Enterprise Earth


Patient Ø - 2015

Embodiment - 2017


Patient Ø - 2015

-Shallow Breath-

I've been watching your progress
You wouldn't know because I'm on the other side of the mirror
Observing you as you paint your reflection

Have you ever felt my touch as you sleep?
Or hear the sound of my footsteps as the floorboards creek?
Do you feel alone or do you feel like something is there?
It wasn't the wind that caressed your hair

You can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me
As I look through the glass all your thoughts can be seen
When you bow your head at night and bleed into a prayer
I am the only one who can hear
So close yet so far

I've been watching your progress
You wouldn't know because I'm on the other side of the mirror
Observing you as you paint your reflection

You can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me
As I look through the glass all your thoughts can be seen
When you bow your head at night and bleed into a prayer
I am the only one who can hear
You are not alone

Hold your breath on the way down
With every shallow breath you begin to drown
Swallow the blood, swim for air



Reality is shedding her skin,
slipping out of her dress with a sadistic grin
Feet flat on the floor,
clawing at the rusted hinges of the door
Pitch black eyes, baptized in flies, ordained to suffer

The deceased lay scattered across the pavement,
their rotting flesh drips off their splintered bones
Decomposing smiles light up the room, allowing the maggots to bloom
Slithering up my spine, my veins are turning black
Death stares me in the eyes and tells me my life was a lie

Manifesting before me,
materializing in front of my eyes,
the omnipresent God

We are legion,
for we are many
We are legion,
for we are the true voice of God

Reality is shedding her skin,
slipping out of her dress with a sadistic grin
Feet flat on the floor,
clawing at the rusted hinges of the door
I dip my finger in a skull full of blood,
scribing the words of lord across the wall
Holy scriptures adorned in the essence
of death to be reborn and given breath
You will be reborn and given breath

Emanating from darkness, in darkness is truth
You will find your forgiveness hanging
from the end of your bed sheet noose

Kick the chair, say a prayer,
let him know of your despair
In the end god never cared,
how does it feel to be forsaken?

-Hollow Face-

Staring at myself from the outside,
looking in.
A black widow crawls out of my mouth and down my bloody chin.
I am suspended with bed sheets constricting my throat.
Hanging from the bars in the window, watching myself decompose.

Perception without confinement, distorted interpretations.
Washed away by the blood that runs from my flesh,
a vision of death.

What I saw through the eyes of my flesh,
just a glimpse of what lies beneath the surface.
I can see through the blindfold,
shedding light on the lies that my eyes told.
Death embraces me tighter than my life ever did,
cradling my weary soul.
Filling the void, filling the hole.

I always had that feeling in the back of my head,
the feeling that I would be better off dead.
No home, nowhere to go, only an empty world to roam.
So desolate and cold, I am alone.
Bloated and rotting, the rats feed on my flesh.
To them I leave my inheritance.
They digest and shit me out,
returning my flesh to the earth.
Returning my flesh to the earth,
bloated and rotting.

-Amid Vultures-

I kneel by the bedside and bow my head,
murmuring a prayer in dread.
Either there is no god or god is dead,
was this all part of the plan?
To leave me here, amid the vultures?
Picking out the eyes of a broken man?
They think they're better than me,
so afraid of heresy.

Eradicating every divergent strand until
they come together and make a stand.
We stand on the earth divided,
we cannot resist, we cannot fight it.
Guided by the light of desire.
We cannot resist, we cannot fight it.
The vultures perch on my chest,
tearing my flesh, using my bones to make a nest.
They think that they follow a leader,
on their knees, sucking the dick of the reaper.

Feeding them lies as he shoots his load into their eyes.
They’re always begging for more,
slurping up the cum like worthless whores.
Guided by the light of desire,
fearing the kiss of a corrosive fire.
Rip out my tainted eyes,
feed upon my skin.
Regurgitate my flesh into your children's mouths,
regurgitate my flesh.
I'm the food for the new generation,
the new generation.

