Amon Amarth


Twilight Of The Thunder God - 2008

Surtur Rising - 2011

Deceiver Of The Gods - 2013

Jomsviking - 2016


Twilight Of The Thunder God - 2008

-Twilight Of The Thunder God-

[featuring Roope Latvalan]

There comes Fenris' twin
His jaws are open wide
The serpent rises from the waves

Jormungandr twists and turns
Mighty in his wrath
The eyes are full of primal hate

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits

Vingtor rise to face
The snake with hammer high
At the edge of the world

Bolts of lightning fills the air
as Mjölnir does it's work
the dreadfull serpent roars in pain

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits

Mighty Thor grips the snake
Firmly by its tongue
Lifts his hammer high to strike
Soon his work is done
Vingtor sends the giant snake
Bleeding to the depth
Twilight of the thundergod
Ragnarök awaits

Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god
Twilight of the thunder god

Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits

-Free Will Sacrifice-

See them gathered on the plains now
See an army strong and vast
As long as one of us remains here
None of them will ever pass

Here they come so raise the shields high
Like wolves they show their teeth
None of us will ever yield now
To the scavengers beneath

We're outnumbered ten to one here
Still, I love the odds
We will sacrifice them one by one
Send them off to the gods

Soon we will be gone
A free will sacrifice
As free men we are born
And free we shall die

Here they come ten thousand strong
Charging up the hill
This day will be both hard and long
They move in for the kill

Hold the line don't let it break
Use your sword and spear
A glory death, for all awaits
All who knows no fear

Hordes of men they hit the shields
Like waves they break away
We face our woven destiny
And we don't fear the grave

Soon we will be gone
A free will sacrifice
As free men we are born
And free we shall die

-Guardians Of Asgaard-

Standing firm against all odds
guarding the most sacred home
we protect the realm of gods
our destiny is carved in stone

three evil giants
of the south
are constantly on the attack

with lies and fire
from their mouths
but we always send them back

we are brothers
of the north
who are sharing the all father's blood

marching down the left hand path
we are spawned by Asagods
'cause we are!

we're the guardians
guardians of Asgaard
guardians of Asgaard
of Asgaard

we have faced our enemies
a thousand times or even more

still they cannot
make us kneel
one thousand years of constant war
the giants look for
any chance
to bring down Asgaard's mighty walls
no matter what they send at us
we will never let it fall
'cause we are!

We're the guardians
guardians of Asgaard
guardians of Asgaard
of Asgaard

Standing firm
against all odds
we are guarding
Asgård's mighty walls
we protect
the realm of Asagods
no matter
what they send at us
we will never
let them fall

We're the guardians
guardians of Asgård
guardians of Asgård
guardians of Asgård
of Asgård

-Where Is Your God?-

The enemy has come for you
Hear the pounding thunder hooves
There's no time to run or hide
Draw the weapon from your side

When they ride out
From morning mist
With sharp blades in mighty fists
One hundred warriors on horse
An awesome brutal force

You feel weak and scared
Fear has gripped your heart
You will soon be over run
You will soon be torn apart

Now, where is your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
Does he even care for you?
His silence speaks loud and clean

Raid is done!
See the country burn
All are gone!
Only misery remains
Raid is done!
The warriors return
All are gone!
All that's left is pain

The Vikings strike
So fast and hard
Those who run won't make it far
And those who chose to stand and fight
They have made the choice to die

The weapons tear through flesh and bone
Dying men that scream and moan
With severed limbs
To the hall of death

The battlefield is full of death
Feel the stench of rotting flesh
When the entire country burns
As the warriors return

And they came out
From morning mist
With sharp blades in mighty fists
They leave this land
All burned and scorn
Those alive will mourn

Now, where is your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
Does he even care for you?
His silence speaks loud and clean

Raid is done!
See the country burn
All are gone!
Only misery remains
Raid is done!
The warriors return
All are gone!
All that's left is pain
Raid is done
See the country burn,
Only misery remains

All are gone
Warriors return,
All that's left is pain
Where's your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
Does he even care?
Where's your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
A silence loud and clear!

-Varyags Of Miklagaard-

Miklagaard has been our home
For twenty years or more
We've lent our axes, spears and swords
In service of the emperor

We are loyal warriors
That's the oath we gave
To protect the emperor
Even to a violent grave

Our loyalty was always firm
We kept our given word
On these southern battlefields
Our northern war cries roared

Battles have been fought
Many gave their lives
But all who died by axe and sword
Were called to hall up high

Our time here
Is now at end
Can't help but reminisce
A cold spring day
So long ago
When we set out to sea

Set out from Svitjod's
With dreams of fame and
The work of weaving
Was for us unknown

We were loyal warriors
That's the oath we gave
To protect the emperor
Even to the grave

It's time to take farewell
We have been resolved
From the sacred oath we gave
It's time to go back home

Out time here
Is now at end
Our memories will stay
Of Miklagaard
Our southern home
Until the end of days
Set out for Svitjod's
With honor and
We return back
We return back
With honor and
We return back

-Tattered Banners And Bloody Flags-

There comes Lopt, the treacherous
Lusting for revenge
He leads the legions of the dead
Towards the Aesir's realm

They march in full battle dress
With faces grim and pale
Tattered banners and bloody flags
Rusty spears and blades

Cries ring out, loud and harsh
From cracked and broken horns
Long forgotten battle cries
In strange and foreign tongues

Spear and sword clash rhythmically
Against the broken shields they beat
They bring their hate and anarchy
Onto Vigrid's battlefield
There comes Lopt, the treacherous
He stands against the gods
His army grim and ravenous
Lusting for their blood

