire
As I watch the hands of time cradle circumstance and consequence
I reiterate that the hourglass is near its end and depleting swiftly
Trace the edge along this line we drew within this narrow space

Memories I can't recreate
Wreckage beyond what we could calculate
An affection that fluctuates
Familiar speech in a new tongue that I cannot translate

Who's to say that our faith was kept in a safe place?
As we witness a weaker pulse and shallow breaths, the innocent fight
To take their life back, no surrender of light from their eyes
Perpetrator, give back what's not yours to keep
Stolen destinations of contingency, ripped apart and vanishing

Memories I can't recreate
Wreckage beyond what we could calculate
An affection that fluctuates
Familiar speech in a new tongue that I cannot translate

These wandering eyes provide confirmation of idle actions
Holding keys to open doors, we're too afraid to enter
We scrutinize, but execution falls short
Disgust for lack of action
Cover your face with your hands and look away

Memories I can't recreate
Wreckage beyond what we could calculate
An affection that fluctuates
Familiar speech in a new tongue
Memories I can't recreate
Wreckage beyond what we could calculate
An affection that fluctuates
Familiar speech in a new tongue that I cannot translate

Perpetrator, give back what's not yours to keep

-Signal Fire-

what am I becoming
Liable; or a victim of circumstance?
Bending disorder to appease my own defense

This bond could not be conceived without affection and faith to believe
It was all meant to endure the worst of things
Cast aside your doubts and destructive thoughts
I know that I can finally be enough

The signal fire is flickering
Breaths start to cease, and I wonder
If she calls my name out from the edge of the sea

Tones of crimson gleam to fill the space between
The animation in my arteries
Cruel impermanence; the weight of the unknown
Has stricken me with a feeling of turbulence
Holding out for a softer consequence

Stand true; we are absolute
Doubt breathes through blushing leaves
Eradicated with my will to be
Convoluted ideas and emotions
That make their home in me, weigh me down
They make their home in me

Drifting away into the comfort of false safety

The signal fire is flickering
Breaths start to cease, and I wonder
If she calls my name out from the edge of the sea

Move in sync with passage of light
Through my fingertips
Aligned on each notch of my spine
Where shivers won't dare resist

The signal fire is flickering
Breaths start to cease, and I wonder
If she calls my name out from the edge of the sea


Shed your skin, days on years
Punished by pressured time
When underneath, you're balancing
All this hate and selfless misconception
What once was full is just the husk
Of a deceived creature of habits
Black ink can't pierce this deep
By your side, I watched the birds of prey
Bind the skies and hold in wait
We cannot mend what is sealed by fate
No future, contentment with complacency
Absorbing disappointment, bite the hand that feeds
I gave up everything to make you feel complete
Drenched in cold sweat from lost comfort of safety
You resonate with hatred

My pulse is racing in my chest
I lie awake to imagine pathways of escape as they disappear

All these words mean nothing if we fall face first
From running away from something that we saw coming

Embrace this sunset as cloak and dagger for you to cower
Hidden by shadows, with filthy nails of gripping cowards
Shed your skin
Refuse to be loved by yourself to grow free from villainous
vines Refuse love from anyone else to sever ties that have grown intertwined

My failing mind has been oppressed
And I lie awake to embrace a pathway of escape
Disappear without a trace

All these words mean nothing if we fall face first
From running away from something that we saw coming

Rise through the wake
Sliding through the pulse of the ocean tide
Rise through the wake
Sliding through the pulse of the ocean tide
Shed your skin, shed your skin
I've always known what's underneath
Rise through the wake or be the crashing waves

Rise through the wake
Sliding through the pulse of the ocean tide
Rise through the wake

Refuse to be loved by yourself to grow free from villainous vines
Refuse love from anyone else to sever ties that have grown intertwined


I disengaged and relinquished the rage
Repressive memories combust into a sky of dust
Oversee my thoughts
Bending time like light through the mist of night
Slipping into serenity
Speeding towards hearts that can't break and steel traps of misdirection

Weightlessness; separate from this conscious
Alleviation from the noise

Leave it all behind; a master of control
I'd rather it be me than the others wielding the tightrope and chains of woe
Take flight on the wings that aren't impeded by conflict of trust
Gusts powered by passion and retrospective intent
Believe in the purity of your escape

Weightlessness; separate from this conscious
Alleviation from the noise
Weightlessness; separate from this conscious
Breaking the rhythm of the noise

Please give me space to breathe unblemished atmosphere
Watch me float along this celestial breeze
Give me hope to become one with everything, everything
To understand change as a necessity

Weightlessness; separate from this conscious
Alleviation from the noise
Weightlessness; separate from this conscious
Breaking the rhythm of the noise

-Ghost of Nothing-

Treading waters poisoned by timeless intoxicants
Always knowing that a darkness will find us
Scaling walls of imagined boundaries
We are the reapers of shame, the successors of pain
I could follow you down
To the bottom of your solemn state
Straining to pull you out
Of the trenches that your mind creates
Hesitation sits in hindsight of the blind man
Cut me open

Won't you follow tonight, just breathe in slowly
I don't wanna see you suffer forever, forever

You are seemingly safe and sound
But you carry such a heavy weight
A spirit that slowly drowns
But the body doesn't translate

Bolstering the need to feel accomplished
Overshadowed by decisions of finite progress
A moment to take my time
To let the noise subside
Maybe I can finally breathe if I take a step outside myself
Maybe I can finally breathe easy
Cut me a box to size, yeah