-Porcelain Whore-

[feat. Dickie Allen of Abiotic]

A porcelain replica,
a manufactured mask plastered on your hollow skull.
There's nothing left anymore,

replicating at a rapid rate.
Herding together at your masters feet.
Licking the crumbs off the floor,
worshiping the porcelain whore.
You perceive the world as it's played out to be,
a preconceived showcase of reality.
Hypnotized by the lies that drown out the truth,
parents still think that they're raising the youth.
Mesmerized by the flies digesting decay,
consuming the light of day.

You will never be beautiful,

you will never be beautiful to me. What a disgrace.
They perceive the world as it's played out to be,
a preconceived showcase of reality.
Worship the porcelain whore,
rotting and spreading like spores,
sending the children into wars.

Hypnotized by the lies that drown out the truth,
parents still think that they're raising the youth.
Mesmerized by the flies digesting decay,
consuming the light of day.

Bow before me, the bellowing beast.
Arise and worship, I the porcelain whore
. Your artificial idol in this materialistic society.
A nation of confusion,
overwhelmed in narcissistic decomposition.

-Kiss Of The Recluse-

Standing in the rain,
pushing through the crowd.
Watching them scrape up pieces of your brain
A world without you will never be the same.
You left the pain behind
Memories of you playing in my mind.
Your body will rot
Pretending you're asleep beneath the earth,
buried in a pretty box as if your corpse had any worth
They call it the coward’s way out,
I call it courage
Lifting up the sheet for the coroner,
I can't recognize you anymore
But I still think that you're gorgeous,
I still think that you're gorgeous
Your reconstructed face.
Pity, such beauty went to a putrid waste
The smell of death fuming from your rotting mouth
The tracks of stitches running underneath your blouse
I hope that you're watching this

as I give you one last kiss farewell,
we’ll meet again in hell
No matter how deep you fall,
I will hear your call.
Nothing can stand between us nothing at all
Burning slowly forever,
at least we're together,
hold my hand and close your eyes
Don't be afraid, everyone dies,

your body will rot
Pretending you're asleep beneath the earth,
buried in a pretty box as if your corpse had any worth
They call it the coward’s way out,
I call it courage

I still think you're gorgeous,
the amber flames lick your tortured face. Our bodies melt
I still think you're gorgeous,
the amber flames lick your tortured face
Our bodies melt, and then interlace

-Sus Cibum-

I peer through your eyes,
wearing your flesh as a disguise.
You can see too
You witness your life rotting through and through
Everyone around you sees you for what you appear to be
They don't see what lies beneath, they don't see me
I peer through your eyes,
wearing your flesh as a disguise.
You can see too
You witness your life rotting through and through,
I am the demon that lives inside you
I'm feeding on you,
devouring every aspect of your life.

I'm fucking your wife,

I'm fucking your wife as you cry in the corner
You won’t exist much longer.
Losing control, trapped in your head
Take your pills and tuck yourself into bed
When the time is right I will spread my blackened wings
The flies swarm into the room,
licking the cuts, healing the wounds
When I am strong enough I won't need you,
I won't need you
I'll grind you up so the pigs can eat you

-Transorbital Awakening-

[feat. Joel Omans of Rings Of Saturn]

Your limbs are tied to the bed
An apparatus is crowned on your head
I turn the dial & your eyes roll back into your skull

The electric current flows through the twisted wires
A pungent smell of burnt skin enters my nostrils
The convulsing begins

You cry out for your mother
You cry out to God
I am your God now

I peel back your eyelids then force my fingers in
Between your eyes & their sockets

I shove them further
Driving them through the thin layer of bone
Perforating & severing your cerebral cortex

Black & bruised
You are discharging oose
You can feel the pain even through your comatic state
Black & bruised
Discharging ooze
You finally open your bleeding eyes

Transorbital awakening

I transcend the physical barrier
My larvae hatch
Intertwining our sentience

Deep inside your mind it resides
Peering through your eyes
You're it's new disguise
Swimming through your blood like a flood
It gains control
It devours you whole

-Patient Zero-

Your fear is what we feed on
We feast, until our insides are exposed

Banished into darkness,
severed wings thrown in the fire
Torn from the back of a worthless liar,
worthless liar
You walk the earth with your head down in shame,
with no one else but yourself to blame