Nowhere is longer safe
The earth moves under our feet
The great world tree Yggdrasil
Trembles to its roots

Sons of Muspel gird the field
Behind them Midgaard burns
Hrym's horde march from Nifelheim
And the Fenris wolf returns

Heimdal grips the Giallarhorn
He sounds that dreaded note
Oden rides to quest the Norns
But their web is torn
The Aesir rides out to war
With armor shining bright
Followed by the Einherjer
See Valkyries ride

Nowhere is longer safe
The earth moves under our feet
The great world tree Yggdrasil
Trembles to its roots

Sons of Muspel gird the field
Behind them Midgaard burns
Hrym's horde march from Nifelheim
And the Fenris wolf returns

-No Fear For The Setting Sun-

I'm out of breath
And all my muscles ache
It feels like spikes
With every step I take

My heart beats
It's about to burst
This day my luck
Turned to the worse

There's nowhere to run
Darkness is closing in
I don't fear the setting sun
Or the twilight that it brings
Dark clouds fill the sky
My fate is close at hand
Today is the day that I die
Today I make my final stand

I fought so hard
For taste of victory
The war is lost
But I refuse to kneel

I can't go back now
There is no retreat
I will fight hard for
All that I believe

I'm out of breath
And all my muscles ache
It feels like spikes
With every step I take

I can't go back now
There is no retreat
I will fight 'til death
I make my final charge

I, make my final charge
I; have no fear in heart
I will no longer run
I, do not fear the dark

There's nowhere to run
Darkness is closing in
I don't fear the setting sun
Or the twilight that it brings
Dark clouds fill the sky
My fate is close at hand
Today is the day that I die
Today I make my final stand

-The Hero-

The blade I swing
Is black as night
Black as my soulless heart
It bears the burden
Of many lives
But I don't feel remorse

I lent my sword
To anyone
Willing to pay the price
No regrets for
What I've done
A mercenary's life

But there i was
On battleground
Until I felt the jaws of death
Cut into my flesh
Defending old and weak
But I did not retreat

Now, here I lie
In my own blood
And strangers cry for me
I'm prepared to meet the gods
I wish they'd let me be

I don't deserve
Their sympathy
I know who I am
My soul is death and misery
I am an evil man

I rest in my blood
Soon I will face the gods
Strangers cry for me
I wish they'd let me be

Show no sympathy
Shed no tears for me
I know who I am
I am an evil man

I know who I am
I am an evil man

-Live For The Kill-

[featuring Apocalyptica]

The pack of wolves
Are closing in
Now, hear the howling beasts
They move fast
Through winter woods
And soon it's time to feast

A vicious hunt
On through the night
The prey is short of breath
They feel the sting
Of burning eyes
That's fixed upon their necks

A predator's heart
Knows no remorse
It lives for the hunt
A predator's heart
Knows no remorse
It lives for the hunt
A natural force

They show their sharp
And grinning teeth
As howls are getting higher
Sending chills
Down fleeing spines
Their blood runs hot as fire

The vicious chase
Is soon at end
They're hunted until death
They feel the pain
Of sharpening steel
That's cutting through their flesh

Fearless warriors
Feed the wolves
Now hear the howling beasts
They move fast
Through winter woods
See the grey-backs feast

A natural force
It knows no remorse
And lives for the kill

-Embrace Of The Endless Ocean-

I stroke the blade with my hand
the sharp edge cuts the skin
blood drips to the rain wet sand
my journey can begin

Once a slave but now I'm free
my honor is restored
once again I'll ride the seas
free at last from whip and oar

I slide the sword into the sheath
the ocean god is hailed
and as we push out to the sea
we raise the red striped sails

I've missed the breeze of my home shores
the frozen lakes and winter snow
but now my dreams start to unfold
father, I'm coming home

The storm came down without remorse
and water crashed the rails
the ship was thrown back and forth
as strong winds ripped the sails

The icy waves embrace my skin
I am going numb
The endless ocean swallows me
This will be my cold wet tomb

Won't feel the breeze of my home shore
nor see the lakes or winter snow
my hopeful dreams lie ripped and torn
father, I die alone

Surtur Rising - 2011

-War Of The Gods-

War, the very first war of our world,
When the treacherous witch was killed
Three times burned and three times born,
By searing flames was Gullveig torn.

Death, Odin hurled his spear off with great force
Deep into the great vana-fyrd
battle horns gave up their sound
And Asgard walls razed to the ground.

The Vanir felt deceived
Hœnir was a fool
without Mímir at his side
Hœnir could not rule
In a fit of violent rage
Mímir's blood was shed
and to Odin's court they sent Mímir's severed head

Truce, so a brittle and frail peace was forged
And to ensure that the peace remained.
Njordr and Freyr to Asgard came
and Hön' and Mim to Vanaheim

Death, see the furious gods wanting blood,
Odin knew that a raging war
would not bring them any gain
Just leave a black and bitter stain.