Won't you follow tonight, just breathe in slowly
I don't wanna see you suffer forever, forever
Plagued by thoughts of self-defeat

Ghost of nothing
A ghost of a nothing
An anchor for all suffering

Won't you follow tonight
I don't wanna see you suffer

Won't you follow tonight, just breathe in slowly
I don't wanna see you suffer, suffer forever, forever
Won't you follow tonight, just breathe in slowly
I don't wanna see you suffer, suffer forever, forever
I don't wanna see you

A ghost of a nothing
An anchor for all suffering


Give in to the pressure of the sound
Of the voices saying step down

Beast of glutton, the embodiment of greed
Exploiting the weak by fabricating their needs
The wolf kicked in the door, intruded in your home
And you see it as a privilege to be consumed

Give in to the pressure of the sound
Of the voices saying step down
Tell us something that resembles truth
You pitiful bastard in clearest sight

The wolf was never hiding
You told yourself sweet nothings, and now your only truth is lying
Bulbous parasite; expanding from the blood of the ignorant
The worm is robbing our ability to communicate
I saw him laugh in your face, why aren't you irate?

Scrub away the stain
Leech their energy

Give in to the pressure of the sound
Of the voices saying step down
Tell us something that resembles truth
You pitiful bastard in clearest sight
Give in to the pressure of the sound
Of the voices saying step down
Tell us something that resembles truth
You pitiful bastard in clearest sight

The people's king; a virtuoso of trophy lust and adolescent behavior
An old fool convinced you he's your savior
Chaos is the grain on which the bastards feed
Bringing down the rain, they drown the land in greed
Scrub away the stain, leech their energy
Tell us something that resembles truth, just walk away


The miles I've traveled now seem like withered time
Fixated on the rear view when I can't see ahead
For me to view a reflection without corruption
So a past won't dictate a present
Months pass, sitting still, thinking in this box
Where my thoughts are not friendly nor hopeful
This weak mind and body crumble

Who we were will never be the same
We'll never relive the feeling
Love we made, we let it slip away
And I just can't face it

I can feel it coming on, living inside
Calling me right back to you
My regret meets no resistance
And I endorse this torment to feel
If you exhaust a heart of love
Is the pumping of blood still enough?
Do the limbs go numb?

Who we were will never be the same
We'll never relive the feeling
Love we made, we let it slip away
And I just can't face it
Who we were will never be the same
We'll never relive the feeling
Love we made, we let it slip away
And I just can't face it

My fictional friend, conducting me piece by piece
I feel your cold blank stare cast on me
I don't ask to be mended
Just understand my words and hear me out
All the passion has faded
All the fire has burned out

How could I see it coming?
This electrifying high that we would grow to resent

I can feel it coming on, living inside
Calling me right back to you


Aiming soft steps along each brick
To give respect in the places unfit
It's not a waste to him, but all he knows
Avoiding all the conflict to seek some repose
Thinking back on his father's words
To try and mend the cracks at the seams
Stand your ground and speak your mind
A unity he can't emphasize
Hard rain falls without consulting the flood
A tear hits the cheek of a heartless man
Counting the minutes as you lose control
This love goes unreceived, marked "return to sender"

Feeling it all around me
Watching the clouds roll over
Fall into place; trust in the outcome
Walk along the path of least resistance

Set your feet to paths for you to wander and never feel alone
Questioning the option to surrender, embracing the unknown on your own

Walk alone or lead the pack on your own
There's no difference in numbers
If you see nothing with eyes wide open
Remembering moments being led astray
The howling voices looming close behind
Reaching for a piece to steal away
Close your doors even if the rooms are vacant

Set your feet to paths for you to wander and never feel alone
Questioning the option to surrender, embracing the unknown

Setting all the clocks to prior hours to stagger fleeting time
Saving all the love you can remember, remember

Thinking back on his father's words
To try and mend the cracks at the seams
Stand your ground and speak your mind
A unity he can't emphasize


Terror creeps like a hurricane
Oppressing the seas, trying to sink my vessel
Powerless to the crippling wake
Pull me in and destroy my faith
With my liquid lungs, I can breathe

Free of broken memories that keep holding on
Contemplating love you spent only to feel alone
I feel alone
Love you spent only to feel alone
Still holding on

A hollow heart holds no peace
Can we forgive and forget, receive and protect
When we carry our prisons in our heads?
Carve my legacy into the stone
For my light can only burn so long
But before I go, my brimstone bones
Will smolder all my fears of the unknown

Free of broken memories that keep holding on
Contemplating love you spent only to feel alone
I feel alone
Love you spent only to feel alone
And no strength to let it go

In my wishing well, where all my words turn to stone
Speak to me through grit teeth; a broken soul
And a heart that wants to take control

Who's to say whether we should drift?
I can feel you slipping away

Shadows unfamiliar to me
Dance around the walls of the most familiar places
Now I've become a stranger in my own home
I'd fall asleep with you next to me, now every day I wake alone

Shadows of strangers compose themselves reluctantly
How can you confront your fears when they stand back to back?
Trust in a disconnect to make the pieces fit, oh
Shadows of strangers
Shadows of strangers

Hope you left behind
Home is undefined
Hope you left behind
Home is undefined

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

Anything Missing? Anything You Want To Add?


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