You can't remember the good but you remember the pain
Standing behind the mirror,

watching life bloom then wilt away
Desperately wishing that it would stay.
I know that you’re watching,
I know that you’re looking down
Don't underestimate me,
I will burn your kingdom to the ground

Banished into darkness,
severed wings thrown in the fire
Worthless liar,
I won't put up with this anymore
Told to stand in line,
told to walk among the blind,
only to find myself wanting more
I exhume into darkness,
embracing the shadows as my home
Devouring flesh,
chewing on the bone,
I will make my throne


[feat. Adam Warren of Oceano]

I can hear them breathing
Snarling in my ear
They are guiding my hand as I press the scalpel against your skin

I drag the blade down your chest
A perfect incision between your breasts

I stretched out the skin
Then begin to separate
Your ribs with a hacksaw

The amorphic creature lurk in the shadows
Watching my every move
Silhouettes portraying the gallows
Flickering in fluorescent lights

Amorphic entities
Creatures of darkness
Reaching out from another dimension
Probing deeper into the physical realm

I can hear them breathing
Snarling in my ear
They are guiding my hand as I turn the key
Unlocking a gateway to Hell

Unholy glyphs burn deep in your forehead
Completing a sacred crest
Blackened shadows pierce you like arrows
Filling the void in your severed chest

Stitch by stitch
I sew up the wound
Containing the darkness
That dwells within

Unworldly we are true Gods restrained to covet the human flesh
Fear my touch
Sense my presence

Relapse in obedience
Allow me to molest your psyche
Penetrating this shallow womb called a body
Embedded we are now one
Embedded we are

Embodiment - 2017

-Shroud Of Flesh-

I descend upon the earth
in the radiant flames of a craft unknown.
Ripping through the atmosphere
spreading panic as the audio drones.
All my essence is imprisoned in the comet
as it impacts with blinding light.
Shattering through colossal structures.
Nothing gets out alive.

I was sent to this earth to observe humanity.
To perceive the universe with the eyes of mortality.

I shroud myself in flesh.
Existence is governed by death.
I shroud myself in flesh.

I descend upon the earth
in the radiant flames of a craft unknown.
Ripping through the atmosphere
spreading panic as the audio drones.
All my essence is imprisoned in the comet
as it impacts with blinding light.
Shattering through colossal structures.
Nothing gets out alive.

Generating a perfect clone. I am reborn.
A wolf in sheep skin undetected. I am reborn.
What they want to see is projected. I am reborn.

I can feel everything.
I walk through the flames.
New sensations. I feel the pain.

The smoke fills my lungs.
They're staring clueless, biting their tongues.
If they knew what lies beneath my skin
they'd know that the one they judge,
is the one who will judge them all in the end.

I descend upon the earth
in the radiant flames of a craft unknown.
Ripping through the atmosphere
spreading panic as the audio drones.
All my essence is imprisoned in the comet
as it impacts with blinding light.
Shattering through colossal structures.
Nothing gets out alive.

I shroud myself in flesh.
I shroud myself in flesh.
I shroud myself in flesh.

-Mortem Incarnatum-

I am the observer.
Mortum Incarnatum.
I look down upon the world perched on a rooftop.
The wind blows through my cloak.
I observe the world as it carries on,
feeding on the carrion.

The flesh of their own, the flesh of their brothers,
clenched in their hungry teeth.
Power and glory is what the people seek.

They can't think on their own,
yet they perceive like they are alone.
This kingdom isn't made of stone.
This kingdom is made of flesh and bone.

Built on the graves of those who have fallen before them.
Masses of slaves waging war on themselves
in the name of the conclave.

Murderers. Adulterers.
Betraying one another.
Brother turned against each other.


Sadistic infatuation.
Too hard to resist temptation.
It makes me feel alive.
Without the pain I feel deprived.

My flesh is weak.
Cursing your name through my broken teeth.
Everything that you stand for makes me sick to my stomach.
I tilt my head back and swallow the vomit.
Your pathetic lies shine through your eyes.
Mesmerized like a piece of shit that attracts the flies.

I let you in.
You're so close I couldn't live without you.
The pain is pure, the pain is true.
You were always there even when the world turned it's back on me.