Odin tog huvudet och
smorde det med örter
som hindrar det
från att ruttna
han kvad sedan
trollsånger över det
så att Mimer åter
kunde tala till honom

[English translation:]
Odin took the head, and anointed it with herbs
which prevents it from rotting
he sang his magic songs over it
so that Mimer be able to speak to him

The Vanir felt deceived
Hœnir was a fool
without Mímir at his side
Hœnir could not rule
In a fit of violent rage
Mímir's blood was shed
and to Odin's court they sent Mímir's severed head

-Töck's Taunt - Loke's Treachery Part II-

You come to me, eyes full of grief
you ask of me to shed all my tears
to let him return from kingdom of fears
Why should I weep? or lose any sleep?
He never brought me pleasure or glee
so why would I help to set Balder free

You come to me,eyes full of grief
all of your tears mean nothing to me
so why will you not just leave me to be
am I to blame? Well, I'm not ashamed!
Oh how I smiled when I heard the tale
Of Loke the sly, so clever and brave

Höder the fool,Lopt's willing tool
he held the twig that cut Balder's skin
Lopt aimed the shot
that killed Höder's twin
leave me alone
don't come here and moan
I've never wished to see Balder's well
so let his soul remain down in hel

My name is Töck and I won't cry
I won't let Balder return
Let hel keep her treasured prize
let his soul forever burn

You come to me and cannot believe
that this old crow now talking to you
is Loke not Töck you bloody dawn fools
you come to me and you do not see
all of your tears mean nothing to me
why will you not just leave me to be
My name is Töck,and I won't cry
I won't let Balder return
Let hel keep her treasured prize
let his soul forever burn

-Destroyer Of The Universe-

I rise up from muspelheim
My fury is sublime
The sword I bring burns violently
With wild and lethal flames

I march against the asagods
To bring the end of time
I am pure and endless pain
And Surtur is my name

See me rise, the mighty Surt
Destroyer of the universe
Bringer of flames and endless hurt
Scorcher of men and earth

Swordless frej with horn in hand
Rises to his final stand
He doesn't stand a single chance
I'll split his living corpse in half

And yet he stabbed me in the eye
He drove the horn in deep
The overwhelming, raging pain
Is driving me insane

The waves of flames that
I've unleashed will eat us all alive
The rage that burns within my heart
Is uncontrolled and wild
And now everything shall die!
Massive waves consume us all, the ocean is released
Our dying world quakes underneath
And sinks into the sea
And now nothing will survive!
Extinction waits for everyone
For gods and men alike
When all are gone of the old world
A new one will arise

See me rise, the mighty Surt
Destroyer of the universe
Bringer of flames and endless hurt
Scorcher of men and earth

See me die, the mighty Surt
Destroyer of the universe
Drowning in waves that floods the earth
The beginning, of a new rebirth

-Slaves Of Fear-

They speak of love and tolerance
They thrive on people's ignorance
To make you all slaves of fear

They feed on your anxiety
To build their dead society
They've kept you down for a thousand years

They nurture prejudice and hate
Condemn the wars that they create
In the name of whatever god
They gladly sacrifice your lives
Increasing power is their prize
Without regrets they'll spill your blood

They're feeding you lies
With calculating smiles
Enslavement of the human mind
As long as you kneel to their authority
Religion is what makes you blind

They're treating you as mindless fools
And use you as obedient tools
It's time to set your spirit free

This world we cannot tolerate
It's time to seal all preachers' fate
And let them hang from Oden's tree

Your minds are restrained
Obedience is the chain
They've locked you up and thrown away the key
Your souls are for sale,
And you're the ones who pay
But still you'll never be set free

They're feeding you lies
With calculating smiles
Enslavement of the human mind
As long as you kneel to their authority
Religion is what makes you blind

-Live Without Regrets-

From birth we're taught how to survive
We're taught how war is waged
And there are no men now alive
Who stops our wild rampage

Light at heart we bide our bane
whatever death awaits!
Norsemen live without regrets
We accept our woven fates

So fearlessly we charge ahead
There is no time to hesitate

Don't despair, show no fear
Live your life without regrets
Don't despair and show no fear
In the face of a certain death

A coward thinks he'll always live
If it keeps himself from strife
Old age leaves no rest and peace
though spears may spare his life

We don't mourn a friend that fell
or dread the day we'll fall ourselves
Warriors don't go to Hel
'cause we know Ygg will greet us well!

Fearlessly we charge ahead
There is no time to hesitate

Don't despair, show no fear
Live your life without regrets
Don't despair and show no fear
In the face of a certain death

So raise your horns to those who died
Let's drink to fallen friends tonight
Let's celebrate their glory life
We'll meet again in Valhall when we die
When we die!
When we die!

-The Last Stand Of Frej-

See him rise, from land of flames
our destruction is at hand.
It is time to make stand
now I face, and awesome foe
I will always stand my ground
To this end my fate is bound!

This fight is mine and mine alone
and there's no help from anyone!

His wrath burns!
With insane heat
all his fury is unleashed
there is no way to defeat!
The forces and the power that he wields

My hand holds the horn so firm
I am calm and ready to die
Everything around me burns
And I know that I will not survive

See him rise from land of flames
in this wild and barren land
I will make my final stand
My death awaits, I have no fear
To this end my fate is bound
though I'm doomed
I'll stand my ground!

This fight is mine and mine alone
and there's no help from anyone!

I go forth to meet my doom
but I will die in vain
perdition waits for everyone
The world will die in flames

With all my strength I run the horn
deep into his eye
And as he swings his burning sword
I die with a tired smile!

-For Victory Or Death-

has come to wash our shame away
to erase the image of defeat
have licked our wounds,restored our strength
and our vengeance will be oh so sweet

They thought they had us down
that we'd never rise again
they will learn that they were deadly wrong
what's owed will be repaid

Again we'll feed the wolves
and then vengeance will be ours
we'll split their skulls and spill their guts
upon the frozen ground
Yeah,we'll never kneel again
not to deity nor men
now they'll taste our bitter hate
what's owed will be repaid

So raise the flag once more
and the eagle will be fed
once again we march to war
for victory or death

They arrived with talk of hvitekrist
by force they wanted us to kneel
with their swords held to our throats they preached
but we will make them pay we'll take their lives away

So Raise!
raise the flag once more
in the east the eagle will be fed
again we march to war
we will march for victory or death
the pain and suffering
is but a bleak and distant fading dream
our disgrace; a withering thought
finally our names will be redeemed

-Wrath Of The Norsemen-

My head hurts like hell
Can't open my eyes
My clothes are all wet
And I'm freezing right through
Don't know where I am
Or how to get home
My arms they're so numb
And it's hard to get up

My muscles they ache
With every move
I stand on my feet
But my knees feel so weak

Somebody wake me
From this horrible dream
Somebody save me
From this terror I feel

I stumble around
on the soft muddy ground
I call out the name
of the friends I can't find
but only the wind
And the ravens reply

With every gasp
with every breath
smoke fills my lungs
and my intestines wrench
With every gasp
the sweet taste of death
The air is full of a thick
pungent stench

So comes then rain
it's colder than ice
I wash off my face
and open my eyes
And then I see
but wish I were blind

They are all dead
there's blood everywhere
The Norsemen they left
only death and despair
A stench of flesh
that fills the Autumn air

Somebody wake me
From this horrible dream
Somebody save me
From this terror and pain
No one can save me
From this horrible dream
No one can hear me
Or my heart-wrenching screams

-A Beast Am I-

Conceived was I
From chaos and hate
Of malice, deceit and blood
And how would they know
My fate is to rise
Against the Asagods
My being is full, full of a rage
An evil that can't be tamed
It darkens my soul
And blackens the blood
A fire that fills my veins

So how
Did I ever end up here?
Humiliated, broken and weak
I've waited
For a thousand years
To break these chains apart and
To finally break myself free

I bit the hand, off the mighty Tyr
When I couldn't, tare my ties
Now banished I dwell
A sword in my jaw
awaiting the end of time
In darkness I drown
Consumed by my hate
Longing for revenge
Allfather will pay
For his deceit
At the battle
Of Ragnarök

A beast am I
So vicious and grim
They fear my mean
Grinning teeth
I bide my time
my sweet revenge
Soon my ties will fall
And finally I will be free

So when you hear me howling
You'll know that I have come for you
When you hear me call your name
Your life will end in nameless pain

Conceived was I
From chaos and hate
Of malice, deceit and blood
And how would they know
My fate is to rise
Against the Asagods
My being is full, full of a rage
An evil that can't be tamed
It darkens my soul
And blackens the blood
A fire that fills my veins

A beast am I
So vicious and grim
They fear my mean
Grinning teeth
I bide my time
my sweet revenge
Soon my ties will fall
And finally I will be!
Finally break myself!
Finally I will be free!

-Doom Over Dead Man-

The autumn clouds are caving in
And night comes crawling, black as sin
Lightning strikes, and rain begins
A storm that tears my soul

I toss and tumble in my bed
My thoughts are spinning in my head
Darkness nears, soon I'll be dead
I'm losing all control

I've spent my life in foolish quests
for gold and riches, I confess
And now I'm left with just regrets
Too late to change my ways

My life, it seems, has slipped away
I leave no legacy to praise
Nothing more for me to say
My life has been a waste

My time has come for me to leave
When judgment's passed upon my life
A cold dark grave will wait for me
Will my name live endlessly?
My time has come for me to leave
When judgment's passed upon my life
A cold dark grave will wait for me
Will my name live endlessly?

So I die
But won't be mourned
Broken and alone
I wish that I were never born
So I die and won't be missed
No rune stone will be raised
As my body rots away

All friends and cattle pass away
And death will come for every man
But I know one thing never dies
The sentence passed upon the dead
The time has come for me to leave
When judgement's passed up on my life
Now I will rest in my dark grave
They speak my name with reverence?

My life has been a waste
No rune stone will be raised
So I die, but won't be mourned
I wish that I were never born
I rest here in my shallow grave
As my body rots away


[Bonus track]
[System Of A Down cover]

Life is a waterfall
we're one in the river
and one again after the fall
swimming through the void
we hear the word
we lose ourselves
but we find it all....

cause we are the ones that want to play
always want to go
but you never want to stay
and we are the ones that want to choose
always want to play

but you never want to lose
aerials, in the sky
when you lose small mind
you free your life
life is a waterfall
we drink from the river
then we turn around and put up our walls
swimming through the void
we hear the word

we lose ourselves
but we find it all...
cause we are the ones that want to play
always want to go
but you never want to stay
and we are the ones that want to choose
always want to play

but you never want to lose
aerials, in the sky
when you lose small mind
you free your life
aerials, so up high
when you free your eyes eternal prize
aerials, in the sky
when you lose small mind
you free your life
aerials, so up high
when you free your eyes eternal prize

Deceiver Of The Gods - 2013

-Deceiver Of The Gods-

Since I was born they have kept me down,
They have forced me to conform.
I will tear down their holy crown in a vengeful thunder storm,

I loathe their bloody righteous ways
It fills me with despise,
Fuelling flames of violent rage,
I will be their world's demise.

Asgård's always been my home
But I'm of different blood
I will overthrow the throne
Deceiver of the gods!

All this rage, and all this hate,
It burns me deep inside,
And still it is, the only thing, keeping me alive.
Dark ambition within my heart and it's aching to break free
The one true nature of my soul, the giant lives in me.

You all shall kneel to me!
Or death will set you free!
You all shall kneel to me!

You all shall fall to me!
Vengeance will be sweet!
You all shall fall to me!