Sadistic infatuation.
Too hard to resist temptation.
It makes me feel alive.
Without the pain I feel deprived.

It makes me feel alive.
I can see my reflection in your watery eyes.
I can see what I am by the way you agonize.
I'll always be your piece of shit no matter how hard I fucking try.

I will always be your piece of shit.

I've been itching to let the animal out. Lose control.
He's been watching through the eye holes of the portrait on the wall.
I am him, he is me.
Without each other what would I be?

Sadistic infatuation.
Too hard to resist temptation.
It makes me feel alive.
Without the pain I feel deprived.

-Never Forgive, Never Forget-

I've been living with the guilt for so long.
I lost you. What went wrong?
If I would of done something different,
maybe you'd still be here, but I didn't.
Never forgive, never forget.
I live with the guilt. I live with the pain.
Life will never be the same without you.

I'm trying not to lose hope. I'm still trying to cope.
Maybe if I would have done something different,
you wouldn't be dead, but you are.
I wish it could have taken me instead.
I'm alive and I live with the pain every single day.
I can never forgive myself.
Every day without you is fucking hell.
Never forgive, never forget.
When I think of you, I think of you as you are.
Maggots eating away at your flesh.
When I put my ear to your lips there was no breath.
You've been taken from me, taken by death.

Never forgive, never forget.

-The Draconian Oculus-

They think that I'm crazy.
I know that I'm not,
but their words keep coming back to haunt me.
A book falls off the shelf.
How can I trust myself?
When I'm alone I'm never by myself.
I flip through the pages.
Every word is sedating.
The hairs stand up on the back of my neck,
the words read "Your heart is black."
I've decayed on the inside,

poisoned by the judgment of man.
I can feel the nails hammered in my hand.
Crucified like swine, but the meat goes to waste,
because you can't stand the taste.
Internal war wages.
I bled these words on to the pages.
The hair stands up on the back of my neck.
The words read "Your heart is black."
I'm starting to believe it my self.

The voices in my head need to be bled.
After a while of hearing "You're insane,"
You start to doubt yourself and wonder if it's in your head.
Maybe I am.
I pull out the nails hammered in my hand.
You're all laughing now,
but in the end we'll see who's laughing,
when the judgment you pass is what destroys you all.

Maybe I am insane.
I'll be pushing up daisies.
I know that I'll rot.
I'll rot the man I am,
not the man that they want me to be.


The moonlight creeps through the window,
slithering up the sheets like a serpent.
Illuminating the scars and the wounds,
reminding me that death is coming soon.

This flesh is weak. I collapse at the serpent's feet.
Transcending mortality. Materializing in front of me.
Composing a vision of death.
When I ascend from the depths of my flesh.
Walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
I will transcend through the barrier.
I will be the bringer of hysteria.
I've come to terms with my death.
I'll be leaving this world in a body bag.

No one will ever remember my name.
Everything I've built will collapse in the end.
No one will ever remember my name.

-Black Earth-

In this world your beliefs are what plague you all
Kill each other until one is left, the rest will fall
Until the unbelievers are dead these rivers will always run red

Never ending war
Exterminate to eradicate
You must think alike
Carbon copies of one another
Kill each other
I live in a cesspool
The divergent hide
The self-righteous rule

I live in a cesspool

Full of fear and lethargic
Sedate me
Shove it down my throat
Fill my lungs until I choke
Is this what you want me to be?
Hands tied behind my back
Obedience is what I always lacked
If I don't give in,
If I don't comply
They'll shit me out like the rest
Sentenced to die
Sedate me

-Embrace The Ashes-

I want to change the world
but I can't trapped in the body of a man.
I can't expect seven billion corpses to understand.
There's nothing left for me here.
Embrace the ashes of what you hold dear.

Everyone that I've ever loved turned to ravenous creatures.
Starving, hungry for blood.
They betrayed me in the end.
A Judas kiss placed on my cheek by my friends.
They were in it for themselves.

That's what makes this world a fucking hell.
The flames illuminate in the night,
burning ever so bright.

Embrace the ashes of what you hold dear.