Asgård's always been my home
But I'm of different blood
I will overthrow the throne
Deceiver of the gods!

Asgård's always been my home
I'm born from different blood
I've come to overthrow the throne
Deceiver of the gods!
Deceiver of the gods!

-As Loke Falls-

Heimdall gazes east
A sail has caught his eye
He lifts his hand and sounds the horn
The undead army has arrived

Here comes Nagelfar
With Laufey's son on board
He brings chaos, hate and wrath
He brings the war to end all wars

Heimdall knows his fate
The end of all nine worlds
It's what the Vala has foreseen
He knows that everything shall burn

Facing Lopt's deceit
Now they finally meet
The champion and his enemy
On Vigrid's plains they'll find defeat

Their swords meet in a mighty clash
War cries sound, horns they blast
Their eager weapons whip and thrash
This day when all shall end

The lords of war are equal strong
This battle frantic and forlorn
The blades sing a macabre song
This day when all shall end

Heimdall's blade bites burning sharp
As it cuts through flesh and bone
Blood comes gushing from the wound
As Loke's head falls tumbling
Rolling to the burning ground

-Father Of The Wolf-

So he found the heart in barren land
It was beating, still alive
He held it gently in his hand
And looked up to the sky

With evil thoughts of vicious kind
And sinister disdain
His thoughts of bringing back to life
The witch that died in flames

Serpent's kin
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf!

He then devoured Gullveig's heart
And she was born again
They brought to life an evil force
A beast that can't be tamed

With dark deception in his soul
Betrayal of the gods
The bane of Oden now is born
Born of evil blood

Serpent's kin
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf!

They brought to life a malicious force
A vile beast that cannot be tamed
Fimbultýr's nemesis now is born
A vile beast that can't be restrained

Deception in his
Betrayal of the
Oden's bane is
Born of evil blood!

Serpent's kin
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf

Born of sin

-Shape Shifter-

I was born of giant's blood
Raised in Asgård, the home of gods
I am the master of disguise
For this trait I've gained your prise

Fast in thought, quicker tongue
Brawl with me and you'll get stung
I am the master of deceit
My words bind or set you free

I am the walker on the wind
The shape shifter
Two-faced words
And a lying grin
The shape shifter

You call me evil; curse my name
But you only have yourselves to blame
Order needs its anarchy
Balance through calamity

We mixed our blood in olden days
Now I wander like a stray
We were brothers, now estranged
I will have my sweet revenge

My words are poison to your ears
I say the words you fear
Still you know it is the truth you hear
Ragnarök is drawing near

There you sit in Aegir's hall
Waiting for the coming fall
Council of the now condemned
Twilight of both gods and men

Face the facts; you're old and weak
Empty words are all you speak
No escape, there's no return
The universe shall bleed and burn

I am the eagle in the sky
The shape shifter
Vicious wolf
Howling in the night
The shape shifter
I am the walker on the wind
The shape shifter
Two-faced words
And a lying grin
The shape shifter
I am the eagle in the sky
The vicious wolf
Howling in the night
I am the walker on the wind
Lying words,
With an honest grin
The shape shifter

-Under Siege-

Outside these walls
An army awaits
But in these halls
We feel safe
Countless attacks
We have repelled
They won't turn back
They cannot be quelled

Supplies are running low
Starvation now awaits
Reinforcements will not show
The day is much too late

Broken and weak
Never give in
Prospects are bleak
We can't win

There is no hope
No time for lament
End of the rope
Our lives are spent

We have held out for months
Hoping for relief
Our fortress now our tomb
And salvation now our grief
We have held out for months
Waiting for relief
Our fortune's now our own
This is destiny

Supplies are running low
Starvation now awaits
Reinforcements never showed
As the daylight starts to fade
There's nothing left to lose
We have run out of time
There is nothing left to choose
Except how we shall die

Open the gates!
Now we attack!
Ride into fate!
No turning back!

Stand by the King!
To glory we ride!
Weapons and shield!
Together we die!

All is lost now!
Show no fear now!
All the world shall know our bravery!

All is lost now!
Show no fear now!
One last charge for death or victory!

-Blood Eagle-

Look to my burning eyes
Plead for your worthless life
All remorse I had has died
And all I have is hate inside

You took my soul from me
You took my family
You killed them all ferociously
Now this is what I give to thee

Carved upon your naked back
Blood eagle!
Skinned alive your ribs are cracked
Blood eagle!
Still alive you gasp for air
As panic strikes your eyes they stare
Terror grips your dying heart
Blood eagle!

Helpless on the ground
Hands and feet tightly bound
In my eyes no mercy found
My sharp knife starts to carve around

Penetrate your naked skin
Rip flesh and dig within
With a pleased and twisted grin
I spread your lungs like eagle's wings

The burning grief is tormenting me
The hate I feel is destroying me
Only vengeance will give me peace
Only vengeance will set my spirit free

Carved upon your naked back
Blood eagle!
Skinned alive your ribs will crack
Blood eagle!
Still alive you gasp for air
As panic strikes your eyes will stare
Slow death grips your tortured heart
Blood eagle!
Blood eagle!
Blood eagle!

-We Shall Destroy-

Sword and spear
Wall of shields
Standing strong
On this their chosen battle field

Form the lines
Shield by shield
Side by side
We're marching into destiny

March as one
Don't look back
Oden's sons

Unleash hell! Do not repent!
Warfare grants us no lament
Let your weapons slash and tear
This is no place for fear

Hold the lines! Move as one!
In unity our victory's won
Our shields will form a mighty wall
United we shall never fall

Fear will not pierce our hearts
Though swords and arrows will
Victory is our reward
For all the blood we spill
We didn't come to waste our lives
Like pawns in a savage game
Our spirits, spears
And shields are linked
In a much stronger chain

March as one
Don't look back
Oden's sons

All are one
And one is all
Side by side
The battle calls
All are one
And one is all
Shield by shield
We'll never fall

Unleash hell! Do not repent!
Warfare grants us no lament
Let your weapons slash and tear
This is no place for fear

Charge with force! Break their ranks!
No remorse, crush their flanks!
Pulverize their human wall!
We shall destroy!


Welcome to my humble home
Your soul is mine to keep
There are no walls of rock and stone
Yet no one ever leaves

Those who die of age and plague
Are welcomed in my court
Murderers, miscreants
Will linger here and rot

Those who die inglorious
And those who die in shame
They are all sent to my dark halls
They all shall fear my name

Here hunger is your plate
Here famine is your knife
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to Hel

I welcome you to Hel

Now here you are in my cold realm
You are my honoured guest
At the banquette of the dead
Your soul will never rest

Your soul is mine to keep.
Your soul is mine to keep.
And you will never leave.
And you will never leave.

Here sickness is your bed
Here ruin is your fell
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to
Here hunger is your plate
Here famine is your knife
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to Hel

-Coming Of The Tide-

Racing 'cross the arctic lands
A mounted legion
Under my command
We're a brutal force
No men can withstand
Total havoc is at hand

See the black crows circle high
Waiting for brave men to die
They sense the coming of the tide
When opposition's swept aside

The fateful message
Reached us months ago
That our home was under siege
And since that day
We've been heading north
Our kinsmen needed our relief

As we near our fortress walls
Black smoke is rising to the sky
Burnt black ruins
Of our father's halls
And corpses greet our tired eyes

What madness led them to attack
Victory could not be won
They must've known
There was no turning back
And now they all are gone
No woman, child or man was spared
Their bodies lying where they fell
Suffering, anguish and despair
As they went through living hell

So now we're on the ride again
And vengeance is
Our newfound path
We draw our strength
From grief and pain
These bastards shall know
Our endless wrath

See the black crows circle high
Waiting for brave men to die
This is the coming of the tide
When opposition's swept aside

-Warriors Of The North-

We were the warriors of the north
Notorious and brave
We'd never lost a fight in war
We feared not the grave

The ruler of this northern court
My brother, lord, king
He always had our loyal swords
But we would feel his sting

The aging king had no descendants
No heir to take his throne
It filled his soul with fear
That next in line was my first-born

The king's heart grew
Full of dark deception
Full of foul conspiracy
This was when dark days
Had their inception
And we fell to his vile deceit

Robbed of arms, robbed of pride
But he spared our lives
The fear he had of Oden's wrath
Held his vengeful knife

With hearts so cold we left our homes
Banished from our land
A life in shame, a life in grief
Until we rise again
Winters come, winters pass
Twenty wasted years
We're aging men, our youth is gone
We will shed no tears
Winters come and winters pass
Twenty years have gone
Like a dream we fade away
Into oblivion

We are the warriors of the north
Notorious and brave
We're old but strong as before
And we don't fear the grave

From the south an army rises
They ride under cross of gold
From the shades we're called
In a time of crisis
To defend the king now weak and old

As the flames of warfare rage higher
We feel our destiny's embrace
We are aging men of an old empire
Now we can see Valhalla's gates

March again
First in line
To reach Valhalla's mighty gates
March again
March to fight
To reach Valhalla's mighty
March again
Give our lives
To reach Valhalla's
Mighty royal gates

Jomsviking - 2016

-First Kill-

The first man I killed was the earl's right-hand man
When he came to take her away
I ran his own sword straight through his throat
And then I stood there, watching him fade

The first blood I spilled was the blood of a varg
I had to wipe his smile away
I was not yet a man, nor was I a boy
But still, I made that bastard pay

So I left him there, on the stable floor
Bathing in a pool of his own blood
My one and only choice was to flee this land
To leave this wretched place for good

I am an outcast
All alone
I'm a nomad without home

I am an outlaw
I'm disowned
And I am no man's son

Through the cold midwinter nights on a southbound winding path
The stars and moon my only light; and the earl's men closing fast
I swore that I'd return; that I would see him burn
I will live it in my dreams; the smell, the blood, his dying screams

To my father I was dead, he took his hand from me
He drove me away, I was shunned
My one and only choice was to leave this land
To become the pagan they would hunt

I am an outcast
All alone
I'm a nomad without home

I am an outlaw
I'm disowned
And I am no man's son

I am an outcast
All alone
I'm a nomad without home

I am an outlaw
I'm disowned
And I am no man's son


I journey through this frozen land on my own
There's no shelter anywhere down the road
When this mystic wanderer comes around
And the dying hope in my heart starts to grow

This vagrant offers help when there was none
To this outlawed murder on the run
Through the snowy mountains we roam
Mu journey towards freedom has now begun

On the run
All alone
Hope is gone

A blizzard hit with blinding force
The wind cut through the bone
And amidst the blur of snow
I found myself alone

Freezing winds brought me down
I laid myself to rest
In the deep, chilling cold
I knew I'd freeze to death

Left alone I had no choice
But to accept my fate
When the wanderer returned
Then I knew that my life was saved

On the run
All alone
Hope is gone

On the run
Not alone
Hope returns

-On A Sea Of Blood-

Drifting alone upon the dragon ship
Eerily still, no winds that tear or whip
Silence deafens, the sea is mirror calm
Blood runs like the water from my palm

I'm standing by myself
Just me and no one else
No hiding

Horizon crumbles under flaming skies
A shadow screams from thunderclouds up high
Nidhogg comes in winds of burning flames
Cast down war and endless pain

It's coming
Brace myself
I'm ready
It's coming
No escape
Stand steady

Out on this bloody sea I'll face my destiny
Lost in a dreadful dream I'll meet my fate

Out on this blood sea, this is my prophecy
A notion of what's to be, there's no escape

The dragon sweeps down with a roar
Sky and ocean shake
It tears up waves of blood and gore
The longship nearly breaks

Passing just above my head
A stench of putrid death
Rotting flesh of thousands dead
Dwells upon its breath

I turn around
Face myself
Yet it isn't I
With fear and rage
I run me through
As I watch me die!