-Empty Sockets-

I don't see what they see.
They see a world of love.
I see a world of hate.
Do you see what I see?
Do you see the blood?
Do you see your fate?
You live life with blood on your hands.
At the end of the day, you kneel down and you pray,
but never it washes off the stains.

You blame your sins on the devil,
but you're the only one to blame.
You and Satan are one in the same.
He exists so you can sleep at night.
Say your prayers, everything will be alright.
Tuck your children into bed.
God will forgive every spiteful thing you've ever said.
You never eat where you shit,
but when you open your mouth, you're fucking full of it.

You're fucking full of shit.
You judge me. Take a look in the mirror.
Is the image becoming clearer?
Look yourself in the eyes.
Look past the barrier of lies.
Do you see the devil in your eyes?
Do you see your fate?

-Deflesh To Unveil-

eneath my skin.
I feel the hatred that burns within.
Everything that I've ever loved has been taken from me again.
I can never forgive this world.
Not until it gives me what I am owed.
I walk through this world alone.
Scars so deep they run straight to the bone.
This flesh is weak.

Serrated teeth cut through my skin to see what's underneath.
Unleash the hatred.
I won't let this life be wasted.
Sitting back while the world crushes me under it's weight.
Letting the fear I have control my destiny.
I won't the victim. I won't be the coward.
I won't hesitate to destroy you in my final hour.

I'm sick o bearing the weight on my shoulders,
waiting for something to change.
To no avail, it always remains the same.
I am the only one I can blame.
I am the only one who can change.
I won't be the victim.
I won't be the coward.
I won't hesitate to destroy you in my final hour.

I won't hesitate to destroy you in my final hour.

This earth belongs to me.
Nothing can stop me.
Decay and erosion.
I am the omen.

-Father Of Abortion-

Father, forgive them
They know not what they do
If I told you I don't want revenge
This wouldn't be true
As I hang from my cross
I see the hate in their eyes
These children are lost

Abort the bastards
Ignore their cries
There is no hope for a world inhabited by humanity
They rule with insanity
They are a plague wasting away
At our integrity of this sacred Earth
Father of abortion, destroy this perversion
Erase what you have conceived
This is the world that I perceive
Father, forgive them
They know not what they do
If I told you I don't want revenge
This wouldn't be true
Smite them, invite them to hang on the cross
With me beneath the blackened sky
Ignore their desperate criesv

Father of abortion destroy this perversion
Erase what you have conceived
This is what I perceive
You gave birth to a mistake
You breathed into their lungs
And they mocked you with their deceitful tongues
Abort this debauched creation


I spend my last day on earth enjoying the
last bit of beauty it has to offer.
Sitting in the sunlight as the
final nails are hammered into my coffin.
I accept my fate of damnation.
I await it with anticipation.

The crows perch on the trees above,
as if they could preconceive the spilling of my blood.
When I look into their faces.
I see the empty spaces.
The crows tore out their eyes.
Torn out before they could die.
My father had prepared a place for me.
Nailed to the wood of a rotting tree.

Placed upon my head. A crown of thorns.
All hail the king of the dead.
The fury of god strikes down upon the earth.
Marking the beginning of the planet's rebirth.


My flesh melts and drips off the bone,
de-fleshing the side of me that I have never shown.
Now you will know what I truly am.
I'm not the man I say I am.
For when I die my body transcends,
with the breath of the wind.

My ashes spread like the plague that I am.
I ignite the world in fire and sulfur,
in the names of all those who suffer.
Forged in the flames of damnation.
My gifts of demise is your salvation.
I welcome you to oblivion. You are not alone.

Beneath the piles of scorched
flesh and fragmented bones,
new life is seeded.
New life grows.

Fertilized by the carbonized waste,
growing through the skulls. New life is embraced.
Fear not the unknown.
The depths of nothingness in which you are thrown.
You are not alone.
Before it gets better, it always gets worse.
This is the way of the universe.
Everyday is a new day.

Transcending flesh. Transcending my skin like a serpent.
Death reigns from the sky on the culprit.
Burning in the fire you call out my name.
Withering into dust.
Boiling blood.
I am smiling from above.

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

Anything Missing? Anything You Want To Add?

Email: metalmashupcontact@gmail.com

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