Out on this bloody sea, I'll face my destiny
Lost in a dreadful dream, I'll meet my fate
Out on this bloody sea, this is my prophecy
A notion of what's to be, there's no escape

Get ready!
Stand steady!

It's coming
Brace myself
It's coming
Certain death
No hiding

-One Against All-

Winter's lost its grip
The ocean is set free
The ship glides through the broken ice
Out to an open sea

North winds fill the sails
They fly on frothing seas
As hope grows stronger in his heart
It's easier to breathe

Days turn into nights
Nights turn into days
His determination grows
With every breath he takes

There he stands alone, one man against all
With a sword in each hand, soon he will fall
There he stands alone, one man against all
With a sword in each hand, heeding the call

When the reach the Hano bay
There waits a ship of war
Like the bear attacks its prey
It comes at them with force

All men to the oars!
Row for all your worth!
Most likely this will be your last day
On this wretched earth!

The weak they try to run
But he's prepared to fight
One by one his friends are slain
Only he remains

He knows the end is near
They have him in their jaws
When a noble man appears
He tells them, "Withdraw!"

There he stands before him
As the skirmish quells
He offers him,
"Join our crew or join your friends in hell."

There he stands alone, one man against all
With a sword in each hand, and soon he will fall
There he stands alone, one man against all
With a sword in each hand, he's heeding the call

-Raise Your Horns-

We fought hard and prevailed
We were fighting

Stormy seas
Rolling thunder, piercing hail
Lit by lightning

We filled the waves with enemies
Ravens cawing

Home shore calls
We return on bloody seas
Twilight falls
Darkness crawling

So pour the beer for thirsty men
A drink that they have earned
And pour a beer for those who fell
For those who did not return

Raise your horns!
Raise them up to the sky!
We will drink to glory tonight
Raise your horns for brave fallen friends
We will meet where the beer never ends

No regrets
We went out to war and strife
To protect
King and country

Honor those who gave their life
We will not grieve

So pour the beer for thirsty men
A drink that they have earned
And pour a beer for those who fell
For those who did not return

Raise your horns!
Raise them up to the sky!
We will drink to glory tonight!
Raise your horns!
Raise them up to the sky!
We will drink tonight!

Raise your horns!
Raise them up to the sky!
We will drink to glory tonight
Raise your horns
For brave fallen friends
We will meet in Valhalla again

-The Way Of Vikings-

Whirling dust in morning air
Two warriors in the ring
With the strength of two great bears
They make their weapons sing

Sparks fly high when steel meets steel
And no one can believe
That these two men are best friends
Not enemies

They lash out with ferocious force
The fight grows more intense
But each avoid the other's sword
As if by seventh sense

Their muscles ache, their bones are sore
But none of them will yield
They fight a two-man practice war
As enemies
Fight until your dying breath!
This is a matter of life and death!

Full on fight in training
It's the way of vikings
Every muscle straining
It's the way of the Jomsvikings
These men aim to shatter
It's the way of vikings
This is how we battle
It's the way of the Jomsvikings

Whirling dust in morning air
Two warriors in the ring
With the strength of two great bears

Sparks fly high when steel meets steel
And no one can believe
That these two men are best friends
Not enemies

Sun beats down with intense heat
The swordsmen start to break
Pain shoots through their tired feet
With every step they take

In this fight of iron wills
One man takes a knee
The other goes for the kill
Like an enemy

Fight until your dying breath!
This is a matter of life and death!

Full on fight in training
It's the way of vikings
Every muscle straining
It's the way of the Jomsvikings
These men aim to shatter
It's the way of vikings
This is how we battle
It's the way of the Jomsvikings

-At Dawn's First Light-

At dawn's first light
Run for your lives

Viking ships come out of the mist
Ominous sight
Flee or stand fast
You won't last

Warlords invade with axe and blade
Attack at first light
Unstoppable force
No remorse

Under attack, no turning back
You cannot run
Nowhere to hide
No shelter inside
Under attack, no turning back
Slaughter's begun
Nowhere to hid
No shelter inside

Slashing, killing
Thrashing, spilling
Blood for honor, death, and glory!

Out of the night
At dawn's first light
Longships arrive
Run for your lives!

Wounds won't mend your bitter end
Death to all
Flee or fight
No one survives

Bloodshed won't stop
'Til the last drop
You will fall
It matters not how hard you fought

Under attack, no turning back
You cannot run
Nowhere to hide
No shelter inside

Under attack, no turning back
Slaughter's begun
Nowhere to hid
No shelter inside
Slashing, killing
Thrashing, spilling
Blood for honor, death, and glory!

The ships bring terror to these shores
Death and all out war
Their oars are cutting through the waves
Like spades are digging graves

At dawn's first light
Run for your lives

Out of the night
At dawn's first light
Longships arrive
Run for your lives!

-One Thousand Burning Arrows-

They bring him to the shore
His ship is ready made
He will not see them anymore
Here he cannot stay

The brotherhood is gathered
Their faces hard as stone
They have come to take farewell
In silence they mourn

"Our king has left our ranks
a wise and noble man
We owe him loyalty and thanks
He ruled with a steady hand

He will be missed by all
His heart has now been stilled
Tonight he'll dine in Odin's Hall
There he'll drink his fill"

The ship glides gently on the waves
As day turns into night
One thousand burning arrows
Fill the starlit sky

Two ravens on the longship
They spread their pitch-black wings
And lift up to the burning sky
A send-off for a king!

Into flames! The longship burst into flames!
Black smoke is rising high
To the eternal night

Into flames! The whole world burst into flames!
Nothing will be the same
Things will forever change

The flames are raging higher
They gnaw at wood and flesh
Soon the ship will break apart
And sink into the depth

This night we wait in silence
And when the morning breaks
Our king has left this world to walk
Through Valhalla's gates

-Vengeance Is My Name-

The odds are stacked against me
Outnumbered three to one
These men are seasoned warriors
But I stand my ground

Let them come
Cut them down

No chainmail for protection
I don't have a shield
Surprise my one advantage
Keeping my sword concealed

Out of sight
Prepared to bite

The first man's coming at me
I am not afraid
The time has finally come now
To introduce my blade

Fear its name
Feel the pain

This is my sword
We are one and the same
My enemies' woe
Vengeance the name

The blade is swift and ruthless
It deals in death and harm
And as he tries to grab me
It cuts through his arm

First cut
Blood is shed
Snow turns red

I've struck fear in their hearts
Now let the slaughter start

This is my sword
We are one in the same
My enemies' woe
Vengeance the name
This is my sword
The dealer of pain
Death of my foe
Vengeance the Game

The next man over reaches
And so he winds up dead
One cut is all that's needed
I removed his head

There's only one left standing
He's lost the will to fight
I point my sword towards him
He quickly takes flight

From my sword
My reward
This is my sword
We are one and the same
My enemies' woe
Vengeance the name
This is my sword
The dealer of pain
Death of my foe
Vengeance my aim

-A Dream That Cannot Be-

Years of wait are over now
She's almost in my grasp
Now I will fulfill my vow
She will be mine at last

I feel him near
The boy estranged has now returned a full grown man,
But still I fear that nothing's changed
He simply does not understand

Come with me
I'll set you free
And I'll show you
What your life could be

You can't see
That I am free
My life is mine, not yours.
So leave me be

Through forests deep, over mountains high
I've crossed the waves for her
In shadows dark, this cursed night
My thoughts and memories stir

I've left the memories
Of our youth behind
I don't know what he hopes to find
In the shadows he waits for me
For a dream that cannot be

Come with me
I'll set you free
And I'll show you
What your life could be

You can't see
That I am free
My life is mine, not yours.
So leave me be

She refuses to leave
So I grab her by force

I pull the knife I've concealed
I put the edge to his throat

Shocked by the attack
I can feel her final words sear

Leave and never come back
Or I'll cut you ear to ear

You can't see
That I am free
My life is mine, not yours.
So leave me be

I'll set you free
He said to me
And I'll show you what your life could be
I am free
She said to me
My life is mine, not yours.
So leave me be

-Back On Northern Shores-

A thick fog lies ahead
The ocean's deadly calm
Their ship glides on the silent waves
Into the unknown
He cannot turn around
For him it's much too late
He puts his back into the oar
And rows towards his fate

The ship cuts through
The milk white mist
Through the blind they clearly hear
The oar strokes of their mighty fleet
Battle's drawing near
His heart pounds loud and wild
He's waited for this day
Then suddenly a dragon's head
Appears out of the haze

Back on the Northern shores
Just as he once swore
He vowed to return
And to make them burn

Then a Northern wind picks up
It sweeps the mist away
A might viking fleet appears
Patiently they wait
"Death or victory!"
Words by which they stand
No turning back! In for the kill!
Led by thy command!

"All men grab your swords and shields
The enemies lay ahead!
We'll make this bay our battlefield
and fill the waves with dead!"
Darkness then descends
Day turns into night
A massive cloud of thousand arrows
Fills the misty sky

With violent force
The two fleets crash
The battle now begins
Cries of war as weapons clash
Uncertain who will win

Thunder rolls 'cross the waves
Lightning cracks the sky
Clouds release hail big as grapes
As arrows are let fly

Hear the berserks roar!
They call to mighty Thor!
The fury in their raging eyes
Will burn forever more
Hear the weapons sing!
Feel the arrows sting!
They climb onto the Earl's great ship
And begin to swing

The fight is fierce as they attack
With sword and axe, no guts, no glory!
Arrow pierced, they won't back down
They battle on with heart and fury
Then it turns
The flanking ships give way
And soon they are embattled
Standing firm! Fight 'til death!
They refuse to die like cattle

Fighting for his life
No holds barred
So close to revenge
Close but yet so far

Then he stands before him
It's like the battle fades
He sees his father's eyes
As he's struck into the waves

Back on Northern shores
Just as he once swore
He has met his fate
In these cold dark waves

He looks to clouds up high
A dead and distant stare
She comes out of the light
See the chariot flare
Standing on the shore
He hears her silent call
Freja leads him through the door
Into the great hall

All Lyrics and Album Art Are The Property And Copyright Of Their Respective Owners And Are Provided For Educational And Personal Use Only

Anything Missing? Anything You Want To Add?


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